Chapter 23

Haruna stares at the thermometer with a heavy heart. It’s been three days, and Eiharu’s fever is still high. She tried to reason with him so they could visit the hospital, but Eiharu strongly refused. His mood was so sour that he lashed out despite the hoarse voice and how difficult it was for him to speak properly. The draggy words leaving his mouth were said in a harsh tone, to the point of silencing Haruna.

“Eiharu, wake up a bit.” She carefully shakes Eiharu’s body. “Grab a bit and take your medicine.”

Eiharu frowns deeper, and he stirs. His inaudible groans sound like a pitiful whisper of someone on his deathbed. With much difficulty, he tries to roll and forces himself to get up. His unkempt appearance makes him look like a permanent resident of an asylum. In short, Haruna is fighting back her desire to comment about how unruly he is.

“I have to go to work. You… don’t skip your lunch.”


“Don’t skip your meds either.”


“Change your clothes, and don’t forget to wipe your sweat off. I already refill your bottle of waters, so I hope you don’t have to go to the kitchen to refill it in the middle of the day.”

Eiharu inhales shakily. His mouth moves slowly to munch on the soft bread Haruna has prepared. It tastes bland, a bad combination to his bitter mouth, but he doesn’t complain. He has no energy to fully open his eyes, let alone protest.

“I’m leaving, okay?” Haruna touches Eiharu’s forehead even though she knows it’s burning as bad as yesterday. “ properly.”

Eiharu just nods, not even looking at Haruna. His mind is only half-conscious to be aware of his surroundings. In the past three days dealing with endless nightmares, his is thoroughly spent. He is mentally and physically exhausted. As much as he wants to rest, the image of Toshiya appearing in his dream every time has drained his soul to the last drop. Ah, how he wishes to sleep without any dreams at all.

After forcibly gulping down his medicine, Eiharu lets his listless body drop back on the mattress. Even though he doesn’t catch the flu, his nose feels blocked. It’s hard for him to breathe properly. Breathing through his mouth makes his lips dry, and no matter how much he tries to moist them back, it’s useless.

He feels the pillow vibrate and tries to open his teary eyes. The room is dark, so he barely sees anything without his glasses. He has to squint hard to make out the shape of things within his vision range. His hand fumbles around, looking for his phone somewhere on the mattress, the source of that annoying vibration. He keeps his eyes closed, doesn’t bother looking at the caller’s ID, and just presses answer. As much as he hates unannounced calls, he has no strength to reply to a text.


‘Ei? Are you okay?’

“What do you think…”

‘Yeah, it’s a dumb question, sorry.’ Hakaru’s voice is low and reeks of worry. ‘Look, I don’t want to disturb your rest, but… I’m worried. It’s been three days, right? Shall I take you to the hospital?’


‘If something bad happened because we didn’t take care of it immediately, I would be guilty. Please? I’ll stay with you.’

“No..” Eiharu frowns. He is getting annoyed. “No hospital. Forget it. I’m off.”

‘Wait, wait! Hold on! Okay, no hospital. Can I visit you? I’ll bring gifts. What do you want to eat?’

“I don’t wanna see anyone..” Eiharu’s eyes reopened. He looks sad even though Hakaru can’t see it. “I don’t… wanna see anyone…”

The other line was silent, so Eiharu thought Hakaru had already cut off the call. He lets his phone stick to his ear, not noticing Hakaru is still there listening to his inaudible complaint about things Hakaru couldn’t understand. Still, Hakaru says nothing and just listens. Whatever Eiharu says, it sounds like weighing Eiharu’s mind so heavily.

In the end Eiharu inhales. He stopped talking midway as if giving up. Then again, he is unsure what he has been blabbering about.

“Forget it…” He throws his phone away and returns to sleep. He can’t force himself to stay awake any longer.


It’s in the middle of lunch hour. Haruna and Kanryou are having their lunch in the usual corridor. Haruna was the one who invited him to eat together. Though, with a cup of coffee in his hand and an empty sandwich package, he waits a long while for Haruna to say something, yet the middle-aged woman keeps silent while slowly munching on her food. She is clearly distraught.

“So,” Kanryou tries to break the silence, “how’s Eiharu-san’s condition?”

“Hah?” Haruna was dozing off, so the light question threw her off-guard. Not to mention, the topic is something that has weighed her mind in the last few days. “Ah… Eiharu, eh… he’s still the same. His fever hasn’t gone down at all. This morning when I took his temperature, it’s still past 38 degrees. I’m really worried but he refused to go to the hospital.”

Kanryou involuntarily frowns. “Still?”

“Yeah. it’s getting worrisome.”

“Have you considered forcing him to go?”

