The command echoed through the tumult of clashing swords and spilt blood as Emperor Wang Cang Hai of Fanrong ordered his forces to engage the opposing army. Amidst the chaos, a man stood unwavering, clad in resplendent steel armor etched with intricate engravings, brandishing a pristine iron sword. Unfazed by the surrounding madness, the man pressed forward.
His singular objective: to eliminate Emperor Wang Cang Hai and reclaim his beloved. Nothing in the world could sway his unyielding determination. Stepping purposefully, he aimed his sword at the steadfast monarch astride his mount. A surge of anger propelled Wang Cang Hai's voice.
"Shen Ai Shang! How dare you! You traitorous bastard!"
"Yes, Your Highness. I dare. Your tyrannical reign ends here!"
"In your dreams!"
Shen Ai Shang's expression darkened as he poised his sword, delivering a swift and forceful strike towards the emperor. The slicing blade cleaved through the air, homing in on Wang Cang Hai, only to be intercepted by the emperor in a deft move, catching the deadly edge just before impact.
Undeterred by the thwarted assault, Shen Ai Shang closed in on the man, who had dismounted from his horse, persistence etched across his face.
In a whirlwind of cuts and slices, the two men were locked in a deadly dance, each intent on persevering until exhaustion claimed them. Shen Ai Shang had meticulously assembled a coalition of men and alliances for this pivotal moment, all in a fervent effort to safeguard the love of his life, Bai He, and save the people of Fanrong. The gravity of the situation loomed large—if he did not emerge victorious this day, how could he face the country? Every resource at his disposal was marshaled for this crucial clash; he was determined to utilize everything within his grasp to secure triumph.
As the battle with Wang Cang Hai unfolded, Shen Ai Shang's resolve intensified, manifesting in each progressively weightier blow. The stakes were high, and he pressed on, driven by an unwavering will to emerge victorious and ensure a future with his beloved Bai He.
Time passed and Shen Ai Shang couldn't ignore the stark contrast in experience between himself and Emperor Wang Cang Hai. While undeniably talented, Shen Ai Shang had spent at most two years refining his swordsmanship, a fraction of the 21 years the emperor had devoted to mastering the art. Despite this glaring difference, Shen Ai Shang's skill nearly matched that of the seasoned ruler.
Witnessing the prowess of his opponent, Wang Cang Hai emitted a chilling, triumphant laughter.
"I see you've been busy—"
His blade slashed at Shen Ai Shang's arm, tearing through flesh.
"Too bad it will all go to waste."
Blood spattered, coating the emperor's sword thirsting for crimson gore. Shen Ai Shang, though grimacing in pain, stared at his bleeding arm with determination. The dripping sword pointed menacingly at his face couldn't divert him from his purpose in this fierce combat.
Summoning a surge of resilience, Shen Ai Shang, undeterred by the gash in his arm, seized his sword, swiftly parrying Wang Cang Hai's incoming strike. Though his blade remained unblemished, it mirrored the emperor's in its ominous aura.
Finally taking the advantage, Shen Ai Shang exploited the opportunity, sweeping Wang Cang Hai off his feet and inflicting a deep gash in his abdomen.
In retaliation, the emperor kicked Shen Ai Shang away, clutching his stomach to staunch the bleeding.
The unexpected kick momentarily caught Shen Ai Shang off guard, but he retained his focus. His intention was clear—to deliver a decisive, lethal blow to the adversary before him.
Raising his sword, Shen Ai Shang aimed directly for the heart. He measured each breath, ensuring that he did not lose the opportunity he sought.
With a controlled exhale, Shen Ai Shang gritted his teeth, casting a venomous gaze into Wang Cang Hai's eyes.
"Wang Cang Hai, may you never be reborn."
He surged forward, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. Pulling back for a fatal strike, he unleashed an ear-splitting war cry.
However, upon the impact with flesh, he came face to face with his lover, Bai He. Blood dripped down her garments, staining the once-clean fabric. Shen Ai Shang gasped, his voice breaking as tears welled up in his eyes.
"B-Bai He... why... Why are you here? You shouldn't be here!"
