Chapter 1:
Aliens were real, and we humans were right to hate them.
Year 2205 standard calendar August twenty fifth. Long has it been since man has left the cradle of its home of earth and ventured out into the stars. Yet despite all the advancements and the changes to society. One aspect hasn't changed in all the years, humanity was still alone in the stars.
Granted that humans have only colonized their own solar system, yet recently having just discovered a new solar system. Yet still humanity hasn't found any sentiment species to communicate with. However, mankind has progressed. Even more so after humanity began to reach further out beyond the boundaries of their own solar system. After a great deal of effort and resources were expended. They have found another solar system close by to claim as their own. The first steps were initiated to colonize the very first planet that humanity found there.
Luckly the first few worlds of the system found, were suitable for human colonization. Even two of its moons were suitable, as human habitats. So, humanity did, more souls, more resources were pulled into this grand undertaking. Like the first steps mankind had taken when they had first colonized the Moon, then Mars, following the rest of the solar system using terraforming methods in advance before the actual colonization efforts. Only such methods weren't needed for these new worlds.
As such humans prospered in this new environment. As mankind prospered with the new abundance of lands and resources. However still Humanity fell back into its old paths, falling apart out of unity. Divided and now once again at war within itself. The newer colonies, being light years away from the homeworld sought to seek their independence. Proclaiming themselves as a new breed of humanity. Claiming themselves to be the right heirs to humanities' path into space.
Seeing the Earth born humans and those within what is known as the inner core colonies as weaklings and inferior. Those that are of the past, unworthy of space advancement. The ideology spread like wildfire. Consuming and influencing the minds of those who heard of it. Resulting in
Total uprising, one that took the governmental bodies station in those colonies by storm. Caught unawares and unprepared, the branches of the UNIE or the United Nation Imperial Empire, the ruling government body. Were torn apart the symbols of unity and order were casted aside; new icons and symbols replaced the symbols of unity of humanity.
Needless to say, war was declared by both sides. Thus, humanity had once again repeated one cycle in their history. War raged across the stars. However, no one could have ever imagined that a third player would have entered the game.
Unknown object. Distance to Torin system, outer rim of the system.
[Confirmation. Identify. Location]
[Inquiry. Unknown. Standby.]
[Potential. Unregistered System in Databank.]
[Joy. Analyze. Profit. Margins]
[Calculating. Hold. Reanalyzing]
[Situation. Clarify]
[Signatures. Multiple. Detected from the system.]
[Intrigued. Observe. Analyze.]
[Samples. Required]
[Approved. Glory and Prosperity]
[Glory and Prosperity]
Modern Day Torin System, Moon Base Light of Torin, () Station unknown corridor 2224 hours.
High above the atmosphere of the Moon Known as Loren four hung a massive orbital station. Surrounding the station were a multitude of ships, littering the void of space around it. Explosions echoed off in the air, as quickly as they happened before being snuffed out within nano seconds. Extinguished out of existence, sucked out into the black void of nothingness. This scene decorated much of the area as the ships lubed heavy ordnance at one another. Through the multiple glass windows of the station, various figures can be seen within. As flashes of light of various coloration passed one another, the figures kept on moving.
"Push~! Push up!"
"I'm hit!"
Cries and screams echoed everywhere. The tight space caused all manners of sounds and noise to bounce around causing the suffocating space to become ever tighter.
"Look out Incoming~! A lance of light spewing smoke behind it, one lone figure too focused on what was in front of them, that they only noticed the incoming projectile. Lucky for them, the impact zone was few meters away from them. Still the lone figure was close enough to the explosion sending the figure cartwheeling into the air. Landing roughly upon a stack of crates that buckled under their armored weight.
Cushioning their fall just barely. Letting out a small groan, the figure shifted, crawling slowly off the crate they were laying upon. Their hands reaching up to their head. Tugging at the facemask that concealed their facial features, once the last lock was disengaged the facemask came free. The young masculine face within gasp for air in massive heaps. A young lad mostly in his mid-twenties. His lean features laced with sweat, his eyes unfocused, forcing the air into his lungs, still with a sudden shift in his weight, he fell sideways. Falling from the crate he crashed upon and on to the cold steel tiles below.
Groaning in pain, the young soul was now aware of the pain throughout his body. They shifted around moaning silently.
'That's probably a broken rib, or two definitely some internal bruising.'
