66.1 Kushida takes fingerprints?

Kushida acted differently from before.

That is.

She took Oreki's left hand and seemed to want to press it under her bow.

And judging from the way she held his hand, she seemed to want him to press on her heart.


She has already pressed his hands on it.



Oreki-san seemed shocked.

Of course.

Because he hasn't had much contact with girls since he was a child.

His sister doesn't count.

During the lunch break, Sakayanagi-san was still talking about what he was doing with Horikita Suzune. At that time, Oreki-san felt that neither he nor Horikita or even Kushida were interested in love.

There is no possibility of a relationship that happens between a boy and a girl.

So even if you throw the three of them together there won't be any chemistry.


Is he that close to Horikita-san?

He did not have as much contact with Kushida-san as he had with Horikita...

But now he got very close with Kushida.

Oreki seemed confused by Kushida's actions.

But Kushida-san finally explained herself.

She held Oreki-san's right hand with both hands and pressed it on her heart as if making a mark.

"This is the only way I can think of right now," Kuro-Kushida said. "Oreki-san, I can't trust you, so I'm going to leave your fingerprints."

"And doing this-"

She held Oreki's left wrist.

But her cheeks seemed to be rosy.

But she continued speaking coldly.

"This way your fingerprints will be printed clearly."


"As long as I report it to the school, it will prove that you were trying to rape me, and then even if you have a lot of points, you cannot be exempted from expulsion."

"Even if considering the issues of character and crime, you will definitely be expelled," Kushida said.

"And if you don't want me to do this, then promise me not to tell anyone what you saw."

It is indeed a very straightforward solution.

Then Kushida let go of his hand.


He gave you time to think and think about how to deal with it so that he can keep your secret.

But the result?

Is this what you were thinking of?

This made Oreki-san feel a little complicated.

But Oreki-san also has some questions that he wants to ask her.

If she was in the state of a little angel, then she would definitely not answer.

So maybe he can get the answer at this time.

"I'm a little curious," Oreki-san said. "Kushida-san is so good at using beauty, is it possible that you have been using this to treat others——"


Kushida-san immediately denied, "Nothing!"

"By the way, it's not that, you're just too troublesome!"

"Otherwise, I can't handle you!"

He, who has always believed in energy conservation, was actually regarded as trouble by a troublesome person like Kushida.

He felt a little down.


Since she said that, there is no need to be gentle to her.

"Then you hate me?" Oreki asked. "When I went to find Horikita-san, I heard you talking with her."

"Then, you..."

Oreki-san paused, "One-sidedly judged me as a lustful boy."

"You heard that. It's disgusting. People who eavesdrop on others are disgusting." Kuro-kushida said directly without any hesitation.

In other words, even if she acts like a little angel, turns out she hates him very much.

So in the forum, 99% of the people who used a small account to send junk pictures and hateful comments about him are also Kushida-san.


Oreki-san decided to mark Kushida-san first.

"Then let's get back to the topic. I promise not to tell anyone that I saw you kicking the railing and cursing Horikita," Oreki said.

"Yeah." Kurokushida seemed to have calmed down a bit at this time.

In fact, she felt ashamed of what she had just done.

She just never thought that this side of herself would be exposed, so she reacted subconsciously.

When looking at Oreki Houtarou, the first thing that comes to mind is his weakness - he is not good at interacting with girls.

So it can be regarded as the right medicine.

On the one hand, he can leave fingerprints, but on the other hand, he is not good at contacting girls, so even if she suffers a little loss, he will not pursue her.

That's what Kushida-san is thinking.


"But I can write it to others," Oreki said. "My calligraphy is pretty good."

"..." Kushida.


Kuro Kushida immediately glared at Oreki-san angrily.

"I am kidding," Oreki-san said. "Actually, I want to say that even if I tell others that you are like this, no one will believe it."

"I'm only active in Class A, but your friends are all over other classes, and then there are the senior sisters."

"Everyone thinks you are an approachable, angel-like person."

"So probably no one will believe that you are the type who kicks the railing while cursing Horikita," Oreki said.

"..." Kushida.

This is true.

Not to mention kicking the railing and cursing at the same time, this behavior looks abnormal and makes people feel that it is not something a normal person would do.


Kushida suddenly reacted.


Even if Oreki talks nonsense, others won't believe it.

And this is why she has been working so hard.

Horikita Suzune came from the same junior high school as her and may have heard of her deeds, but Ikusei High School was a new place and a new beginning for her.

She didn't want to go back.

That's why she tried her best to build a good relationship with Horikita Suzune, but Horikita Suzune was very annoying and ignored her constantly.

But she also wanted to seal Horikita's mouth.

So she had to keep licking her.

As long as the relationship is good, then she may not tell others about her affairs.

And if the relationship is good, Horikita's nonsense can be seen as a quarrel between friends.

But now, everyone regards her as a cute little angel.

So who would believe it?

Then is it necessary for her to lick Horikita and seal Oreki's mouth at such a sacrifice?

It seemed like she did something stupid in the heat of the moment.

Then she heard Oreki-san's voice.

"So it's a pity there was no video just now," Oreki said. "Although if I tell others, no one may believe it, but if it is recorded, everyone who sees it will be heartbroken."

"..." Kushida.


Kuro Kushida seemed to smile.

It's just a taunt.

In fact, she feels pretty lucky.

According to her understanding of Oreki Houtarou, this guy thinks a lot and has strong insights.

And he has seen her talk trash about him to Horikita Suzune, but he didn't react at all.

In other words, he may have already realized that what she showed was not her true face.

And he just noticed her kicking the railing and swearing... He just thought she was a little more intense?

But this kind of behavior seems to be within the acceptable range in the other party's heart.

In other words... in Oreki-san's mind, was she actually a black person from the beginning?

Kushida's mood was a little complicated.

Oreki Houtarou was very perceptive, so if she had not been videotaped by him, she was indeed very lucky today.

Otherwise, if there was a video, she wouldn't know what to do with it.


Because she was facing Oreki Houtarou, who had no trouble with girls.

Kurokushida turned around and intertwined the fingers of her hands, but when she turned around, the brightness on her face returned.

Short blond hair, delicate facial features, and a cute smile.

"In this way, we have a common secret~Oreki-kun~"

Kurokushida faded away and revealed her usual little angel side.

It was completely impossible to tell that she was such a cold person just now.

If this is acting or face-changing, then Kushida Kikyo is really strong.


Oreki-san also has principled requirements.

"Then you are not allowed to kick on the railing and curse me," Oreki said. "It doesn't matter if you kick the railing and curse Horikita, but you can't curse me."


This made Kushida-san, the cute little angel almost lose her temper.

However, she also discovered that Oreki Houtarou seemed not as close to Horikita Suzune as she thought.

"I hate it——"

"How could someone do such a rough thing?" Kushida said while maintaining the attitude of a little angel.

at the same time.

She decided not to kick on the railing.

She thought this was a place to vent her emotions, so she deliberately found a place where no one would come and where there would be no cameras.


She was discovered as soon as she started kicking.

And then she was also shamed.

Let's go back and write a diary or something.

But she has to buy a small lockable cabinet to store her diary.

"Then I'll go back first," Kushida-san said.

Then she turned around and left as she had nothing else to say.

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