Chapter 7: Ashes

11 days ago at the greenhouse , Mizuki who meet a group of humankind for the first time in years unfortunately is having a confrontation with one of their team leader which is happen to be Kojima.

Mizuki: "For the last time , I won't allow you to take one of these fruits. It's dangerous that one of it could be poisonous if it were taken without caution."

Kojima: "Then how about you show us the way to pick the fruits safely ?"

Mizuki: "I don't think you have that such interest. You only care of the fruits then sell it to the others for your own personal gain and come back to me to demand more. A greedy man such as you is the reason why I won't let you have it."

Kojima: "Is that so...then I have to take it by force !"

He begin to order some of his group to take any fruits they see but as soon as they're about to touch the fruit , many trees with spikes on it's trunk start to grow quickly from the ground creating the boundaries between the fruits and Kojima's group. As everyone in the group are shock by what they're witnessing , Mizuki warned;

Mizuki: "Get out of this place this instance. If I see any of your kind stepping on my garden next time , I won't hesitate to torture you in slow agonizing pain."

Everyone doesn't have any choices then one by one they begin to leave the garden leaving their leader as the last person to leave. As it reach to his turn , he take a few steps toward the exit then he turn around and look at her with rage;

Kojima: "You will pay for this. I swear on my vow that your garden will burn to hell along with you."

As Kojima leave , Mizuki had the fear in her and concern that her garden may have the possibility to burn down by them in near future.

Then back at the present day , 5 minutes before Minami and the others know about the fire , Mizuki is taking care of the melon like fruits when all of the sudden , she smell something burning near her area. Soon after , she realize something about what Kojima is said 11 days ago then she run to the entrance to see what is happening. When she's arrive , she is surprise to see a blazing fire start to spread toward her so she run away from the fire and begin to find another exit. Meanwhile at the Sanctuary , Seo , Varmoth and Katashi are running in a hurry toward the West building.

Varmoth: "Are you sure about this ?"

Katashi: "I heard it from other group were they spreading the rumour about Kojima and his group are planning something about that greenhouse. When Minami and I decide to follow them until they reach at the greenhouse , they begin to throw an unknown substance in a glass bottle then Kojima shoot the liquid that splash around from the bottle igniting the fire causing it to spread like wildfire."

Seo: "Unbelievable , what is he after exactly ?"

Katashi: "Who knows...Minami is waiting for us near the greenhouse area so we have to hurry."

Once they arrive at the meeting point at West building , they proceed to go to the greenhouse as fast as they could to save Mizuki. They reach at the entrance and it is already spread with raging fire preventing them from entering.

Seo: "Damn it , we can't go through here. Is there any entrances we could find ?"

Varmoth: "Over there !!"

She point out that there's a hole recently destroyed by collapsing part of the greenhouse. As it about to collapse again , Minami without any thought run toward the hole before it collapse and able to get in while the others stay outside.

Seo: "You and Katashi look out for other exit so Minami can find another way out. I'll stay and look around the area if there's any Gaoru nearby."

Varmoth: "Got it."

Katashi: "Understood."

They soon begin to search the exit for Minami around the greenhouse while Seo leave the area to find people who responsible for committing arson on the garden. Meanwhile , Minami reach to Mizuki's garden despite the thick black smoke floating above him. He keep on searching and finally able to find her who unconscious near some pot of unknown plants. He carry her with both of his hands and begin to find a way to get out but with the thick smoke , he couldn't see anything surround him. Soon after , he heard a shouting voice coming from his right side and it is the voices of Katashi and Varmoth. On the outside , they both waiting and hoping for Minami to follow their voices then before long , Minami jump out of the exit and then , they along with Mizuki escape the greenhouse area before it is swallow up by fire. Meanwhile Seo look around the building to find culprit and as soon he arrive at the terminal to Sanctuary , he find that there's a group of 5 people who are about to leave West building. He know very well that these people are part of Kojima's group due to their involvement with Mizuki. As they leave , he wait at that spot then soon greet by Katashi and Varmoth follow by Minami who carry Mizuki.

Seo: "Is she fine ?"

Minami: "Yes , there's no any injuries when I found her."

Seo: "That's great. We'll bring her back to the Sanctuary and wait for her to awake."

They agree by Seo's decision and thus they're going back to the Sanctuary. As they walk back at the Sanctuary entrance , everyone are looking not only them but also Mizuki who is being carried by Minami. When they stop by near Kojima and his group , he is surprise that they found her alive so he goes toward Minami with frustration but interfere by Seo who block his way.

Kojima: "What were you thinking !? , this woman is dangerous to bring her here. She could kill us all the moment she wake up."

Seo: "If it wasn't for you , none of this would happen. She'll be safe with us.... If I see you or your group attempt to harm her again , I won't hesitate to cut you down with my blade. Do you understand ?"

Kojima won't say anything then order his group to leave as he too leave them.

Few days have pass and Mizuki is finally wake up from her sleep. As she sit up from laying on the bed , she is greet by Varmoth who sit beside her bed.

Varmoth: "Good morning , Mizuki-chan."

Mizuki: "Oh...good morning."

Varmoth: "Have you sleep well ?"

Mizuki: "Yes..."

Varmoth could see Mizuki who is somehow sad then she ask;

Varmoth: "Is something wrong ?"

Mizuki: "...Well , you probably know that my garden is already burn to ashes by now. I don't think I could grow it back without the seed that I need."

Varmoth: "I"

Seo: "Hey Varmoth , is she awake already ?"

Varmoth: "Oh hey Seo-san , yeah she did."

Mizuki look to her left and see Seo appear behind the curtain.

Seo: "How you've been ?"

Mizuki: "I've been great...I would like to thank you for saving me."

Seo: "Oh uh , it's not me who saved you. It was Minami who did."

Mizuki: "Oh , may I know where he could be ?"

Seo: "He would be here right"

Katashi: "Hey everyone."

Minami: "Sorry we're late."

Seo: "Here they are."

Katashi and Minami soon appear but as Mizuki look at what they carried on both their hands , it surprise her.

Mizuki: "That pot..."

Minami: "Well , when you were passed out , we decided to find what was left at the greenhouse. Soon after , we found 4 pot of plants buried under the rubble. It must be the plants that you protected when I found you unconscious near it."

He then give one of the pot of plant to her. As she look at it , she gently grip the pot with hope and look at them with an honest smile.

Mizuki: "Thank you so much."

Now that their work to search the plants is worth the effort , they soon celebrate of having her as part of their group.

(End of episode 7)