Chapter 54

Fatimah said, I have been expecting you, honey.” She took my arm and led me back into the lab to a small room lined with chemicals. Two microscopes were set up side by side on the granite-block counter.

Clapper told me what he had came up with,” she said. “The champagne. Matching pantaloons. You got him Moo.”

“Match These I held out the plastic bag, we put him in the gas chamber.”

“Okay, let’s see, she said smiling. She opened a yellow envelope marked “priority, evidence, and took out a Petri dish identical to the one I had seen after the second murder. It had subject: Dorothy Noah, #62240 written on the front in bold marker.

With a tweezer, she placed the single hair that had came from the second bride into a clear slide. Then she inserted it under the scope. She leaned over it, adjusting the focus, then caught me by surprise, asking. “So how are you feeling, woman?”

“You mean Negli’s ?

What else would i mean?” She asked, peeing into the scope.