Premature escape

Nazmi spent yet another day inside the clear confines of her magical cell. It had officially been a week since she was locked away, and she hadn't seen Aero for three days since his visit. She could only hope that Caelus had met up with him as she had wanted… but there was no way for her to know that until later.

The nymph felt lucky that she didn't need any real sustenance to survive, because the food and water they offered to the others appeared to be cursed… or at least magically tampered with. They never even brought her any, and she assumed it was on purpose. Whether out of spite, or because they knew she was a nymph and were planning to drain her of her strength before attempting to run tests on her again.

She hadn't seen the sun or moon since she arrived, though, and after a week, the effects of a malnourished and neglected plant had begun to take place.