Chapter 20: Angry

Clara looked at Mateo, expertly picking up pieces of meat with two bamboo sticks. He tried it himself, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't grasp it. He couldn't let Clara look down on him, so he continued to struggle, persistently trying to pick up the meat and bamboo shoots, scattering them all over the bowl.

Unable to bear it, Clara covered Mateo's hand with hers, placed the chopsticks between his thumb and forefinger, and showed him how to use them. After teaching him, they continued eating without much idle talk.

The moment Clara's hand grasped his, Mateo's heart pounded. Clara's hand was so white and tender, her small hand couldn't even fully cover his. He really wanted to hold Clara's hand, embrace her, and kiss her. But! Clara seemed uninterested in talking to him, and the atmosphere between them grew colder.

Should he take the initiative to talk to her? Mateo looked at Clara. Her long hair flowed smoothly down her shoulders, and she wore a black animal clothing. A fur belt was tied around her waist, making it appear even slimmer. She only wore a short animal skin skirt underneath, revealing her slender legs. It was the first time Mateo had looked at Clara so seriously.

He couldn't help but swallow, then hastily drank all the soup, put the bowl and chopsticks on the ground, and hurriedly left.

A light drizzle had been falling continuously. Adobe houses couldn't withstand rain, and the house began to leak. The bed was also soaked, and Mateo wondered how they would sleep tonight!

The house was very damp, and the mud started to absorb water. The grass shoes were covered in mud. Clara collected the animal skins on the bed and moved them to a dry place. Then, she brought a bamboo basin to catch the rainwater, hoping it would stop raining later.

In the afternoon, Gloria came over, saying she wanted to learn how to make dried meat from Clara. Rowan had been talking to her about dried meat all morning after he returned home. On this day, everyone in the tribe who had found a mate and tried Mateo's dried meat was buzzing about it. Many female beast heard about Mateo's mate making it and thought of asking Clara how to do it. However, they hesitated because of their previous attitude towards Clara.

Since Mateo had cleaned a lot of prey, Clara had originally planned to make dried meat. She prepared to smoke a whole rabbit and marinate another one with salt.

After all the preparations were done, Clara marinated the wild rabbit with fruit juice and let it dry in the house. She would have to wait for the weather to clear up before proceeding with that. She decided to teach Gloria how to roast meat first.

Clara explained the steps, and Gloria roasted two pieces on her own. The taste was good! The firelight reflected on her honey-colored face, making her look particularly happy.

"Clara's home is much better than Gloria's; it doesn't leak much!" Gloria admired the house with envy.

This was acceptable! If they saw the skyscrapers of the 21st century, they would be even more amazed.

No, they had to get ready to repair the house. When there was a chance, she would discuss it with Mateo! Thinking of Mateo made her headache. Why wasn't he talking to her? What was going on?

"Clara! Why isn't Mateo at home? He seemed angry yesterday. Did he bully you?"

Bullying? Not really, but the silent treatment was unbearable. Clara shook her head. "Do you and Rowan often argue?"

"Rowan rarely gets angry. When he's angry, a kiss solves everything. You should go and kiss Mateo; it will make things better."

Kiss! Clara was curious about the beast's intimate life. Someday, she and Mateo would have to take that step too.

Gloria was surprised. "You haven't mated with Mateo yet?"

Mate! It sounded like she was talking about animals! Clara blushed and coughed. "Not yet!"

Gloria reassured her, "It's okay! Mateo just sees you as small. When you grow a bit, it'll be fine. I can already imagine your little baby!"

Baby! Clara coughed repeatedly, her face burning. Gloria laughed heartily on the side.

In the afternoon, most of the wild meat was roasted. The aroma of Clara's barbecue filled the entire tribe. In the drizzling rain, a faint smoke wafted from Clara's house, adding a seductive touch to the spring scenery.

Dani brought a basket of fruits to give to Clara. She knew Clara couldn't climb trees, and a few days ago, A Ma liked the basket Clara gave them. She asked Dani to bring some fruits to Clara. Today, with some free time, Dani walked on the path, smelling the tempting scent of meat from a distance.

"It seemed to be coming from Clara's house."

Dani arrived at Clara's doorstep, the door was open, and Clara and Gloria were roasting meat. The aroma filled the air. Dani swallowed her saliva, but when she saw Gloria, she took a few steps back, whispering Clara's name at the door.

When Clara saw that Dani was coming, she quickly called her into the house. It was still drizzling outside. It wasn't raining heavily, but she would catch a cold and get sick if she stayed in the rain for a long time.

Dani hesitated, placing the fruits at the door, and said, "Clara! mom asked me to bring these to you. Thank you for the basket you gave me."

