Emin and Miran both made a conscious effort to put the previous day behind them. They exchanged friendly banter and conversations like they normally would at school, acting as if the awkward tension had never existed. The unspoken understanding between them silently mending any cracks in their friendship. “My mother wouldn’t stop shouting yesterday about Soran’s car,” Miran told him.
“What did you do to it?” Emin asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked up from his food.
A mischievous smile spread across Miran’s face, “I trashed it.” he said. Both of them burst into loud laughter, imaging Soran’s face once he sees his trashed car. The fact that Miran’s mother could tell her son was the culprit made things even funnier for them to laugh about.
After school hours, Miran returned home to his mother while hoping Soran wouldn’t be there. Emin went to the library as usual, getting called a “nerd” by Miran before he bid goodbye to his friend.