She never lost it

Daniel pov. 

I insisted on Houston to stay with us, he wanted to see Allison but she went out with roshan. 

"your majesty "a guard shouted running towards me. 

 " what is it who is after you "i asked he was so sweaty and breathless like someone who just saw a ghost. 

" the... The Princess has been kidnapped "he said in between husky breathes. 

 " what how, where is roshan who kidnapped her"i asked maintaining a straight face. 

"there car was hijacked i think by some werewolves i saw the princes of the lucas pack also"

Jackson i thought i told that kid to back of until she regains them in her own time

 "where did they head tell me" i yelled standing up. 

 "st. Virginia, i bearly escaped with my life" 

 "alright ready the men tell them the location" i said and rushed out of the house. 

 "st. Virginia" i said to my driver as i entered the car, he ignited it car and drove away in full speed. 

 Roshan pov. 

"sir i did as u told me his majesty is on his way" the guard i paid to tell the king what i wanted him to hear said 

"good job now make sure Allison doesn't come out of her room until am back "i ordered 

" sir"

"u will get your payment don't worry"i said and hanged up. 

 That's how to kill two birds with one stone. 

 Jackson pov. 

Without thinking twice i drove my car in full speed to st. Virginia, what the hell is roshan planning. 

 I got down from there car, looking around if there were any ambush. 

 Opening the doors, the place was empty as usual since it was abandoned. 

 "Jackson" a voice yelled my name. 

I turned and saw the king looking angrily at me. 

 "your majesty did they call you too" i asked. 

 "call, how dare you where is my daughter" he said. 

 "i came hear looking for her, i got a call telling me to cope save her" 

 "a call i was told you kidnapped her" he said

"uh, your majesty we have to get out of here now i think it's a trap"i said it wouldn't be a coincidence that someone wanted us hear at the same time. 

 "going somewhere i don't think so king" a voice said we both turned and saw roshan.

 "where is my child" Daniel yelled 

"at home where else, i can't put my love life at stack"he smirked. 

 Ahh"daniel shouted i turned to see him on the ground

 "oh stop it, it's just vervain you can't die yet" he said coming forward. 

I looked around to find who shot him but no one. 

 "what do u want" i asked 

"Allison, well i have her in my arms now i want the throne what i always wanted after all "he said. 

" you fool you have to kill me first and we both know it's impossible "Daniel managed to speak. 

" oh i can't stain my hand with blood am not a killer"he said raising his hand in the air. 

 Smoke filled the room. I sniffed it in wolf's bane 

 I gradually started feeling dizzy. That's what wolf's bane does, or weakness. 

 "it won't kill you yet, listen carefully Jackson come on don't you have werewolf ears or something" he said squatting in front of me. 

I just wanted to tear his face off but i couldn't. 

 I closed my eyes to concentrate on my environment after much listening i heard a ticking sound. 

 "bomb" i sand and he used a gun to hit me darkness took over. 

 Allison pov

 "i missed you" I ran to roshan hugging him. 

"me too come let's make a toast "he said 

 For what he seems happy he must have done something, 

" alright "i said and called my maid to being us some wine. 

" hmm, it's good "he complimented 

" i know right, drink more"i said and he drank. I poured more for him he just kept drinking until the whole bottle was finished. 

 "i don't feel good" he said staggering in his steps why wouldn't he i specked the drink when he wasn't looking. 

"alright have a sit"i said placing him on the chair. 

 "kiss me" he said and i pecked his lips, disgusting. 

 I brought out a rope from my wardrobe and used it to tie him up. 

 "what are u doing" 

"nothing just hold on for me"i said tightening the rope. 

 I bought out my switch blade rolling it in my hand, it's been long since i used this. 

 "it's been long since i used this i hope it still cuts deep" i said to him. 

 Roshan pov. 

In tried to free my self from the ropes but it didn't budge. 

I was a little tispy at first but know i can see clearly Allison is pointing a knife at me. 

 "don't bother struggling it has been vervained so i advised u to stay still" she said. I think she has regained her memory. 

 "my love are u alright have u and your meds today" i asked 

 "oh shut up pleased i never took those from the day u Brought them" she said. 

 "well then untie me this instant" i ordered. 

 "ok" she said that was easy. 

"am. Sorry my love i don't know what came over me"she cried 

Stupid girl. 

Ahh"i shouted as i felt the knife on my lap. 

"shh, does it hurt"she smirked twisting it more 

I cried in pain as she kept twisting the knife.