Bai He sank to her knees, reaching to extract the sword lodged in her chest. In a panic, Shen Ai Shang intercepted her hand.
"No! Don't remove it. You'll bleed more, and you'll die—please... please, Bai He!"
Cupping her face, Shen Ai Shang gazed into Bai He's eyes with desperate intensity, each word trembling with anxiety. The unfolding scene echoed through Wang Cang Hai's expression, mirroring Shen Ai Shang's distress. Despite the fervent pleas, Bai He defiantly yanked out the sword, emitting a pained groan. Shen Ai Shang gasped once more, gripping onto Bai He's shoulders.
"Bai He! Are you foolish? You'll die! Do you hear me? You'll die! You can't die!"
A pained smile adorned Bai He's face, blood filling her mouth as she clung to her lover's visage. In a futile attempt to stall for time to save her, Shen Ai Shang ripped her skirt and applied pressure to the gaping wound in her lung. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she labored to speak through painful breaths.
"My Shang... you can't become a murderous man like his Majesty... this isn't you. What happened to the humble painter I met by the lake? What happened to the man who merely sought to paint and live tranquilly in the countryside with me? How did he transform into this ruthless general? Hm?"
Overwhelmed by guilt, Shen Ai Shang found himself unable to respond to her poignant questions. His original goal, to protect Bai He and seek vengeance against the emperor for the harm inflicted on many, had become distorted by hatred and rage. In that moment, he held Bai He's hand against his face, expressing remorse and pleading for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, Bai He, forgive me. I'll do anything, just please don't die. Please don't leave me. I'll be good, okay? We'll live in the countryside as we planned, start a family, and grow old together! Please! Bai He! Please! Don't die! Forgive me! I'll be like I was before, okay? I'll be good again! I won't touch a sword ever again, okay?! Please! Please! Bai He! Bai He!"
Shen Ai Shang cradled Bai He in his arms, his hands intertwining with her luminescent white hair, shaking with every sob. Desperately, he pressed himself against her, yearning to grasp her warmth one final time. Despite his denial, the truth lingered—he knew she had given up the second she stepped in front of his sword. His embrace tightened, clinging to her as he sensed her life slipping away.
"Bai He! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't! I didn't want this! Please Bai He, please!"
Gazing helplessly at the death of his loved one, Emperor Wang Cang Hai sat still, allowing the wound in his abdomen to bleed freely. Like Shen Ai Shang, he too was trapped in his love for Bai He. Meeting her had softened his tyrannical demeanor, but the burden of blood debts weighed heavily on him. His insatiable desires and obsessions had driven him to harm countless lives, and now, he resigned himself to this deserved fate.
As Bai He succumbed to her injury, her hands, once tightly clutching Shen Ai Shang's, slipped from his grasp and fell to the earth. Her body leaned back, and the once-sparkling eyes now dulled with an air of lifelessness. Sensing her departure from this world, Shen Ai Shang buried himself in the crook of her neck, holding onto her still-warm form.
Agonizing cries escaped him as Bai He's lifeless body disappeared into a cloud of pure, white lilies. Despairingly, he clutched and grabbed at the flowers, pressing them close to his heart. The wind turned harsh, carrying the flowers away with its breeze, lifting them into the sky.
"What's happening?"
Emperor Wang Cang Hai, his face marked with shock, observed the surreal scene, bewildered by the transformation of Bai He's body into a cloud of flowers. Although he had an inkling that Bai He was not of this realm, he struggled to comprehend the thought of the Heavens being real. His gaze shifted to Shen Ai Shang, who was seemingly unfazed by the extraordinary occurrence.
Wiping away the tears, blood, and dirt that marred his face, Shen Ai Shang rose to his feet, the pristine lilies still clutched in his hand. The wound on his arm, inflicted by Wang Cang Hai, continued to bleed, staining the purity of the white flowers as the crimson droplets trickled down his arm. His tears had ceased, perhaps due to a coarse throat or an empty well of tears. It could have been acceptance of his lover's demise. Whatever the reason, what remained in his eyes was not sadness but a profound sense of hopelessness, evident to Wang Cang Hai as he curiously observed Shen Ai Shang's expression.
