In less than thirty-minutes my house was surrounded by the cops and media, I was wheeled into the ambulance by the medic, as I was bleeding from my thighs, the last thing I remember was Fatimah, Agnes and Alice running behind the wheeler, Fatimah was crying, her eyes were swollen, Alive had a single years in her eyes, while Agnes was holding my hands before I passed out." I regained consciousness at about two hours later.
"Moo, don't ever frightened us this way again, Fatimah said smiling down at me, Alice and Agnes was just staring at me.
Girls", Richard Zaddicos was the real murderer, he killed the groom's and bride, it was all his plan, he used Lilly as the bait, He killed them I said, the words coming out of my mouth at once."
"slow down, Moo." Agnes said.
I told you all along, thank God you killed the bastard. Alice said.
I tried sitting up bit the pain in my ribs didn't allow me, and I was feeling nausea.