i still love richard

Jackson pov. 

It's been two days we have been looking for Allison. Everything just went from bad to worst. 

 Daniel went wild with anger just killing anyone he even killed two of the special put in charge to find her. 

 Laura has been giving everyone a cold shoulder she still blames herself for what happened. 

 Lucia broke down hearing the news, she has been sick not wanting to eat. 

 I and Richard have been searching for any lead but none each time he does a location spell it just back fires, nothing was helping. 

 "even if i have to lay my life down to find her i will" i said to Daniel. 

 "we have to find her i can't lose my heir and grandchild" he said. 

 I went upstairs and opened the door to her room. 

 "without you hazel, this house is a mess, moon goddess u brought us together for a reason i chose a vampire as my mate for a reason why take her away now" i said to no one. 

 I walked round the room just inhaling her scent but it is never the same. 

 *WE WILL FIND HER*Mason said through the link. 


 I just sat on the bed as memories of us together played in my head. I let all the tears roll down, i acted tough and calm in front of everyone but inside i was broken my other half was missing. 

 Hayden pov. 

 I tiptoed into laura room, if i knocked she wouldn't open up. 

I quietly closed the window but she heard and turned. 

 "what are u doing here" she asked not even sparing me a glance. 

 "i just want to talk that's all" 

"speak"she said. 

 "first of all u have to believe that it not your fault, they had a plan medusa was just a step ahead of us" 

"and u think not talking will help, Lucia is heartbroken, your mom is sad, Jackson has lost his courage and i..... Am shattered, you not talking to me is killing me aldoph is weak i can't leave feel him anymore please tinker bell come back to us"i pleaded and feel to my knees. 

 She just remained silent not looking at me. 

 My heart scattered "if that's how u want it, i might as well kill my self than live without you" i said and brought out a knife. 

 I held it, looking at it "what's the use of life, when the one you love isn't in it" i was about stabbing it when. 

 "no!!" she shouted and the knife feel from my hand. 

 Are knelt in front of me"if u want to die let me at least kill you for all the time a troubled me, how dare u leave me in this world alone"she said crying. 

 I smiled softly"now u know how it feels, look tinkerbell, it was not your fault at all we all have to walk together to find Allison "i said clearing her tears she wiped mine also. 

 " am sorry, i was just sad and angry at my self, am sorry i hurt u and aldoph please forgive me"

 "of course my love how can i stay angry with you but aldoph was off edge, he missed his mate, your scent and all" i said. 

 "and you u didn't miss me" she pouted. 

 "i will show you how much i missed you" i said and claimed her lips. 

 Astrid pov. 

 My mother have not been eating because of Allison, i never liked her because she was with laura but with the way things have been i just can't hate her now. 

 Walking alone in the halls i bumped into someone. 

 I was about falling but he caught me. "am sorry my lad..." he said but paused. 

 "bunny?" he said, my eyes widened only one person calls me bunny. 

 "Richard!, omg i missed you" i said and hugged him. My first love and i think my only love. 

 "you are choking me astrid.." he said and i quickly let go. 

 "how have u been" i asked. 

 "not good, after u turned me down i went to see my mother that was when we where kidnapped" he said and my heart sank. 

 I took his hand and dragged him to my room. 

 "my really sorry for turning you down i really love you it just at that time i was not ready for commitment" i said truthfully. 

 "it's alright Astrid my mom said the same thing" he patted my hair. 

 "i have to go now i must help my dad in finding Allison" he said and turned to leave. 

 "do u still love me?" i blurted i just want to know. 

He didn't say a thing just smiled and left. 

 I made a big mistake by leaving Richard thinking i love hayden i have to apologise to them both now. 

"i still love you Richard "i muttered to myself.