The battle's tumultuous crescendo had subsided, and Shen Ai Shang's forces emerged victorious. The air reeked of blood and death on the desolate battlefield, yet the soldiers' jubilant cheers echoed for miles around. Those nearby rushed to Shen Ai Shang, puzzled by the sudden appearance of white lilies in the midst of the barren wasteland. Despite the confusion, two soldiers approached Wang Cang Hai, lifting him and placing him before Shen Ai Shang.
"General Shen, what do you wish to do with him?"
Shen Ai Shang's vacant gaze shifted from Wang Cang Hai's expectant face to the lilies in his hand.
"Take him to the prison. The officials there will know what to do."
Without further words, Wang Cang Hai was escorted away. Shen Ai Shang let out a heavy sigh, scanning the aftermath of the battlefield as he sought out his most trusted assistant, Chu Shang Wu.
"Chu Shang Wu!"
And just like that, Chu Shang Wu appeared before his general, bowing deeply with a hearty smile.
"Chu Shang Wu is here, General Shen!"
The warmth in Chu Shang Wu's smile gradually faded as he took note of Shen Ai Shang's lifeless expression. Though a myriad of questions swirled around in his mind, he chose to keep his silence.
"Chu Shang Wu. I will give you one last order as your general. Promise me that you will follow it until the day you die."
Chu Shang Wu knelt down, acknowledging the decree.
"Chu Shang Wu, you are one of the most loyal, virtuous, and bravest men I will ever know. In these past two years that I have known you, you have shown time and time again that you are protective and willing to defend the people of Fanrong. A man like you is worthy of being Emperor."
Staring up at Shen Ai Shang in shock, Chu Shang Wu couldn't hold his silence any longer.
"What?! But, Sir, you are more worthy than I...!"
Shen Ai Shang descended to the ground, paying his respects to the new Emperor of Fanrong, Chu Shang Wu. The surrounding soldiers followed suit, and soon the entire battlefield was a sea of kneeling figures with heads bowed.
"Glory to the new Emperor! Hurrah! Hurrah!"
The exultant cheers reverberated across the country, reaching the ears of anxious citizens in nearby towns. Overwhelmed by his abrupt ascension to the throne, Chu Shang Wu hastened to Shen Ai Shang, attempting to coax him to rise from the ground. However, Shen Ai Shang kept his position. Like a boulder weathering the fiercest storms, he stood unmoving, his convictions as unyielding as the rock that resists the relentless forces of nature.
"Are you disobeying my orders, Chu Shang Wu?"
In response to the accusation, Chu Shang Wu swiftly descended to the ground, paying his respects to his general.
"I accept your command!"
"Then rise, Emperor Chu Shang Wu. An emperor does not kneel before anything except the heavens."
Chu Shang Wu hesitated for a moment before standing, acknowledging his newfound role as emperor.
"Now go."
Resisting the urge to bow, Chu Shang Wu glanced back before departing, a procession of soldiers trailing behind him.
Now left alone on the battlefield, Shen Ai Shang could finally confront the weight of his lover's death. Memories flooded into his mind—how she looked the first time they met, standing on the glittering lake, her beauty outshining even the moon. She had been a beacon of courage, guiding him through the tragedy of his family's genocide. But now, her light was extinguished. Her beauty was no more. All that remained were memories and the echoes of her words resonating within Shen Ai Shang's mind. Regret weighed heavily on Shen Ai Shang's heart as he contemplated the price he paid for taking her radiance for granted. He acknowledged that he should have heeded her warnings, chosen a different path. Now, he found himself stained with the blood of many, a profound realization settling in his heart like an unyielding burden. In the resonance of his past deeds, Shen Ai Shang understood with intense sorrow that he had become as culpable as Wang Cang Hai.
Caressing the flowers in his hands, Shen Ai Shang raised them to his face and pressed a tender kiss upon them.
"Bai He..."