Gauging the damage he might have sustained from the fall. Unaware or simply blinded to his surroundings due to the overloaded senses from the pain. Figures and light dance all around him as he crawled forward. Not knowing where he was heading to.
"Your empire needs you! Soldiers Forward~! For unity, for the preservation of our blue and pure world! Eliminate the traitor regime!"
Turning his head the man saw the young lad lying on the ground and reached his hand out grabbing him by the neck collar. Pulling the young man to his feet.
"Private Max Feng get up we're almost there!" before passing his side arm to him. a pistol one that was highly ornate.
"That 'long' almost there Sergent! Where exactly are we heading towards now anyway!?"
The young man whose name was Max Feng cried out. Shaking his head to clear his head, before stumbling after his sergeant. His legs wobbling yet still held firm enough.
"Just through this last chamber, once we're through we'll reach their command post. So, keep pushing victory is-!"
The sergeant's voice was cut short with a thunderous Bomb! As an explosion impacted from a missile that landed directly on top the Sergent's position. The missile flew far too quickly for the human eye to catch. Vaporizing the man instantly, the force of the blast threw Max Feng back into the air. This time however he didn't fly as far as he did before. Just a few feet backwards this time landing on his two feet. However, due to the turbulence he fell back forwards planting his face down onto the floor.
'Gah~!' Groaning in the resurgence of pain, Max Feng took a moment to nurse his aches. Forcing his limbs, no willing his limbs to move. He could stay still in one spot otherwise he was dead. He knew that, yet his limbs refused to obey him. Yet his right hand still gripped tightly onto the pistol his sergeant had gifted him. Suddenly he was airborne again. Lifted off the ground by a pair of arms.
"Get up Max you can die when this battle is over." A voice boomed near his head, though through the constant ringing in his ear, the voice sounded just but a whisper. Despite the fact the owner was probably screaming their lungs out. Max Feng knew this voice.
"I aneit dead yet Alex."
"Good~!" the voice responded before pulling Max Feng to a barrack. Squatting down hand began to dance over Max Feng's body in a medically train fashion. Revealing the figure to be another unmasked young male soldier. His uniform was in tatters, patches were torn off revealing the sweat laced skin beneath. The armor plates too were pitted and cratered with numerous cracks; sections no chucks were missing. Broken off an indication of the long duration time of the battle they're still in.
"Well, don't wait on my accord!" talking up position beside lifting his own weapon mag lock to his back. Then the rifle jutted out just slight extending the weapon handle. For the soldier to reach back and retrieve the weapon. Once freed aim down the sights and squeezed the trigger. Groaning Max Feng rose from his slouching position. Bearing the agony burning him from within. He shifted in his place taking up his weapon, sighting down his target one handed with the pistol and pulled back on the trigger.
The recoil sent shivers of pain with each shot. Stimulating the already aches and bruises on his body. Still, he couldn't let it bother him. He needed to focus. The first few shots missed his initial targets by margins. He was barely able to land any perfect shots. Much to his annoyance. The pain while not as unbearable as a few seconds ago. Still was a hindrance enough of a problem.
Boom~! Another explosion erupted. Sending debris and shockwaves of air current, rushing over Max Feng and Alex's cover. Sending both down under to weather the storm. Peeking over the barricade just slightly, Max Feng could see the original obstacle a large portal, now had a gaping hole. The goal of this corridor has finally been accomplished.
["The gate is down all forces push through now~! Crush the rebel scum"]
The comms bead in Max Feng's ear blared with the command. He didn't know who was speaking. However, before he even had the time to contemplate it. A unified roar responded in kind. As soldiers of the UNIE rushed forward, together colors and markings blended in a mixed mob towards that gaping hole. The defenders became ever more frantic and the rate of fire intensified. Dropping many of Max Feng's comrades in the process, yet still they charged forth unrelenting.
"Come on~!" Alex rushed out form their barricade while egging Max Feng on to follow. Max Feng did running after his speedy companion. With great effort the pain he still experienced lingering. Hindering his progress. His now partner, though no less fair looking himself, bolting ahead if he was injured, he didn't show it. Being slower did have its benefits. Many of UNIE soldiers who were speedier than Max Feng. Having overtaken him also took much of the hail of bullets and energy lances that would have hit him instead.
