
Seemingly speechless by the situation. there was a long silence before the gentleman asked fanyu.

"Then do you remember your name"?

"Hmm,you can call me fanyu"

After she answered the question.

he seem relief by the answer and start asking if she remember something else only to receive a negative answer. Feeling slightly disappointed.

He turned to look at fanyu and asked this time what she is good at.

"Young Man this que-lady is good in almost anything.

You can give me any job".

" Then Can you fight like i-i mean are you good in self defense"?

" Don't worry I am not a weakling"

Remembering her situation in their first meeting, feeling ashamed for a moment.she explain"t-that situation of mine is because of -"

" Young miss don't worry you just have to look after my little brother".

Pointing at the mischievous little boy.

Shocked the boy argue with his face turning red in anger"why do have to make her my bodyguard,why can't she be little mei bodyguard"

Little mei;" don't call me little"

Gentleman; "because you are too troublesome"

Dealth with the two blow,the little red want to cry.