Chapter 059.3 Communication is also a skill.



Things become simple.

Written examinations are held in the second month of school. This is a routine exam.

Old students are not worried.

But for first-year students, it is a new exam.

However, some smart first-year students have obtained information. The questions in this exam are old questions.

Then it's still the version from 10 years ago.

Then you still need to review. Reviewing is nothing.

Today's textbooks are several editions later.

The content is constantly updated, and then the old questions are tested. How can one take a test like this?

Kushida-san also received 100,000 points.

Then, on the 7th, Class D, first grade, got the test paper.

According to Kushida-san, yes.

"I was having dinner with my senior classmates recently."

"Then here's the review material I got from her."

"It seems that at this time in previous years, written examinations were conducted."

"And she still had the test papers from then."

"As for the written exam she took when she was in first grade, the papers seemed to be old questions from previous years."

"So hopefully it comes in handy."

Kushida-san copied the papers she bought and distributed them.

The classmates in the class didn't know why at first.

"So this means that this exam will be based on this paper?" A boy in the class named Ike Kenji stood up immediately.

"Yes, is that so?"

The students of Class D could not find a plan here, but Hirata-kun decided that he could not wait any longer and had to gather everyone together.

Then conduct a study session.

He doesn't want any student to be left behind.

They are all a team.

But now, can they take shortcuts in this exam?

On the 1st, their class got 0 points.

In other words, when he first entered this school, when Oreki-san from Class A came to sell information, he was willing to stay and pay 10,000 points to listen to the information.

It's a pity that he couldn't persuade everyone.

In other words, he didn't expect that everyone would deduct so many points from the class in a month.

Then, before the class evaluation scores gave him a headache, he was also troubled by the fact that they would have to drop out of school if they failed the written test on the 24th.

"It's just what my senior said." Kushida didn't finish her sentence, "So I can only treat it as a review material or something."

"Hirata, go investigate!"

However, Yamauchi and Ike have already begun to tease Hirata.

The two of them have spent all their points, and with no points coming in this month, they can no longer even afford instant noodles.

They are selling the game console I bought at a high price last month to support their selves.

Of course, they also discovered that the school provides free daily necessities and food.

But it tastes terrible.


They don't want to drop out of school more than eat the unpalatable mountain vegetable set meal.

Because there are so many lovely girls in this school, and tuition is free and so on, isn't that great?

So, they want to struggle.

But studying..they skipped over every material and didn't study at all.

As a result, now they say, can we pass the exam without studying?

"That's it... there's nothing we can do. Let's go get some consultation together later." Hirata was hugged by Yamauchi.

And he was also worried about the situation of his classmates.

His academic ability is not bad. Although he has thought about holding a study meeting, he always feels that the students in the class may not cooperate.


Even if the exam is based on old questions, but the current teaching content does not match the exam content, then many might drop out of school.

So he has to pay attention.


During lunch break the next day, Hirata informed everyone after the investigation.

Last year and the year before that, the test questions were the same.


The focus is 30% different from the current textbooks.

Therefore, according to the information Kushida-san obtained, the exam was based on old questions.

As a result, Kushida-san is now an angel.

So, no study sessions and learning shit.

The students in Class D felt relieved.

Instead of finishing the sentence, Kushida-san let Hirata and the others investigate on their own and then came up with the result that they had to memorize the old questions. Kushida-san kept the expression of a little angel.

She was careful here.

After all, she wants to win the favor of the whole class.

But she's also worried about being blamed for failure, so now it's Hirata's decision.

If something goes wrong, Hirata and the others are responsible.

And if nothing happened, everyone would still remember that she was the one who gave her opinions in the first place and shared the test paper at the same time, so Kushida was in a good mood.


The same situation occurred in Class B and Class C.

There are a lot of pig heads in Class C.

After Ryuuen obtained the information, he immediately purchased the test paper.

No hesitation.

At the same time, he also discovered a weakness.

"This time, Class D is selling test papers. Is there anyone in the garbage dump in Class D who can use it?"

Then the information was quickly obtained.

Some students in Class D are good at interacting with other upperclassmen.

In other words, is it communication skills?

Is communication so useful?

Previously, because he discovered that the students in the class had been tricked by Oreki and the others from Class A, he banned everyone from having any contact with other classes.

So, do we have to let the students in our class have contact with those outside?

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