Dani's mom? It was the first time Clara heard about her. She pulled Dani into the house, used an animal hide to wipe off the raindrops on her, and gave her a bamboo bowl and a pair of chopsticks, instructing her to pick and eat the roasted meat herself. Dani felt a bit shy, keeping a distance from Gloria and hesitating to start eating.

Gloria scared Dani a bit, and she shivered. "Gloria! Don't bully Dani." Clara looked at the two of them, recalling the fight that injured her. She hoped they could reconcile.

"How old are you Dani?" Clara casually asked while offering her another piece of grilled meat.

Dani looked at the meat, swallowed saliva, and reached out to take it. While eating, she answered, "Sixteen!"

So young! Clara gave her a few more pieces and said to Gloria, "Gloria! Dani is younger than us. In the future, she'll be our younger sister, and we shouldn't bully her."

Gloria reluctantly nodded, served a piece of meat for Dani, who shyly thanked Gloria. Then she tried to grab it with her hands, but Gloria swatted her away and proceeded to teach Dani how to use chopsticks, repeating what Clara had taught her earlier.

In the afternoon, Clara taught them how to barbecue and use chopsticks. It was hygienic and civilized, although they didn't fully understand. They felt that as long as Clara taught them, it couldn't be wrong. After sending off her two new friends, and with the rain still falling, Clara felt a bit uneasy. Mateo hadn't been seen all afternoon. She held an umbrella and went out to look for him, searching around the house, but he was nowhere to be found.

Clara became increasingly worried. She went to the forest, but there was no sign of Mateo. Maybe he had returned home! He would definitely be back in the evening.

Mateo had been exchanging information with Rowan all afternoon. Rowan was much older than him and knew many things, including details about the life between mates. Mateo listened with a stunned expression. In the evening, he returned home in a daze. The rain had stopped, and Clara had left food for him, but he couldn't find her at home.

Perhaps she had gone outside. Mateo waited for a while, but still no sign of her. Fear crept in. The bed was neatly arranged, his bag was there, and so were his clothes. But Clara wasn't home. She had been taken.

Anxiety and heartache overwhelmed Mateo. Cla! Cla was gone. He went out searching desperately, running through the woods. When he reached the bamboo grove, he coincidentally encountered Clara, carrying a basket and bidding farewell to Thomas.

She was here to find this fox! Mateo's eyes were red with anger, and his green pupils were wrapped in red, making him look particularly scary. Clara, oblivious to the situation, was planning to reconcile with Mateo in the evening. She had brought some grilled meat to comfort the injured old tribal chief Thomas. She hoped to run into Mateo on the way and reconcile with him.

Suddenly, a tall figure loomed before her. Startled, Clara took a step back, only to be grabbed by a large hand. It was already dark, but she could see a pair of shining green eyes and hear heavy breathing.

"Mateo?" Clara exclaimed. Although it was dark, she could still perceive Mateo's appearance vividly. Yet, something seemed off about his complexion. He wore a cold expression, and his gaze was frightening, as if he wanted to eat her.

"Mateo? What's wrong with you!" Clara subconsciously felt that Mateo couldn't catch a cold and get sick! Before her hand touched his forehead, he opened it with one hand, and then suddenly lifted her on his shoulders.

Clara panicked! He kept pushing Mateo and yelled, asking him what was wrong.

But Mateo didn't say anything and just ran quickly. Clara was shaken to her core. Such Mateo made her so scared. "Mateo, let me go. What's wrong?"

As soon as he got home, Mateo slammed the door hard, threw Clara on the bed, and then pressed him down. Clara is his, it's his, no one can take it away! Mateo was going crazy. The scene of Clara smiling and saying goodbye to Thomas kept echoing in his mind. He was angry and scared! He tore Clara's clothes desperately, and then bit Clara's lips. Rowan said that Clara was a mature female and belonged to him. He opened Clara's delicate legs.

When Mateo pressed up and tore her clothes, Clara collapsed, bursting into tears, and kept twisting and breaking free. Her body was trembling because of fear. Her mouth was blocked by Mateo, and she couldn't speak, "Mateo..." As soon as she opened her mouth, Mateo's tongue rushed in, swiping at her mouth and tongue.

don't want! Feeling Mateo's hands constantly groping her body, Clara was frightened and embarrassed, her body trembled slightly, and she even reacted to his groping.

Mateo start intimacy with Clara

Clara hands were even more powerless to push the person on her body. 

But it was too late. The pleasure that followed made him crazier

At the same time, Clara's body arched up in pain, trembling like leaves in the wind, biting her lips and crying, it hurts! It hurts so much!

Mateo didn't dare to move anymore, he just held the person in his arms tightly, kissed Clara's eyes, nose, and mouth over and over again, It was the first time he experienced this kind of thing. Mateo maintained his good combat effectiveness and indomitable spirit of exploration until dawn, then he reluctantly let go of Clara. After finding out that Clara was fine, he carefully held Clara to sleep.