Gazing at the darkening sky, raindrops began to fall, embracing the earth below. Shen Ai Shang welcomed the soothing touch of the rain, a sad smile gracing his face as he let the rain wash over him, as if purging his sins. Perhaps, he thought, this was Bai He forgiving him. However, he knew that even if it were true, nothing could erase the immense guilt he carried.
With a final, lingering look, he clutched the lilies and walked to the opposite end of the battlefield, moving toward the sun and the town where he first encountered Bai He.
As Shen Ai Shang traversed the battlefield, he carried Bai He's memory, the lilies in his hand a bittersweet reminder of love lost. The rain continued to fall, washing away the remnants of the battlefield. In the distance, the sun began to break through the clouds, casting a warm, hopeful glow on the horizon.
With the sun on his face and the rain at his back, Shen Ai Shang whispered.
"Let's go home."
"What?! What happened to Bai He?!"
Clutching a wooden scroll in his hand, the man turned sharply, directing a murderous gaze at the attendant before him. Draped in a regal blue robe that cascaded heavily around his frame, the intricately woven gold threads shimmered in the light, reflecting onto the jade surfaces below.
"G-Goddess Bai He traveled to the mortal realm illegally and-"
"And what?!"
"She was killed…"
In a state of shock, the man involuntarily dropped the scroll, his trembling fist clenched so tightly that sparkling silver blood seeped from his hands. His eyes, now tinged with red from the depths of grief, remained dry, unable to shed tears. Detecting the man's unusual demeanor, the attendant cautiously spoke up.
"What will you do, Your Majesty?"
A glare as sharp as knives and laced with poison emanated from the man's eyes. He looked upward, narrowing his gaze as he focused on the descending constellation in the sky.
"I'm going to the mortal realm."
"Y-Your Majesty…! This is highly inappropriate-!"
Silently and without uttering another word, the man forcefully flung the attendant backward, vanishing into a cascade of green leaves and golden light. Biting his lip and wearily massaging his eyebrows, the attendant released a resigned sigh.
"This is why we mustn't get involved in emotional affairs. Your Majesty is no better than a mortal now…"
The heavens seemed to smile down upon the world. The sky stretched endlessly, a canvas of azure unmarred by a single cloud. The sun, a radiant orb of warmth, bathed everything in a golden glow, casting vibrant hues across the landscape. As the sunlit breeze played a delicate melody, lilies, their petals like ethereal dancers, twirled and pirouetted through the air. Each flower carried the essence of a timeless love, weaving a graceful ballet under the canvas of the cloudless sky. They flew through the open window and gently alighted upon the soft blanket swaddling a newborn child, Bai Yue He.
The mistress of the Bai household, Chen Qiao, gazed at her newborn baby with a tired yet affectionate smile, her fingers delicately playing with the child's tiny ones.
"You're here, my baby."
In a sudden whirlwind, a man burst through the door, his expression etched with panic. His eyes scanned the room before releasing a sigh of relief. The attending physician, in charge of Bai Yue He's birth, bowed respectfully to the man and stepped aside.
"Congratulations, Master Bai. The mistress has given birth to a healthy baby girl."
"Ah, thank you."
The man strode past the physician, his gaze fixed on his wife and newborn child. A warm grin adorned his face as he looked at his weary yet radiant wife and the peacefully sleeping baby. Silently circling the bed, he settled beside his wife, taking her hand in his and pressing a soft kiss upon it.
"Well done, dear."
Chen Qiao regarded her husband with a mildly suspicious expression, a small smile playing on her lips. Sensing her apprehension, Bai Shi chuckled softly and tenderly brushed a strand of hair away from her face.
"Don't worry, I won't wake up the baby."
Relieved that her husband wasn't indulging in his usual mischief, Chen Qiao sighed and allowed her eyes to rest. Bai Shi, with a gentle touch, rubbed his wife's palm, his eyes filled with affection as he looked at their newborn child.
"What have you named our daughter?"
Chen Qiao parted her lips, her voice a soft and rhythmic cadence.
"A hundred moons in graceful dance, radiant and pure,
United in harmony, our love will endure.
