WebNovelThe Tuner28.07%

Jeremy Wilson

In a small bungalow in a part of Nigeria, Africa, a white teenager with purple dyed rough hair is sitting in a dimly litt room, he his fixed in front of a monitor typing rapidly on the keyboard as strings of codes appeares on the screen just then there is a notification "access granted" and he screamed in excitement, "fools" he mumbled as his excitement subsided and picked his phone to chat with the king of Tuner's town. The boy is Jeremy Wilson last son of the ceo of one of the largest software companies in England, Mr Martin Wilson, the boy is very mischevious, with his superb hacking skills he hacks into large companies to hunt for their dirty secrets and use it to taunt them into almost comitting suicide, he once tried hacking into Cyan's company but he was caught and his location was exposed he had to leave England where he was studying computer engineering to Nigeria where he began heading his father's business, he his seventeen and very wild, he once met the last princess of tuner's town, Bloom before her accident, in an online hacking challenge and she defeated him by several points, he began to taunt her to take him as her apprentice not until he learned she was just the same age as he was then he changed from trying to be her apprentice to being her friend, she accepted, though it took a lot of persuasion, she became his only friend until she stopped coming online, he tried finding her but the informations he got wasn't convincing, he kept trying for years until the information about the tuner's disappearance reached him then he decided to play his cards with that opportunity. A picture of a taller Bloom with a falsified address in Newyork was sent to him, anyone could tell it was false except the king of tuner's town, Jeremy frowned, "do you think i am foolish, king, i would expose you to your people if dont provide Bloom's information within a week" Jeremy texted and the king went offline immediately, "bastards" Jeremy mumbled just then a call came in through his phone it was an international number and it looked unfamiliar, sluggishly he picked the call "good day mr Jeremy wilson" the caller greeted and Jeremy frowned, the voice was unfamiliar "who is this?" he asked "this is Wesley, sir Cyan's secretary" the caller revealed and Jerermy Trembled and almost dropped his phone "i, i, i already apologised for what i tried to do in sir Cyan's office, why are still after me" he cried in panick "sir Cyan isnt pursuing the matter anymore, he has a job for you in which your hacking skills might be useful" Wesley declared and Jeremy paused "is this a trap?, sir Cyan has a job for me?" he exclaimed "sir Cyan is trying to make you useful, do you want to reject the job?" Wesley questioned "I dare not reject the job" Jeremy said "good, then i would send details to you in some minutes" Wesley said and disconnected the call while Jeremy sighed he wondered what devil asked him to hack into Cyan's company, in few minutes the informations about the job was sent, "what in heavens name, RWD, i have to hack into RWD in less than a month, why wouldn't you let me be" Jeremy screamed but soon he smiled slightly when he sighted the huge pay he was receiving after the job "well then, challenge accepted" he muttered and strolled to the kitchen to make himself tea.

In the tuner's town the king is seething in anger he felt so burdened, he never had plans to do so much in the finding of the tuner but now all the towns hope was on him and his only hope is making things very stressful for him, he hit the wall in frustration and slumped on the chair in exhaustion, just then his phone beeped indicating a new message and he picked the phone, it was a message from the doctor he kept Bloom with, "your daughter's condition is worsening and my machines are less effective in her treatments, if you wish to save her come pick her up" the message said and the king slammed his phone on the wall "all burden, all burden" he cried and rubbed his head just then an idea popped into his head and he smiled brightly "i am so smart, so brilliant" he cried as he laughed excitedly then he picked him self up and strolled out of his room.