WebNovelThe Tuner22.81%

Hi New York

It was a long flight but Jade didn't sleep a wink the cloud was so fascinating that she could hardly sleep, she would mostly stuff her self with snacks when she gets slightly hungry or she would humm her songs when she gets a little bored.

Finally the plane landed and everyone strolled out, Newyork at that time of the year was summer time, though the sun had gone down, the airport was a little crowded as people went about doing their stuffs, with her eyes sparkling with curiosity, Jade walked out of the plane and immediately she gathered attention, she looked too innocent and cute to be ignored, joined with the pure aura that sorrounded her, she would stare curiously at every little thing she passed by with her wide cute eyes y, her hand was thightly held by Turlip who feared she would walk off to satisfy her curiosity, Ixora was walking right behind them with her sleeping son sprawled on her shoulder, suddenly a bronze eyed boy blocked them, he had the face of a play boy as he ran his hand through his blue dyed hair, he tried to potray a harmless smile but his play boy looks wasn't helping at all, "hi" he said to Jade and stretched out his hand for a hand shake, but she had no reaction, the rings in his hand looked more interesting than he was, just then Turlip pushed his hand back, "get out of the way Mr, we have places more important to be" she said with a cold glare and the boy frowned, "you should mind your business" he said as he turned back to Jade whose entire attention had turned to the sponge cakes being advertised by the side of the road "cakes" she cried and the boys frown deepened, he had never being ignored before, girls fought to date him, Turlip scoffed and pulled the happy Jade away, "what if I pay for your cakes" he cried, he wasn't willing to give up and it didn't look like he would stop pestering her, Jade on the other hand didn't wish to talk to him at all there was nothing on him that looked really interesting, she took as many cake as she wanted and walked away with Turlip and Ixora, leaving the boy to pay and she didn't say a word to him till she got into the taxi "she is off limit" Turlip said to the boy and immediately the car zoomed away, he watched the car zoom off and sighed then called a number, "cousin,Tiara is now trackable" he reported and the person on the other side hummed then disconnected the call"I couldn't get the pretty girl but I pinned the wild lady" he mumbled with a faint smile as he strolled off. It was summer time in New york, people were moving here and there all doing their own things, as the car moved Jade had her face pressed to the taxi's glass looking at all the places the car passed with a mesmerised expression, the driver noticed her and took the liberty to explain the history of every remarkable place they passed until the car finally stopped at Ixora's place, they thanked the driver who gave them a lasting look before zooming off then they strolled into the house, it was a simple three bedroom apartment which gave a homely and serene vibe, once again Jade began to feed her curiosity, while the others moved the bags indoors including Roland, Ixora's son, suddenly a hairy puppy dashed across the living room to Jade and began to bark restlessly, but the girl was crazier, she picked the hairy thing up and began to poke it,"its a doggy" she exclaimed excitedly while the dog wiggled wildly trying to get away from her, she stuffed him with the last sponge cake in her pocket but it only got him wilder, finally little Roland couldnt take the dog's loud barking anymore and had to come rescue it from Jade, as soon as the dog left Jade's hands he fled under the stairs and continued his barking, but Jades focus had diverted to other parts of the house.

While in another part of town a man twirled his wine slowly but elegantly with a cold expression on his face, he looked at the red dot on the screen in front of him with a sad expression and slowly sighed with deep emotions, "she is back, she is back here in New york" he mumbled, and gulped his wine in a go, then suddenly cracked the glass cup in anger "but she is out of my reach" he muttered, another figure was sitting right across him with eyes closed, a white round lap dog is laying on his lap"it unbelievable that you still have hopes for her" the man with the lap dog muttered, his voice was cold but it could make people drunk with infatuation, his face was another story to be told, it was specially carved to kill ladies, just then he opened his eyes and his deep blue eyes scaned the silent man in front of him, "no comments?" He asked and the silent man picked his tall self up, he ran his hand through his chocolate brown hair and suddenly chuckled, "i still have deep feelings for her" he said and the man with the lap dog sighed, he stood up patted his friend and strolled out with his lap dog, leaving the brown haired man to sort himself.