He didn't let their sacrifices be in vain. Using each one as cover, slowly he made his way through the meager defense that sought to hinder, the warriors of the empire. Through the gaping portal Max Feng finds himself in another chamber. This one being larger in scale than the one he just left. Many of those who made it through before now lay dead before him in large swabs. They were getting up to pieces. Max Feng knew why it didn't take long to know. The upper platforms and balconies provided the perfect advantage point for the rebels. Providing the best kill zone, with the aid gap through the blast doors. Consolidating the soldiers of the empire into a singular point. Easy for the picking as they swarmed through. There was no other path to take other than forward.
"Max get down!" Max Feng sudden was tackled off his feet, miniature explosions indicating impacts, on the spot where he was just standing upon.
Max Feng this time didn't ideal in place. Picking himself up, he pushed out of Alex's grip and rushed forward to the nearest barricade. Or something that could suffice for one at least. Not long after, Max Feng and Alex picked themselves up, aiming their weapons and fired.
Shots fired, and targets dropped. Not fast enough, unfortunately not fast enough. Yet still they didn't cease in their actions.
"Reloading!" Alex squatted back under cover switching out the magazine to his rifle. The firefight was ever growing in intensity. With neither side giving way, however, it was but a battle of attrition now. One side will give way inevitably, there was no mistaking that fact. Even as the bodies piled upon the empires side. So too did the rate of fire that cut them down decrease. For every single of the rebel neutralized, three imperial soldiers survived the initial breakthrough of the gate.
["Where is the package we need them now!"] a voice Max Feng didn't recognize boomed through the comms net. Other voices came through though he didn't pay any heed to those voices. His focus was solely on the necessary targets that he needed to drop. He managed to drop one last target with his final round. Not bothering to observe the body fall from the canopy. He lowered himself, to reload his heavy pistol. Once locked in place he resumed his killing spree.
[Packages inbound sixty seconds make a path!] minutes later a response came through. From his back, though Max couldn't see it. A group of individuals all wearing specialized suits in contrast to the rest had appeared. Slowly under the cover and protection of others they made their way into the chamber. Eventually leading up to Max Feng and Alex's position. The duo paid no heed to this group and their escorts. Their attention still fixed ab upon
"Where's the target does anyone have a visual~!" the question came behind Max Feng. This caused him to pause in his shooting. Looking around over the chamber they were in. now fully drinking in the details that he didn't notice before. The chamber they were in was a hanger bay. The multiple hanger docks are divided by sections. The barricades mostly being unused vehicles that mag locked in place. The numerous balconies and canopies high upon were swarming with movement. None of these details were important, only one matter. The main one to why they were locked in this fierce battle.
"There~! Theres the bomb, cover me I'll disarm it." One of the specialized suit operatives shouted pointed towards and direction. Before rushing forward alone without the rest of their team. Quickly following the figure pathway, Max Feng saw what they must have seen. There in the far side of the chamber opposite to them. A mini structure clearly not of the hanger bays stood.
Max Feng and the crew all fired in unison. The maneuver allowed the singular soul to dash forward unimpeded.
Thankfully the amount of opposition had decreased greatly. Making the short trek less dangerous.
Max Feng and the others soon moved from their position. Moving closer to the end goal. Taking up position to defend the objective. Forming a semi-circular formation. Several of the original security detail team were during the repositioning. Now taking position in a near open ground they were now easy pickings. The remaining rebels knew this fact. Yet still they held their ground, Max Feng and Alex along with the other soldiers of the empire. Held their ground others came and joined in the defense.
"How much longer god damn it?!" Alex shouted, shielding himself behind Max Feng reloading his pistol. Ejecting the empty mag, before slamming in a new one. Shifting his head slightly, barely invading the round that would have connected with his head. Max Feng was beginning to get extremely frustrated. He and the others were exposed he had too many near death experiences just in the last few minutes. They couldn't stay for another minute, or they would all die.
"I'm almost there just giv-!" The man's words were cut short as part of his head popped out. Brian matter gore and blood sprayed out dying the corridor in deep crimson shade. The now lifeless body slowly fell onto its side with a loud thud. Impacting upon the steel tiles underneath it.
"Shit!" Seeing the event playout in front of them another specialized suits rushed over to the downed operator.
["Two-two is down."] The voice came through the open channel.
["What~?"] came the voice cold and distant through the communication.
["You know what to do."] The voice came through the comms net cold and firm.
"Shit hey one of you give me a hand. Bob get on the controls deactivate the bomb hurry!"
