
 "what" my jaw dropped as medusa said those words. 

 "yes where is Marcus hope he kept her well and save as i assigned him" she said. 

 "in his room" i shuttered she went upstairs straight to his room. 

 "hey boy why is her door locked" i had medusa yelled i ran upstairs. 

 "i didn't lock it queen, it was sapphire she derived her food and blood for two days" he said looking at me. 

 Medusa ran out of room straight to Allison room. Just by looking at the door it bursted open. 

 There Allison laid on the floor unconscious "u stupid child" medusa yelled gripping my neck she slammed my back on the wall. 

 "i will kill you for this how dare you" she yelled tightening her grip on me. 

 Marcus just ran to Allison side carrying her to the bed. 

 "take her and lock her up until i say other wise" medusa said letting go of me. "thank your stars you are still useful to me i would have killed you already" 

 Marcus pov. 

 "what do we do Queen" i asked medusa Allison just didn't wake up her skin was looking dry as ice. The baby must have drained her for life form. 

 "slite her wrist and put it in her mouth" medusa said and stormed out. 

 The maid standing next to me immediately obeyed and cut her wrist. 

 She put her hand in Allison mouth, at first she didn't respond but soon the maid wined in pain as Allison sucked her blood. 

 "sir it hurts" the maid wined more in pain. 

 Immediately Allison eyes jolted open, she let go of the maid. 

 "my baby... My babby" she just kept muttering the same thing over and over. 

 The maid left to treat her herself. 

"it's alright you are alright "i said patting her hair softly. 

 " enough of the care, get her food and more blood in three days u will forget that thing in your womb"medusa said standing by the door. 

 "oh we will be going to where it all started" she smirked and walked away. 

 "where it all started?" i asked no one in particular. 

 "Colombia" Allison muttered. 

 *later that night*

 "it may hurt a bit" i said to Allison, i decided to help her in the connection, and since medusa trusts me she let me stay in her room. 

 "just do what u have to do," she said and Brought her hand fought. 

I use the knife to cut her hand, her blood dripping into a bowl. 

 "now just picture his face and i will do the spell" i said, she closed her eyes. 

 "incrafin sudetros" i muttered repeatedly. 

 "it is done" i said and stood up. "is that all" Allison asked. I looked at her closely. 

 "yes just get some rest now it won't take long before he starts to feel the connection getting strong" I said and patted her hair. 

 "um, Marcus can i ask you why u are doing this, i mean to go against your Queen just to help me why" she asked removing my hand lightly. 

 "cos i love you, i know you can't reciprocate my love but i will always be there to protect you my whale" i said and left before i become emotional. 

. Even if she doesn't love me i will lay my life down for her.