The most useless Grimoire

"What do you mean you can't read it?" Samir spat derisively.

"J-just as I said," Caelus responded, his brow twitching with frustration. "It's written in-in a l-language I've never even s-seen written about in history books."

"Some historian and scholar you are," the Prince growled. "We sent her to the Mirage for a book we can't even read."

Caelus stood from the desk and slammed his fist on the wooden surface. "I d-don't think you have the right to-to look d-down on me when I'm not convinced y-you can read at all! I've n-never seen you in your own library, dog. I-I'm going to study and attempt to t-translate it, obviously."

Rasne deflated. Ever since Nazmi left, the two had been arguing nonstop. He never thought he would actually miss the girl, but at least when she was around there was some semblance of peace in the god-forsaken palace.