Chapter 1: First Step

In the dark void , a man named Keisuke Minami lay in his dream waiting to be awaken into reality. But , as he open his eyes , he realize that he is not in his home. Instead , he look around to find that there are more people beside him are here inside a very big hall room. Soon after , there's a man standing on the stage in front of them then tell everyone in the hall to assemble to the front of the stage. Minami soon get up and goes to the gathering as the rest followed. After all of them are finally gathered , the man on the stage start to speak.

Fudo: "Greetings everyone. My name is Akihiro Fudo and I am in charge of this strange place. I know that all of you may wonder how you are ended up in here but unfortunately , we don't have any information related to this phenomena. We can provide you a place to stay for the time being and we call this place , Sanctuary. For now , we will give you a number of your bed to rest. That's all for today and we will inform you further details once you have rested."

Thus , Minami get the given number to his bed and proceed to go to the men's dorm to rest until the next day.

On the next day , Minami arrive at the same place were everyone had gathered then soon after Fudo is going up the stage with another man then the man stand in front of everyone while Fudo stand at the corner of the stage.

Tozen: "Good morning everyone , despite all of you may not know the weather outside of this building , I will explain to all of you later. I am Ishikage Tozen assign to assist the scout team and today , I will explain to you about the structure of this world. In this world , there are 5 buildings which are South , North , East , West and Center building. Each of this buildings is connected to one another with what we called 'terminal'. We are currently at the South building but sadly , we cannot guide you to any other building because all of them are swarmed by merciless monsters called 'Gaoru' so it is dangerous.These buildings also surrounded with crimson ocean so , these buildings are supported with concrete pillars to stay above the ocean water. As for the weather , you can see the outside where the sky is red which mean it is morning and when the sky is turning into glowing dark blue , we considered it as night time. For now , we would like to give you a weapon for self defense whenever you encounter any bad creatures outside the Sanctuary. Your mission is to reclaim all the buildings that are invaded by Gaoru and find any information regarding of this world. You may hunt Gaoru with the group you have join provided by Fudo-san. For now , there are 9 groups available and you can choose any of these groups you would like to join. That is all I can explain , thank you for listening."

After the gathering is ended , Minami walk around the hall to find a team suitable for him and ended up couldn't find one. He then sit and lean on the wall thinking for another plan but soon after , a girl walk up him.

The girl: "Hello there , you must be looking for a team right ?"

Minami: " did you know ?"

The girl: "I found you were walking aimlessly among the crowd and I can't help but giving you a chance to join my team. How about it ?"

Minami is hesitant about it and soon accept her offer.

The girl: "That's great , we'll meet at the 'South to East' terminal tomorrow , okay ?. Oh , I forgot to introduce myself , I'm Urehara Ren , nice to meet you."

Minami: "I'm Keisuke Minami , nice to meet you too."

Thus his new journey in the unknown world begin.

(End of Episode 1: First step)