Lost her memory

Jackson pov. 

I could not believe what my eyes was seeing roshan kissed Allison 

 "roshan" i yelled walking towards him he redraw and looked at me. 

 "how dare you idiot" i said and punched him kicking him in the stomach. 

 "security" the doctor yelled they came trying to separate us. 

"stop it"allison yelled coming between us. 

 "my love are you alright" she said holding roshan 

saying that just made my heart sink to my stomach. 

 "let it be my love am fine" je said looking at me

 "Allison don't you know me the love of your life" i said trying to touch her but she moved away 

 "who are you darling what is this man saying" she said holding tight unto roshan. 

It was one thing to forget but not to love me and love this evil man. 

 "please the patient needs time to remember stressing her won't help her or the child" the doctor said. 

 "do u hear that Jackson stay away from her she doesn't need you" roshan said smirking 


"stop it am Allison not hazel please take this man out of here"she shouted and the security tried dragging me away 

"let go of me u will pay for this roshan "i said and stormed out of the room not realising a tear in my eyes. 

 Roshan pov

So easy to fool someone who doesn't remember anything. 

" my love don't worry this is your mom and dad "i said pushing her away from me lightly she was hugging me too much. 

" my baby thank goodness you are safe "daniel said and hugged her she returned the hug. 

 Laura and roshan wouldn't stop glancing at me for heavens sake am just too smart for them. 

" roshan can we talk"daniel said and left the room everyone followed. 

 "your majesty i don't know what happened when i heard the news i came quickly and she just hugged me calling me her love am sorry but i had to play along per as the doctors instruction" i lied 

 "really" Daniel asked. 

 "yes am just want her to remember" 

"he is right if she stays around people she is familiar with it will help alot"the doctor added. 

 "untill when will she be like this" lucia asked

 "i can't say but until then u guys have to play along" the doctor said. 

 "alright then" 

 Jackson pov. 

 "this is not ordinary i think roshan has a hand in it" hayden said drinking his juice. 

 "u think i know i will stop at nothing to expose him but for now i have to deal with helen" 

 "what about her" 

"ahh, i forgot to tell you "i explained everything to him and he gasped hearing the last part. 

 " helen is pregnant how "

" you ask me we will pay a visit to that rico kid he has some explaining to do"i said and gulped down the whole glass and paid the waitress

 "let go home she most still be crying" i said to hayden and he stood up without finishing his drink. 

 "i promise you hazel you will remember me" i said to myself and we both walked out of the bar..

 Sapphire pov.. 

I thought i heard wrong when the nurse told me that she suffered from memory loss i have to tell the boss but not on the phone. 

 "sir i have some bad news" i said when I entered the office he was starring at a picture in his hand 

 "what" he said coldly turning the chair to face me. 

 "she suffered from memory loss" 

"what how "he asked banging the table. 

" i don't know sir what it seems the only remembers prince roshan i had she thinks he is her finaçes"i said fearing foe my life i have never seen him this angry before. 

 "that kid bastard" he muttered to himself. 

 "do this for me monitor roshan I will be the one handling her case do not interfere" he said packing his things. 

 "but sir..." 

"but nothing i have made my decision"he said and walked to the door. 

I folded my fist in anger i wanted to kill that bitch myself but he has taken over if i try anything he will kill me

 "i know u are sad about William death i am too but i gave a simple instruction only her blood but he went and stabbed her what did he expect from an angry wolf" he said and left. 

 An angry wolf you haven't seen an angry witch, but i need help from someone stronger than him. 

 But who?? 

 Laura pov. 

 It's been two days since Allison was discharged roshan had alway come to visit her even Jackson but he would just stare from afar. 

 "what are you thinking my love" hayden said stalting me

 "nothing when did you arrive" i asked hugging him. 

 "not quite long she really doesn't remember" he asked and sighed. 

 "no" we walked together holding hands to my room. 

 "it's alright i haven't told you yet about..." he hesitated 

 "about what".. 

" helen"he said sitting on the couch 

 "Jackson sister what about her". 

 "forget it go take your bath you have to meet my parents today" he said and i entered the bathroom.