“Of course. The thing is, Yukisada-kun, he is not a little child anymore. I can’t carry him in my arms, let alone deal with his tantrum. If he hits me, I can’t stop him.”

“I don’t think he’ll go that far.”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s a fact that he lashed out on me whenever I tried to talk to him.” She inhales deeply. “That kid acts so childish even though he clearly not in a shape to do anything himself. What would he do if I’m not around? Who will prepare his meal and meds? I still have to go to work, so I can’t keep an eye on him. He’s a big boy already, and I shouldn’t feel worried about leaving him alone. But he’s sick right now, I’m still worried even if he annoys me to no end. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.” Kanryou softens his tone and smiles reassuringly. Eiharu mentioned their sour relationship, which was not the first time he heard Haruna complain about Eiharu’s attitude. The more he listens, the more he knows they don’t know how to communicate properly. “He isn’t feeling well, so I’m sure he is upset because his body is uncomfortable. He doesn’t mean to trouble you at all, Seishichi-san. And you did so well at catering him. As you said, he’s not a little boy anymore, yet you still did such length for him. You did great.”

Haruna gives him a look. She still feels hopeless with Eiharu, but Kanryou’s sweet words ease the tension. She has been on edge as she doesn’t know what to do to make Eiharu get better. She will also lash out if she stays home and deals with Eiharu’s attitude. It’s a good thing that she doesn’t, despite can’t help but think that she should.

“He is going to be okay, right?”

“Yes, it’s just a fever. Even though I’m also worried because he hasn’t recovered, I’m sure it’s not something life-threatening.”

“I don’t understand why a mere heatstroke caused him a fever this long.”

“...maybe he is shaken.”

“Huh? From what?”

Kanryou realized he just voiced out his thoughts. “Ah, nothing.” Kanryou smiles. “I mean, that day was awfully hot. The weather forecast reminded us about it.”

“Well… yeah…”

“Since Eiharu-san’s physical condition isn’t fit from the start, it’s natural if he can’t handle the heat.”

“Now that you say it, he never exercises. He only stays in his room without opening the window at all.”

“Mm, yeah.” Kanryou looks at her. “Say, Seishichi-san, may I… come today? I want to see his condition.”

“Sure, of course. You’re always welcome to visit. You don’t even have to ask.”

“I don’t want to be impolite. Besides, Eiharu-san probably doesn’t want to see any visitors. I’ll try to ask if I can come to see him.”

“He’s sick right now, and it’s already a miracle that someone wants to see him.”


She waves her hand. “We have the same shift today, so let’s go after work.”

“...alright, then.”

Still, when they parted as the break was over, Kanryou sent Eiharu a text asking about his condition. Eiharu doesn’t read the text, let alone replying. Kanryou’s calls were also ignored. Seeing his idle status, Kanryou guesses Eiharu is probably still asleep; he hopes so.

When Kanryou thinks back about the timing of Toshiya’s appearance that day, he can’t erase his suspicion about their meeting. Where and how exactly, he had no idea. Eiharu’s behavior changed too suddenly to call it a coincidence. Since he hasn’t talked to Eiharu at all since the day he left the hospital, Kanryou has no way to confirm his suspicion yet. Right now, his main concern is Eiharu’s health. To have a fever that high for three days could be dangerous. If Eiharu doesn’t take his medicines and food regularly, his condition will only deteriorate faster. And, if his mental condition is as bad as Kanryou afraid of, it’s not surprising if Eiharu suddenly charged into an emergency.

In the end, he only sends another text telling Eiharu that he will come after work, tagging along with Haruna. Even that message was left unread until Kanryou’s shift was over.



Eiharu’s consciousness has been fleeting since morning. He wakes up around every couple of hours from dehydration. Each time he took a sip from the bottle of water Haruna prepared, his throat burned him, stopping him from swallowing anything. The bites he took each time he woke up also tortured his throat, if not more. Still, he forced himself to eat something. Unlike how he used to, he is more willing to deal with his sickness now.

He clears his throat a few times, coughing from the dryness, and tries to roll around to get closer to where the nightstand is. His back accidentally bumped into something--someone--as he does, and he involuntarily squints his eyes. The bright light from the lamp hurts his already aching head. The room was still in darkness when he was awake the last time. The one who bothers to light the room is usually Haruna.

-Mom… has she returned from work?-

Though, the one sitting on the edge of his bed is obviously not Haruna. Haruna doesn’t have a pink head. And he only knows one person with that hair.


“Hi.” Kanryou smiles and lightly touches Eiharu’s forehead. “Your fever is a degree lower, that’s good.” He handed Eiharu the water bottle and helped him drink. “Your mother is preparing dinner. Can you eat?”

“A bit…” His voice is still hoarse. “Why are you… here?”

