No sleep for you

~Allison pov ~

 I and Jackson opened the door to leave but got interrupted by a hug well the luna hugged me. 

 "oh, mom when so emotional" jackson asked and we broke the hug 

"please come in let's sit"she said and walked in sitting on the bed. 

"mom, let her meet everyone first then u can talk with her"

"don't worry love i can meet them tomorrow the Luna wants to talk"i said to him and also sat down next to her

"you can call me Victoria or mother"she said lovingly

i just nodded

Jackson sighed sitting on the couch. 

 "you truly love my son and thank you for sacrificing your strength and life form for the child" she said holding my hand and giving it a little squeeze 

i tried to fight the tears in my eyes but i couldn't they just rolled down my cheeks. 

 "am sorry i just cant hold them" i chuckled wiping them off

"its your emotions they are heightened because of the pregnancy, u will get used to it, i will take care of you "she said and hugged me i whispered a thank you and broke the hug. 

" now come u must be starving i have prepared special meals for you" she said, we all stood up and left the room. 

 We all sat at the dinner table waiting for the rest to come, i was starving to death hear for no reason

Soon they all came different faces i have never seen before they stared at me before sitting 

 "hmm, it all smells good mom what's cooking" a girl said already drulling at the food

Victoria bought the food in followed by two other girls as they sat down 

A man walked in and i knew he was jackson father, the resemblance was there anyone could tell. 

"Allison how you doing now child"he said 

"am good "

 Writer pov

 Everyone couldnt stop but look at allison suspiciously well because they didnt know her 

" dad who's she? "Helen asked because the silence wasn't helping


Alpha kelly cleared his throat before looking at Jackson then turning back to Helen. 

" she is princess Allison, daughter of King daniel also the one who your brother plans to spend his life with and she is currently carrying his child"he introduced her not leaving any detail out

On hearing that Helen, elsa and Charlotte stood up and bowed lighting 

"its our honour princess you are lucky brother am helen by the way the cutest and most beautiful one in the house, jackson sister"Helen said winking her brows at elsa and char 

 Allison pov. 

 "u can call me Allison by the way Jackson never told me he had a sister" i chuckled she is really nice

. "am elsa and that char my twin sister well not identical Hayden sisters" a girl blondy said pointing to her sister who had a straight hair they looked alike a little 

Hayden never told me he had sister this family is really complicated i can say. 

"oh, there is one more person but she's not here maybe tomorrow u will meet her, Felisa"Victoria said looking at Jackson and he frowned 

 Who can she be

"ok, u all are really nice people i cant wait for you to meet my family my cousin laura will love elsa and char so much"i bluted not thinking 

"and why is that"charlotte asked already looking at me. 

"well she loves.... "

" i think it is time for yoi to take your medications now dear"jackson said standing up Victoria also stood up. 

"come Allison let me show you your room i had it prepared already"victoria said and i followed suit i frowned cos i wanted to spend the night with Jackson. 

 Moments later

 Victoria gave me some clothes i think they belonged to one of the girls 

She kept looking at me while i took the medications and the herbs she gave me they tasted awful. 

 "you want to go to him right" how did she know weird!! 

I just nodded not saying anything as a blush came up my face. 

 Jackson pov

I really need to deal with felisa problem immediately and i have to speak to Allison too before she heats it from the wrong person 

I took my bath and was drying my hair when i had a knock on the door who could it be at this hour

I opened and saw mother standing there 

"mom, what is wrong"i asked cos her face expression was not looking good

"I wouldn't stop her am sorry"she wept

stop who what happened 

I heard giggling and i peeped to see Allison standing by the wall holding her mouth what are they up to

"she will stay here tonight, she doesn't want to stay in the room"mom chuckled

"you both scared me I thought something happened"i said sighing in relief 

 "good night Victoria, thank you" Allison said and entered into the room before shutting the door

 "i missed you she said cuddling me

" u just saw me some minutes ago"

"and it felt like hours, your family is a great one you know"she said as she sat on the bed 

"yeah, but tge girls are trouble you know they really give me a hard time"i said also sitting on the bed 

 Uh, am feeling sleepy" she yourned stretching her legs and arm

"you really made fear today, so for that no sleep for you"