In the tranquil night, stars gleam like your eyes,
Years pass like a song, a vow that never lies."
Turning to her husband, who listened with rapt attention to her poetic verses, Chen Qiao revealed their daughter's name.
"A hundred moons together. Bai Yue He."
"It's beautiful, dear."
As Bai Shi gently squeezed Chen Qiao's hand, cradling it against his cheek, the room was bathed in a soft glow from the warm sunlight streaming through the open windows. On this auspicious day, the chosen name felt exceptionally fitting. Bai Yue He, their little blossom, slept peacefully in her blanket, seemingly embraced by the sunlight filtering through the window. The air was filled with the gentle melody of birdsong, harmonizing with the couple's joyous whispers and the sweet fragrance of lilies carried by the light breeze.
Filled with eagerness and anticipation, the two parents couldn't help but daydream about the future. They envisioned Bai Yue He growing into a graceful and perfect lady, much like the day itself.
⊱✿⊰ 14 YEARS LATER ⊱✿⊰
"Master Bai! Master Bai!"
Down the veranda, a female maidservant hurried toward the head of the Bai household, Grand Tutor Bai Shi. Bai Shi was joyfully taking a stroll, brimming with excitement on this crucial day. The buoyancy in his step, however, faltered as the cries of the maidservant echoed through the manor, and an unease settled in the old man's stomach.
He hastened towards the frantic girl, panting and spluttering, his earlier excitement replaced by a gnawing worry.
"What has He He done now?"
The maidservant bowed her head to the floor, extending out her arms in a gesture of distress. Terror washed over her face, threatening to break into tears as the weight of the news pressed heavily upon her.
"The- The Young Miss has run off!"
Bai Shi's scream pierced the air, the throbbing pain in his head intensifying. Sensing her master's deteriorating state, the maidservant urgently called for others to assist, and they quickly rallied to help Bai Shi to his room. The once joyous man was now near hysterical, his mind grappling with the embarrassment caused by his daughter's actions. How could she tarnish such an important day?
As he passed a few guards, Bai Shi, in his distressed state, ordered them to chase after his unruly child. He felt utterly humiliated. How was he going to face the imperial court after such a public embarrassment? The future that once seemed promising now hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of shame.
On the other hand, Bai Yue He was reveling in the time of her life.
As she always did, the girl pilfered her father's attire and disguised herself as a young master, merrily skipping down the bustling street market with her handmaiden, Jia Tao. The vivacious atmosphere of the market appealed to the young girl, who relished in taking her time to peruse the offerings of each stall. Among the vast selection of stalls, one in particular caught her attention.
It was a stall selling candied honey cookies meticulously shaped like delicate flowers. The elderly lady overseeing the stall keenly observed Bai Yue He's interest and promptly sprang into action.
"Young Masters! Try some flower honey cookies!"
Upon inspecting the delectable treats, Bai Yue He exchanged glances with Jia Tao, who enthusiastically nodded in approval, not noticing the lady's strange expression.
"Two cookies."
The old lady deftly wrapped the biscuits in a thin cloth, extending the delicious offering toward the 'young man' standing before her. Bai Yue He reached into her sleeve, retrieving a pouch of money. With a practiced ease, she extracted two gleaming pieces of silver and handed them to the old lady in exchange for the sweet treats.
"Thank you uh.. Sir! May Goddess Bai He bless you! Bless you! Bless you!"
Bowing her head respectfully, the elderly woman cupped the two pieces of silver in her weathered hands, casting a grateful gaze toward Bai Yue He. The neighboring stall owners, noting the apparent affluence of this peculiar customer, eagerly called out, inviting both Bai Yue He and Jia Tao to explore their offerings. After thoroughly inspecting each stall, the young girl found herself feeling tired and hungry once again.
"Jia Tao, I'm so hungry!"
The young girl exclaimed, her hand gently rubbing her stomach. Jia Tao pondered their options, her eyes scanning the surroundings before she suggested the restaurant they frequented whenever they left the compound.
"Taohua Restaurant is nearby. Shall we go there again?"
"You are a genius!"
