Mysterious collusion

After relaying the story told to her by Tsekani to her Prince, both Nazmi and Samir were vexed.

"She hasn't been working alone," Prince Samir muttered under his breath. He heaved a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through the unruly locks of curled hair that cascaded down his back. "I guess it makes sense, given just how much damage she's been causing – but I have no fucking clue who her partner could be. It's most definitely not our useless father; his power has long-since deteriorated into a state where any one of us could beat him."

Nazmi hummed in thought. "Are there any other powerful pureblooded vampires out there that might be willing to give a hand? Surely the royal family isn't the only one with martial prowess, or an affinity for scheming."

"None that I couldn't best in every way," Samir responded almost instantly, his flat tone indicating his offense from the insinuation weaker vampires could beat him in any fashion.