Pacifying The Prince's

With disappointment on Dillon's face was well explained. Dillon flew into a rage

Dillon: Vermithor repeat to my what you said...

Vermithor: F-father i-

Dillon: Repeat to me what you said!

Dillon then slapped vermithor and he fell of his horse. Dillon and thermidor got off their horses.

Dillon: Repeat it to me! Now!

Vermithor: Father I'm sorry forgive me! I didn't mean t-

Dillon: To what....

As Dillon stared him down with raged and began to slap vermithor forcing him to repeat what he had said. Thermidor began to calm his father down asking his father to not let his temper get over his judgement

Thermidor: Father! Forgive us please! You must calm down. Though vermithor has said something offensive it is not good for the imperial family to be seen falling apart!

Dillon: Fine! Sent my imperial decree! The soldiers from tarahi and Adonai are to return. The soldiers from the capital are to return with us with the 2 princes.

They then went on their way back to the capital. But the rumors about the clash spread through the other empires including Trystia. Ceres was then informed of the clash of her brothers and began to worry about her father, remembering about the stories she's heard about the deceased prince keiran and prince Esmonds rivalry. She feared that the past would repeat itself and that her brothers were to kill each other for the sake of the throne. She ran to Trystia imperial Court in a hurry. Once she arrived she requested to her majesty the eldest queen and current ruler of Trystia for her to return to Dolion border's and come to her fathers aid. She requested for her to stay there for a month to mediate the situation of her brothers

Ceres: Your majesty the eldest queen do you accept my plea? Though my brothers were rash and caused problems for both Dolion and Trystia I hope you forgive them!

The queen smirked and said

The eldest queen: My darling. I understand your position and I accept your plea. You are now my family and you shall have no fear as I trust you and your empire's loyalty. I shall send out my decree for your journey.

Ceres: I humbly thank your majesty!

The eldest queen sent out her decree and also added that Ceres was to be accompanied by 800,000 soldiers for her safety and protection. Ceres then said her goodbyes to her husband and Trystia's imperial family and went on her way to Dolion. After 2 days and Ceres arrived to Dolion, her arrival was celebrated by all but she knew what she had come for... Her brothers. Once she entered Dillon's court she immediately hugged her father and ordered he brothers to be called. The princes then rushed to the emperor's court and vermithor then slammed the door open and rushed to hug Ceres but instead he was met with a slap on the face. Thermidor then followed and saw vermithors bleeding face while he sat at the ground. Thermidor gave Ceres a bow once he saw his sister.

Thermidor: Sister what happe-

Vermithor: Sister why did you slap me?! I'm bleeding look! What's wrong with you don't you miss me?

Ceres: You arrogant fool! Do you know what shame you have brought upon Dolion?! The rumors of you disrespecting the imperial army and daring to commit fratricide has spread all over Trystia!

Vermithor: S-sister! Forgive me I didn't kn-

Ceres: Of course you did! Listen to me brother know your place and go back to Adonai immediately! I don't want to see your face here in the capital whenever I'm around!

Vermithor: Elder sister wait!

Ceres: Men! Drag him out and send him on his way to Adonai!

Prince vermithor was then forcefully dragged out of the imperial Court. While the princess finally notices thermidor on the side and immediately hugged him

Ceres: Brother! I have missed you!

Thermidor: Same to you too sister. Have you been well?

Ceres: Yes I have! Atleast before I heard of the news of you and vermithor clashing...

Thermidor: I'm sorry sister I have troubled you and his majesty greatly by my foolish actions. I will accept any punishment you decree.

Ceres: Though you have acted without fathers command you were wronged greatly by vermithor. You have shown mercy and great respect to the soldiers and I praise you for your actions.

Dillon: Thermidor I am upset at you for making a decision without my decree. But I must praise you for informing me of your situation and for your respectful acts. Let's no longer talk about this matter now and let's forget about this clashing.

After vermithor was sent back to Adonai Dillon & Ceres&Thermidor decided to spend their remaining 30 days together and spend time with each other. After the 30 days Ceres had gone back to Trystia bringing the eldest queen the good news of Pacifying her brothers. The queen was delighted and gifted Ceres beautiful pieces of jewelry as a gift for her much needed action. Ceres gained back her standing in Trystia's court and gained back Trystia's respect for Dolion. While Dillon decided to spread out an imperial decree

"The imperial decree of his majesty the emperor! Prince vermithor is to be removed as the governor of Adonai is to be then placed in the province of amasya and his imperial titles of : "Prince of the first rank", " The fair prince", "the emperor's chief advisor". Are to be taken away from him. While prince Thermidor is to be promoted to the prince of first rank and is now to govern Adonai. This is the wish of the emperor! Respect it! "

Everybody now then questioned on who will be the one to sit at the throne. The clash of the princes weren't a good sign at all either as if they continued clashing it may result to another tyrant emperor on the throne and another prince in a coffin again....