I love you

Lucia POV

What?"she exclaimed

 "let me explain" 

 Allison pov

What could lucia be saying vampires dont get pregnant! "i thought to myself

" but u are not only a vampire but also a human and humans do get pregnant"she said


I slumped on the chair trying to process what she just said

 "but why does it hurt?" i asked

 "that's is a question only u can answer?" she said 

 "how can i answer this" 

"whos the person u say u love"she asked and then i knew i was died if i tell her she will tell dad

"promise me u wont tell dad" i said

 "i promise

" jackson" i whispered and she heard it 

 "what!, jackson the alpha prince the one whose father your father hates so much he's the reason u dont want to marry roshan the reason u fight with ur father" she yelled and that made me flinched 

"please stop, i love him he loves me"i said

 "love see where love has gotten u, u dont know the implication of this pregnancy u dont know do u child" she yelled the more 


 "what the hell is going on" lura said the moment she opened the door i think she heard the noise

 "your cousin has broken her fathers trust, she's pregnant for that prince jackson" she explained to lura


 Why does no one want to listen to me 

 "i know your highness but isn't that good news still" she said

 "good news u a witch didnt your mother tell u what happens in this situation" she said

"please stop u all "i yelled i could feel my breath shorten my head was a weight on my shoulder 

" luc... I... A" i stammered as i lost balance 

 My hands started to shake as i saw thing in dizzy 

 "whats wrong allison?" 

That was what i heard until it all went dark... 

 Time skip

"diamond will she be ok? "i asked lura's voice 

 I opened my eyes to see jackson hovering over me. I opened my eyes slowly and the bright light hit me 

" uhhh"


"hazel how u? "he said patting my hair i tried to stand but he pushed me back softly

" how did i get here? "i asked when i looked around and realised i was in a hospital 

" we bought u here" someone said from behind Jackson 

 "and i called hayden" lura said

"and i told jackson all about it"hayden said in return

 "why didn't u tell me" jackson said

"cos i just found out and am stil confused"

 "u dont need to believe it its the pure truth" diamond said 

 "but there is a problem you are vampire this child in u is not just a child an alpha werewolf and....." she continued

 "and what?" hayden asked 

 "that has not been verified i still need to run some test in her i cant believe shes been 3 weeks pregnant and should no sign" diamond continued

 "will she be alright i need to know?" jackson asked 

"well i cant guarantee werewolf draw their source from something strong and this child is draining every ounce of magic in her only a strong witch can make a stable connection between them" she said

"luckily my baby doll is a very powerful witch" hayden said

"am not that strong i have not practiced magic in a long time but i can try a little" lura said which made hayden frun


 " i can teach u a spell" diamond said and held lura hands

 Repeat after me, pismetous extrovo" diamond said

Lura repeated after her and placed ber hands on my stomach a strong breeze blew pass me i could the cold air on my face, the magic surge through me 

 I closed my eyes as a tear dropped from my eye I felt jackson hold tight my hand and that gave me strength i can fight this. 

 Moments later lura and hayden went outside leaving us alone

"we have to speak with father"i said

"i know your mother told me"

 "shes not my mo....." he cut me off with his hands on my lips

 "shh, u should have seen the way she cried when we reached the hospital she really loves u" he said

 "do u love me" i asked cos i need to know if he also wants this child as much as I do 

"do u want this child too? I asked again but no really 

"tell me i want to know"i cried 

"do u..... " i wanted to ask but he cut me off with a kiss we kissed for some time but i redrew 

Our heads rested on each other

 " i love you more than u can ever imagine, you are my life hazel, u aee going to be the mother of my child i can not ask for any other woman, i dont regret ever meeting u two years no one can take me away from you" he said i fell so speechless

 "really" my dress is so wet with tears

With that he knelt down on one knee holding a box 

I covered my mouth in surpise cos am so shoked now

"its not a proposal, its a promise ring"he said and i stretch out my hand as he puts the ring

"its brings out your eyes" 

 "what promise" i asked

"a promise that i would never leave no matter what even when am not there with u always know i will alway come back"he said

"i love you so much " he said and claimed my lips once more

" thats enough u too we have to go home and we have to speak with dad"lura said

"alright "