Bai Yue He clapped her hands with delight. She seized her handmaiden's arm, leading her to the other side of the street. With a radiant smile, she beheld the restaurant and, upon entering, extended her arms to embrace the mouthwatering aroma of savory meats and pastries.
Taohua Restaurant bustled with its usual fervor. Waiters darted across the rooms like leaves in a storm—swift and unpredictable. The warm, flickering flames in the lanterns cast a welcoming glow, creating an inviting ambiance throughout the expansive building. The lively conversations of patrons echoed over the energetic play and music emanating from the center of the main room.
"Sir! You are here again! Would you like me to take you to your usual seat?"
A waiter halted in front of the two young girls disguised as men, extending his hands with a broad grin on his face. Bai Yue He cleared her throat and deepened her voice in an attempt to sound more masculine.
"No, I can find the seats myself."
The waiter chuckled awkwardly before making his departure. Jia Tao winced at her young lady's attempt to sound like a man, her teeth aching. Leaning in, the handmaiden whispered.
"Young Miss, I think you should speak normally. Using such a deep voice can make you look suspicious."
Bai Yue He silently gasped, acknowledging Jia Tao's wisdom.
"That makes sense... you are very smart, Jia Tao."
The pair ascended the wooden stairs, eventually settling into their usual seats that offered the optimal view of the shining, bustling stage below. There were two actors on stage, adorned in elaborate and vibrant costumes that matched with the colorful and rich stage decorations.
"My husband! You are a despicable man! I would die for you, and yet you tell me you love another..."
The effeminate actor dramatically averted their gaze with a sorrowful head bob, seemingly pushing the other actor, playing the husband, away with their hands in a graceful motion.
"Oh, my dear wife. You may have given me three healthy children, but I am a man born of passion! I cannot bear to keep my love for one person and one person only!"
The husband flung out his arms, pretending to rip out his heart and display it to the whole world. Although unintentional, the scene proved to be highly amusing. The audience, if paying attention, couldn't help but burst out laughing at the shamelessness of this impassioned husband.
Bai Yue He reveled in melodramatic plays such as this. How could such ridiculous stories happen in real life? It was unfathomable. She turned to her handmaiden, who handed her a few peeled nuts from a small dish on the table.
"Say, Jia Tao, do you think I can see such a scene in my life?"
The girl said, slipping a nut in her mouth. Jia Tao shook her head.
"I'm afraid not, Master. But I think it would be quite a sight."
The young miss cackled at her handmaiden's response.
"Quite the sight indeed!"
She beckoned to Jia Tao, a subtle request for a modest pour of liquor into her awaiting cup. The handmaiden, though reluctantly complying, couldn't conceal her disappointment, her gaze laden with unspoken disapproval. Sensing Jia Tao's silent reproach, Bai Yue He promptly shielded her cup.
"Never mind, never mind. I've yet to become old enough for alcohol."
Jia Tao responded with a faint smile, delicately setting the bronze liquor pot upon the table. Bai Yue He, turning her attention back to the performance, found only an empty stage.
Emitting a resonant, annoyed sigh, she rose from her seat, signaling a waiter with a graceful gesture. It wasn't long before a waiter hurried over.
"Gentlemen, may I assist you?"
Pausing for a moment, Bai Yue He pondered, a slow smile gradually gracing her countenance.
"I would like a plate of stir-fried vegetables, two bowls of rice, a plate of soy pork, some steam buns, tofu noodles, and then for dessert-"
A sudden pinch on her shoulder jolted the girl. Glancing at her handmaiden's disapproving expression, Bai Yue He dismissed the elaborate order with a wave.
"I'd like a bowl of tofu noodles, a plate of steamed buns, and two cups of sweet plum tea. Thanks."
"Yes, Sir. I will bring your food when it is ready."
The waiter bowed and departed, leaving the two alone. Seizing the moment of privacy, Jia Tao took a seat beside her young miss, gently tugging at her arm.
"Young Master, you can't spend all of your money here! Master Bai and Mistress Chen told you to save it!"
