Chapter 4: Eating Roasted Meat!

Hearing strange noises, Clara was scared and quickly retreated to a corner of the room. Her heart started pounding loudly, and she felt terrified. She was afraid that at any moment, this robust lion would pounce on her. What should she do then? She had no idea how to handle a wild beast. In her eyes, he was just an animal, a non-human being. She didn't have such peculiar tastes.

"I'll teach you how to roast meat!" Mateo sat down on the mound of dirt, moving closer to Clara, filling the air with a masculine presence. Clara had always been a quiet, reserved girl, so she had limited interaction with boys during her school days.

With Mateo sitting so close, Clara felt like she couldn't breathe. A non-human being was right beside her, and she didn't dare to make any noise. She silently chanted, "You can't see me, you can't see me!"

How could Mateo not see her? Now, in his eyes, Mateo was his new pet. He suddenly leaned closer to Clara, causing her to step back. Her small, white feet were restless, crossing over each other.

Mateo's eyes widened suddenly, and his tail stood erect. He appeared a bit dumbfounded and innocent, with a hint of surprise. He reached out his finger and poked Clara's foot, making her tuck her feet closer and protect them with her hands.

The more Clara reacted this way, the more curious Mateo became. He had thick palms with a layer of soft white fur on the back, and sharp fingertips. He noticed that every time he touched Clara, her reactions were quite intense. Clara had no idea that her responses were so entertaining to Mateo.

Mateo got even closer and poked Clara's shin, tapped her arms, and even her small face. Clara was on the verge of breaking down, with tears streaming down her face. The teardrops were as clear as crystals, shattering like glass when touched. Clara closed her eyes, thinking he might poke her eyes.

"You're crying! Are you hungry? I'll roast meat for you, and it'll be delicious when it's cooked!" Mateo exclaimed as if offering a precious gift. Their tribe was one of the first to use fire. He poked the fire pit, and flames rose quickly. "This is fire! We'll use it to roast meat later." Mateo pointed to the flames.

Clara looked at his explanation with a timid glance and found him quite cute. She thought he might not understand many things. To show her cooperation, she nodded and remained quiet.

Mateo was delighted by Clara's cooperation, especially when he saw how well-behaved she was. He felt like he had grown taller. He picked a piece of meat from a nearby animal, bloody and raw. Clara furrowed her eyebrows.

Mateo skewer the meat with a wooden stick. "Now, we'll roast the meat. Just place it over the fire!" Mateo had already taught all the steps. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you understand?"

Clara couldn't help but smile, but she was afraid of making him angry, so she lowered her head and nodded.

Soon, the meat on the stick sizzled, filling the room with a delicious aroma. Clara's stomach also grumbled loudly. She dared not look at Mateo, who was busy roasting the meat. Instead, she stared at her feet, lost in thought. She remembered that she had a pair of shoes when she was transported here. She carefully examined her surroundings, but there were no shoes in sight. It seemed like they hadn't come with her through the portal.

Mateo finished roasting the meat, cut it into two pieces, and took a container, placing it on the mound of dirt. He picked a large piece and handed it to Clara. She was startled. Was he going to feed her? She lifted her head and saw the lion right in front of her, his emerald eyes looking at her in a friendly manner, his thin lips slightly curled.

Clara shook her head, and Mateo's smiling face instantly changed. He squinted his eyes and stared at her, making Clara quickly reach for another piece of meat from the container. She buried her head and began nibbling on it, feeling anxious. This lion changed his attitude so quickly; it had scared her. The meat in her hand was fragrant, but it was tough and lacked seasoning. Clara didn't want to waste food, so she made an effort to finish the piece.

Mateo had already finished eating, and he had been watching Clara eat. When he saw her finish, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He tossed the container onto the ground and lay down on his side. Stretching out his limbs, he beckoned to Clara and said, "Let's sleep!"

What? Sleep!

Clara stared at the non-human being lying in front of her, waving his tail and beckoning to her. Could she say no? Mateo yawned and, regardless of whether Clara was willing or not, pulled her and cuddled her while lying down.

Clara's body stiffened as she curled up, and she feared that he might have ulterior motives. Her heart raced with fear. After a while, she heard his light snoring, and he was actually asleep. Clara let out a sigh of relief. She had been so scared. She quietly examined the non-human being sleeping beside her, with his eyelashes so long, white, furry ears hidden in his messy hair, and his body occasionally twitching. His real ears were so magical that she couldn't help but reach out and touch them. They were soft, warm, and cute. She also noticed his body temperature was rather high. Mateo was really adorable. Suddenly, the non-human being opened his eyes, sleepily looked at Clara, and ran his hand over her back. Clara was frightened and closed her eyes, not daring to move.

Inside the small hut, the fire in the pit gradually died down. Clara pondered the events of the day, realizing that she had truly arrived in a different world. Surrounded by these beast, she found comfort in the fact that they didn't seem to want to harm her. However, she still yearned to return home, as this world was undeniably primitive.

When she woke up in the morning, she was alone in the hut. Clara was startled, and as she looked around, she realized it was the same as the previous day. Her brain momentarily froze.

A thatched roof hut, still a thatched roof hut! After moments of frustration, Clara got up and walked to the door. With no clocks, no roosters crowing, she had no idea of the time. She noticed the distant horizon glowing, indicating that it was getting light.

Clara stood in front of the door for quite a while, unsure of where to go. She was barefoot and didn't know what to do.

"Bye-bye! Bye-bye!" A person slowly ran towards her from the distance. As the person got closer, it was Gloria! Clara waved to her with joy. But why was Gloria running towards her while shouting "bye-bye"?

Gloria happily grabbed Clara and spun her around in circles, leaving Clara feeling a bit overwhelmed. Her feet stepped on pebbles, which hurt. She furrowed her brows and then signaled Gloria to let go. She lifted her foot and discovered that her sole had torn! What a disaster!

Clara was naturally petite, with fair and delicate skin. Her small feet were adorable. Gloria was utterly amazed, reaching out to hold Clara's foot, examining it left and right, and then looking at her own feet.

Without warning, Clara was suddenly lifted off the ground. "Ouch! It hurts!" She felt like she had just sat on a rock. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Gloria, who was squatting nearby with an innocent expression, leaving Clara utterly speechless.

"Forget it, can you give me a hand? My butt really hurts." Clara said in exasperation. She used Gloria's hand to help herself stand up. At a glance, she noticed Gloria's dirty bare feet with sharp nails. Clara chuckled and then glanced around, spotting a lot of grass, some of it already turning yellow. She tested the softness and flexibility of the grass, touching it with her fingers. It felt warm, and she had a gut feeling that it could be used to make grass shoes.