Total darkness

Laura POV

I halted as I heard what he said

 "Why do u ask ,u left so should u be the one asking the question here" I said

I know it hurt him but no matter what I must not show that I am weak around him

"Oh,am sorry for asking lead the way "he said

We walked to the hall and I left him standing I need to inform Allison of this presence

"Allison u won't believe who is here" I told her

"Who,is it Jackson??"she whispered

"No,Hayden"I also whispered

 "Father do please excuse us"Allison said and the king just waved his hand to engrossed to the show the commoner put on

 "Hayden"Allison shouted the moments she saw him

"Allison how are u doing "he asked hugging her

He didn't hug me when he saw me

 ~Hayden pov

I know lura for jealous when I hugged allison I know buttons and when to press them

"U can't be here,wait if some of Tue vampires recognise u as a werewolf then what??"aAllison said

 "Wait lura please take him to ur room while I get to father I will be back I promise"she continued and left 

 We both walked up the stairs to her room but the silence was killing me 

 "Here we are,please don't break anything"she said as I walked in and closed the door

 "What am I a child that breaks things "I asked irritated 

 "No,bit the last time u came hear u broke something that belonged to me"she said 

"Oh lura please stop I came here to apologise for leaving u k ow the situation is not that stable ur mother lussete would kill me with a flip of the finger if she ever going out then"I tried to explain

 "U never really loved me did u??"

"Of course I love u "I said

 "Then why did u leave?"she yelled

"Because I was a coward ,who feared of the outcomes,but that coward is standing here in front of you head over hells for u "I yelled also as a smashed my lips on hers

 If felt like a lifetime since I kissed her

 We kissed more but redrew to catch our breath

 "Why did u do that??" She asked absolutely flushed by the kiss

"Nothing I wanted to and because I love u so much" I told her from my heart

 "I'm sorry for leaving but am back now I have a plan to stop this feud "I said hugging her and sitting her on my lap

 We started like that for sometime

"U know I always thought u were always after anything with a skirt "she admitted

 "No way,I am only for this beautiful witch in my arms and nothing more"I told her I could tell she was blushing right now

 I kissed her hair,she stood up to look at me with those green eyes just sparkling.

 "Why are u looking at me that way?"I asked

 "Nothing,I just realised I fell in love with a very handsome man"sha said and kissed me

So dam good 

"Mm,mm" Allison cleared her throat from behind us

 " hope u am not interrupting anything ??"she asked 

 "No"lura hurriedly said as she stood up from my lap

Allison move forward but stumbled as she fell to the ground but lucky I caught her in time 

 ~Allison pov

 I have been feeling dizzy since don't k ow what's wrong with me, I almost fell coming up the stairs and now this 

 "Are u alright Allison,come sit"Hayden said placing me on the chair next to the fire

"Sis,what's wrong ure burning up"lura asked

 "Am alright just stress I think "I lied 


 "Just stress should we call ur father to call this feast off?"lura inquired 

 "No,I'll be fine ,let's go down the main event is about to start "I told them and we all went down stairs

 "Hayden we will be back"I told him as we reached our seat 

 "Are u sure u are alright ??"lira asked again

 "I don't really know tomorrow we will go see diamond she may know what is wrong"I said

 "My dear friends we are gathered here to witness the alliance of the princess,my daughter and the prince Roshan,coming together as one to keep peace and maintain unity"dad announced and u could feel my insides twist in displeasure

 I just felt like puking

 "My dearest please come"dad called me

 My head was aching as I walked down 

 "Father"I called 

"What child are u OK?"he asked and everyone stood up

"I just took one more step toward my father as I passed out 

 Fading away to darkness I just kept hearing my name 

 Then total darkness.....
