Loving His Mate


"It's not locked!" River shouted from where he was lying on his stomach; reading a book on his bed, his pillow was used as a support to his elbow.

"Sam, I swear if you are here to bully me again, I will report you to Lucifer and-" River's breath hitched as he felt a warm breath on his neck.

"Who-" River tried to ask even if he already knew it was, but he was cut off by his assault;

"You know who it is, Ruby" Damien quietly said, grazing his lips on River's milky neck softly, making a shiver run down River's spine.

River felt a rush of electricity traveling down his spine.

"Da-Damien? Ha!" River shrieked when he felt Damien nibble on the sensitive skin of his neck.

"Are you done running away from me?" Damien asked as he ran his hand down his mate's back, he felt his mate shiver under his touch.

"I- Ah!" River moaned out when his mate sucked on his very sensitive neck. Long gone was the book- his trembling hands couldn't hold the book anymore.

"Hmmm. Your taste is far better than your scent, Ruby. Do you know that?" Damien seductively asked, sucking a bit harder on his mate's tender skin.

"St-Stop" River feverishly said, his whole body engulfed in pleasure.

"Do you want me to stop?" Damien asked with a mischievous smirk, River could feel the way his mate's lips curved up on his bare skin.

"D-Damien" River pleadingly said.

"I have not even touched your sensitive parts yet and you are already a putty mess" Damien chuckled in a husky, deep voice next to River's neck making the younger close his eyes tightly.

"Don't fight it, Ruby. Focus on me, my words, my light touches and the pleasure you feel" Damien seductively whispered into his mate's ears.

River found himself listening to his mate, doing exactly what his mate told him to do.

"What are you d-doing to me?" River feverishly asked.

"Nothing. You are just so responsive to my touches, not that I'm complaining though" Damien stared down at his mate, amused.

Damien moved away from River, making the latter miss his warmth almost immediately. But it was not for too long. River felt himself being turned around, so his back was now against the soft blankets on his bed as his head found its way to the fluffy pillow he was using to read earlier.

In the blink of an eye, he saw a ruby-eyed Damien looming over him, using his elbow to support himself so as not to place his whole weight on his mate.

"W-what are you doing?" River stuttered out.

"Tell that to your erratic heart" Damien mused as he placed a single slender finger on River's chest right where his heart is.

"What are you doing to me? Are you using any of your demon stuff on me?" River feverishly asked.

"Nope. It's all you, you like my touches" Damien teased. At this point, River was now redder than a tomato.

"I- I- How?" River asked, finding it hard to speak without stuttering.

"Well, that's for you to tell. I don't know either" Damien said with a smirk. He buried his face in the crook of his mate's neck and deeply inhaled.

"Your scent is driving me crazy, I find it hard not to do dirty things to you all the time" Damien possessively said, talking against his mate's sensitive neck, making the younger shiver.

"Dirty things like what?" River curiously asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Curiosity killed the cat. Why don't you let me show you" Damien asked with a sinister smile. River knew this was not a question, his mate looked like he was about to devour him. He looked like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

"Show me," River said, not knowing where the unwanted confidence came from; cursing himself in his head, he wished that the ground would just open and swallow him. Damien was surely gonna devour him this time around.

Damien's pupils darkened at his mate's words.

"You asked for it," Damien said, looking soul-deep into his mate's eyes.

"Ah~~" River moaned as he felt his mate sucking on another spot on his neck, but this spot made him hotter.

"Found it" Damien smirked victoriously against his mate's skin.

Damien bit and sucked on his mate's supple skin as strings of moans escaped River's lips; Damien's sinful mouth dedicated to making love bites on his mate.

After Damien was done with his little work of art, he looked at it and smirked proudly. He then looked his mate in the eyes before diving down, capturing his mate's lips with his.

River moaned when he felt Damien licking his lips, silently asking for entrance which River gave him almost immediately. Damien explored his mate's warm cavern with his tongue as River moaned into his mate's mouth, feeling waves of pleasure traveling down his spine.

The once pure kiss now turned to a full-blown make-out, rougher, more fast-paced, more feverish. Damien ran his hand up and down his mate's clothed body, feeling him up. He then took his mate's top off from him through his head as he stared at the ethereal being before him.

"So beautiful" Damien muttered, making River blush deeper.

River looked so edible to Damien right now; his tousled messy bun that turned messier during their make-out session, his shimmering puppy-like eyes that were begging Damien to devour him there and then.