Mention of her parents darkened Bai Yue He's expression. A pang in her chest hinted at a forgotten responsibility. The realization hit her, prompting a swift reaction. Leaping from her chair, she tossed a piece of silver onto the table, shocking Jia Tao into a hurried pursuit.
"Young Mi- Master!"
Jia Tao suppressed a sigh, nearly compromising Bai Yue He's disguise. The restaurant's patrons watched in confusion as the two girls rushed past, bolting out the door and onto the bustling streets. Catching up, the handmaiden questioned her young miss.
"What happened? Why are we going back home?"
"The royal banquet! It's today! It's today!"
Dread etched the handmaiden's face. Returning home meant severe punishment. The royal banquet held paramount significance for noble families. Absence was an affront to the Emperor, risking not just personal repercussions but endangering the entire family. Bai Yue He's urgency was, indeed, justified.
As they darted through the bustling streets, the two girls encountered a congested intersection, where the pressing crowd hindered their progress. Suddenly, the resonant thunder of hooves and the spirited neighs of horses pierced the air.
"Get out of the way!"
The rider at the forefront bellowed, urging the crowd to disperse. Amidst the parting throng, Bai Yue He discerned a cascade of murmurs and jubilant cheers.
"It's General Chu!"
"General Chu is back from Hezhen!"
"We've won!"
Observing the insignia on the horses and the fluttering flags, Bai Yue He marveled—it was General Chu Mu Yang, a figure she had only encountered through tales and gossip.
"Get out of the way!"
The crowd yielded, creating a vacant path for the procession of horses and soldiers. Jia Tao and Bai Yue He stared in awe at the strikingly handsome and robust men, occasionally sharing giggles when locking eyes with some of them, momentarily forgetting their disguised identities.
Amidst the sea of grown men, an anomaly caught Jia Tao's eye—a young teenage boy, nearly the same age as Bai Yue He. She nudged her young miss and pointed.
"Young Miss, look at that boy!"
Turning to follow Jia Tao's gesture, Bai Yue He squinted her eyes and beheld a lad of about 14-15, his face concealed from view.
"What's a little boy doing in the army?"
She asked, captivated by the mysterious figure.
"I'm not sure. Maybe he's one of those war prodigies, like Chu Zhong Si."
"Chu Zhong Si?"
Bai Yue He redirected her attention to Jia Tao, intrigued. Who was this Chu Zhong Si?
"Do you not know him, Young Miss?"
Bai Yue He shook her head.
"How do you not know him?! Chu Zhong Si is so famous! He is General Chu Mu Yang's only son, and he's very close to becoming a general like his father despite only being 15!"
In a moment of revelation, Jia Tao leaped and gestured toward the young boy.
"That—that little boy there is Chu Zhong Si!"
The revelation rippled through the onlookers, who began to cry out as well. Bai Yue He, unable to see the boy's face through the sun's harsh light, regretted the missed opportunity to witness the reputed charm and prowess. She could only imagine that he must be as formidable and striking as his father.
It seemed the renowned figures of Fanrong had congregated on this random street. Bai Yue He laughed nervously, unsure of what to make of the situation.
After the horses and men had passed, and the street regained its normalcy, Bai Yue He grasped her handmaiden's arms and spun her around.
"Jia Tao, what were we doing before? I forgot."
Jia Tao, startled by the abrupt question, exclaimed.
"The royal banquet!"
"Oh no! We are definitely too late!"
With a renewed sense of urgency, Bai Yue He and Jia Tao darted through the busy street leading to the Bai Manor. The vibrant market buzzed with activity, and their sprint became a weave through a labyrinth of stalls and hurried pedestrians. The fear of consequences hung over them like a looming shadow, each step intensifying the weight of their tardiness.
Bai Yue He, her heart pounding, couldn't shake the nagging worry about the repercussions of missing the royal banquet. Jia Tao, at her side, matched her pace, exchanging glances that mirrored a shared concern. The crowded street posed a challenge, as they maneuvered through the ebb and flow of market goers.
The distant silhouette of the Bai Manor loomed ahead, a distant beacon that both spurred them forward and heightened the fear of arriving late.