Max Feng rushed over to the operator. Who then directed him to lift the dead one legs. Together they lifted the body up and towards the nearest cover they could find. Once there, the moment the body was dropped to the floor, the operator began fiddling with something with the dead man's vest. Retrieving a cylinder device, a grenade.
"Sorry buddy." He then pulled the pin off the grenade, then darted away rushing toward the closest cover he could. Max Feng too ran the moment he saw the operator pull out the grenade. Understanding what it was, that he was trying to do. Mere seconds after he had reached the cover he sought, explosions sounded off and a slight shock wave enveloped the air. His head and ears were aching, there now was a constant ringing in his ear. Despite the noise cancelation safety feature in his helmet. Perhaps the mind blogging ringing was always there , he didn't know anymore, nor did he care.
Max Feng thought he could hear someone crying out his name. He couldn't tell; however, he knew he had to move. He could stay still, he had to keep moving. That option was taken for him. as once again he was airborne. A sudden gust of tidal winds ripped his off the ground. The waves pulling him like the ocean's waves on earth. He recognized this sensation. A breach into the void. There has been a structure breach in the station or more specifically in the hanger bay.
"Great what a shitty way to go."
Suffocation in the void of space was the fear of any space traveling crewmen. Max Feng was of no exception to this fear.
"Hopeful the chill will freeze me quickly before that." Max Feng thought to himself as he resigned himself to his fate. Everything was spiraling around him to quickly, large boxes even the bodies of fallen he could make out, all was beginning sucked out into the outer void. Slowly but surely amidst the chaos of it all, Max Feng managed to get to cling onto something. Or was something grabbing onto him he didn't know. The darkness encircled him, then it had claimed him.
Light deep within the depths of darkness there was a light. () didn't know but he headed towards that light. Then all sensation flooded him, he was awakened from his slumber. Light fixtures shone brightly up above him. though the ceiling resembles the common steel gray plates and tiles of modern construction. () knew he was no longer within () station. Shifting his gaze to his right he could see the room more clearly. It was a barrack room hastily converted to what appears to be an injured ward. Dozen of the injured laid in makeshift cots all carrying an assortment of different injuries.
"Well glad to see you awake sleeping beauty." The sarcastic tone of Alex came. Peeking his head over Max Feng's sight he was dressed in the standard military fatigue no longer dressed in the combat battle dress uniform. Sitting upon a small crate as a makeshift stool beside his cot.
"What happened did we win?" Max Feng groaned his body ached, shifting in his cot. To which Alex place a hand on his shoulder gesturing him to lie back down.
"Yeah, we won those meat heads couldn't disable the bomb, so some genius decided to simply toss the bomb outside of the station. By that I mean he just decided to frigging open the hanger bay doors."
'Ah that would explain it back there.' Max Feng understood the cause of the situation then as Alex continued his tale.
"Smart bustard even somehow got lucky that it exploded among the rebel fleet. So much so that the survivor ships retreated from the planet. It is a matter of time before our forces retake the world."
"So where?"
"We're aboard the medical frigate Death's Mercy, on route to the medical station back on planet Lorn three." Before Max Feng could finish his question Alex answered him.
"What kind of captain, a medical ship one at that would name their ship Death's Mercy?"
"Don't look at me. Anyway, just get some rest it will be a short while before we will get to the station."
At the bridge of the USS Frigate Medical Class Death's Mercy.
Sirens and warnings blared over the consuls of the helmsmen.
"Sir sensors are detecting some large mass in the path of our heading." The helmsman reported scrolling the information projected on the screen of his consul.
"Identify." Came the reply of the man sitting on the command throne. The captain of the ship.
"Unknown sir, it barely registers on the sensors, but it is there. Now it isn't. Oh, now its back sir its heading straight heading toward us. We should be in view of it soon."
Not long after the words were spoken. Off the viewing screen, the looming figure soon came into view on the screen. It was a ship, the burn of its thrusters in the void attest to what it was. It was massive the Death's Mercy was by no means a small ship. However, the figure in question was twice the size of their ship.
The size of it left the crew in disbelief, one even asked if the ship belonged to the empire. However, the captain's next words crushed that theory. Along with what that ship did next. As a beam of light shot forth from the massive craft. Once coming in contact with the hull it dissipated along the ship.
"Ah~," the captain's voice sounded hesitant and uncertain, this was unusual of him. this didn't sit right with crewmen.
"That's not one of ours." Gesturing towards the massive void craft now hovering over their crippled own vessel.