“To visit. I texted you, but I guess you didn’t read it.”

Eiharu didn’t touch his phone after answering Hakaru’s call. He doesn’t know how many hours have passed or how many times he got woken up in between. Kanryou said his fever has gone down by a degree, but he honestly doesn’t feel any different. It’s still scorching hot, and his head is still spinning.

“I’m okay…” EIharu forces himself to speak after gulping down the water, ignoring the burning sensation in his dry throat, “I’m still alive…”

Kanryou’s expression dims, though Eiharu can’t see it. As a doctor, hearing such a word sounds like a jinx, and he hates that. He won’t comment on Eiharu’s pessimistic response. It won’t do well on both of them.

“A fever won’t kill you, at least,” Still, Kanryou can’t help but retort cynically, “I see you still take your medicine.”


Eiharu wants to lay back down, but his damp shirt is getting uncomfortable. Next to Kanryou’s sitting spot, his clean clothes are already prepared. So, he forces himself to stand.

“Where are you going?”


“No need. Here, your mother already prepared a washcloth to wipe your sweat.” Kanryou points at the baskin filled with cold water. “I’ll help you wipe it off.”

“No, I--”

But Kanryou had already moved and undressed Eiharu. His hands work faster than Eiharu’s brain trying to process the offer. One second, Kanryou was taking off Eiharu’s damp shirt. Another second later, he was done wiping Eiharu’s front. He gently yet firmly turns Eiharu’s body around and works on his back.

“It’s hard to reach the back, right? But if you let it be, you won’t get comfortable no matter how often you change your clothes.”

Indeed, it’s hard for Eiharu to wipe his body properly as he has no energy. So, he has been ignoring the places which are hard to reach. Kanryou works fast and efficiently, not batting an eyelash as he wipes Eiharu’s waist and lower to his thighs. Well, Eiharu is the one feeling uncomfortable and awkward. Kanryou probably treats him like a patient; thus, there is nothing sexy in this cleaning activity at all.

“Alright, done.” Kanryou puts away the washcloth and helps Eiharu dress up as fast as he undresses him. “I’ll brush your hair. Where do you keep your hair brush?”

“Uh… I only have a small comb.” Eiharu points at his computer desk.

“That will do just fine.” Kanryou found the said comb and started combing Eiharu’s unfurled hair. “Do you have dry shampoo?”

Eiharu shakes his head. “Too expensive.”

“Ah, right, it is.” Kanryou chuckles. He patiently brushes Eiharu’s hair with his fingers, carefully untying the knotted strands before combing them away. Eiharu’s long strands covered his nape, and the front bangs reached his nose. It’s unmaintained. “How about cutting your hair a bit when you have recovered?”

“...what for?”

“To make it better.”

“No one see it anyway.”

Kanryou says nothing more and is just working on fixing Eiharu’s hair. The silence stays for a while because Kanryou is being careful, so it doesn’t finish fast like how Eiharu usually brushes his hair mindlessly. With his headache remain, it’s a bit tough for him to stand straight. Soon enough, his body limps down. Kanryou notices it and shifts a bit so Eiharu can lean on him.

Eiharu’s eyes were already closed. The way Kanryou gently treads his scalp soothes him. Amidst the discomfort of his burning skin, Kanryou’s cold touches feel like heaven. Kanryou’s body on his back comforts him. He forgot that their position is a bit… compromising if anyone sees it. Anyone, like his mother, for example, who is currently standing at the door watching them with a confused gaze.

“Ah, are you done, Seishichi-san?” Kanryou was the first to notice her presence.

“No. Yes. I mean, yes, I’m done with dinner. But…”


“There is someone downstairs. He said… he is Eiharu’s friend.”

Kanryou blinks. “Oh, okay? It’s fine to let him in, right?”

“Yes, but…” Haruna’s gaze shifts to Eiharu, “Eiharu, you… have a friend?”

Eiharu shakes his head without opening his eyes. He feels drowsy, and his consciousness is half-fading away. “I don’t have any…”

“Who is it, then? Also, he kind of looks like…”

Haruna’s eyes return to Kanryou. Kanryou blinks again and tilts his head in confusion. The probing eyes look strange, but Kanryou doesn’t know why she looks at him that way. More importantly, isn’t that guest, aka Eiharu’s friend, still waiting downstairs?

“Do you want me to take a look at the guest, Seishichi-san?”

“Hah?? Oh… yeah! You should, yeah!” She suddenly gets worked up, and Kanryou feels worried. So, he follows her downstairs after helping Eiharu to lie back down. When he reaches the living room and sees a pink head similar to his own, he can’t help but be taken aback. “Hakaru?”

Hakaru turns his head. He looks as shocked and confused. “Brother??”