Chapter 15: Successful Raid

The New Bloods stood there in silence, looking at the carnage and gore they made. After the adrenaline and tension wore off the realization of what they had done struck them. No matter how much training they had gone through, no matter how dangerous and ruthless the wasteland was; Nothing could quite prepare the young New Bloods for gunning down a hundred people, forty of whom had surrendered. The smell of blood, shit, and gunpowder have mixed together to make a stench of death that hung in the air like a fog.

None of the New Bloods were looking too good, most were pale faced with grim expressions, a few even ducked down behind some trucks and threw up. The smell reminded Marcus of Dirt Mound. Instead of feeling disgust, he felt a hate burn up inside him. As the various squads were regrouping, Porter approached Marcus, who had holstered his laz pistol and was reloading his revolver.

"Hey Marcus? Don't you think we went a little overboard?"

"Hmm? How so?

"Well they had surrendered, so don't you think shooting them all was a little cruel?"


Marcus turns to look Porter dead in the eye.

"Are you feeling pity for them, Porter? Do you feel pity for any rad rat, or mutant abomination out in the wastes? Remember this, these scum gave up their right to call themselves human the second they decided to steal, kill, and rape others! Some raider gangs even cannibalize their victims. Alive."

Marcus then points a finger at Porters large chest.

"Do not forget this isn't just a raid, it's an extermination! Langton has hired the Red Scarfs to wipe these raiders from the face of the earth, and that is exactly what we are going to do. Am I clear squad leader?"

Porters face hardens.


Marcus lowers his finger and turns to face the others New Bloods.

"We are almost done here everyone, so SOLDIER UP! Squads 1, 2, 3, and 7 clear out the rest of the building. Squads 4, 5, and 6 maintain the perimeter. Provide support if necessary. Squad 8, keep an eye out for fleeing raiders. We can't let a single one escape. Squad 7 take point." 

Marcus enters the building with Porter and squad 7 right behind him. The main room seems to be a large bar with various wooden tables and chairs scattered about. Stairs leading up to the second story is built along the back wall.

"Remember to watch your fire, there could be pris-"

Suddenly a door in the back right corner of the main entryway bust open, a raider with a crazed look in his eyes starts rushing at the group. Before he can take more than a step, Marcus has already raised his revolver, and put a bullet in between the man's eyes. It was at this moment Marcus realizes the man was holding dynamite in each of his hands, the fuses having already been lit.

"GET DOWN!" Marcus shouts.

Marcus turns around and tackles Porter to ground just as the dynamite goes off. Marcus hears a loud bang, then nothing at all. His vision is blurry, a wave of vertigo hitting him making it hard for Marcus to move. After a few seconds Marcus hears a loud ringing in his ears followed by distant radio chattering. He shakes his head and tries to get his bearings. 

Marcus struggles to his feet and starts patting his body looking for wounds. Finding none, he checks squad 7. Porter is fine, and is currently watching the stairs, and the large smoking hole in the corner of the room. The other members of squad 7 are alive, but in various injured states because of the shrapnel from the metal walls, and wooden furniture of the room. Squad 1 rushes in and starts to help squad 7 out of the building. Squads 2, and 3 help secure the rest of the room. At this point the ringing in Marcus's ears finally stops, allowing him to start giving out orders.

"Get the wounded to the transports and get them treated. Squads 1, and 2 will make sure wherever that back door lead to is clear. Squads 3, and 4 with me."

Marcus nods at Porter, who nods back and falls in behind him. As they are about to head upstairs to clear it, Marcus hears Abby's voice on the radio.

"This is Squad 8, team one. I've spotted five figures that have run out of the hole in the wall, and have breached the perimeter during the confusion. They are about 100 yards south from the building, orders?"

"No raiders are allowed to escape, take them down."

There is a pause on the other end.

"Sir judging by their silhouettes, I believe that they are women and children. I can't be certain due to low visibility."

'Dammit! They could be prisoner escapees, and I almost had them shot.'

"Alright, i'll intercept them. Squad 8 will provide overwatch in case a fight breaks out."

"Copy that." 

Marcus tells Porter to lead the second floor clearing, and heads outside to the nearest raider bike. It's old and rusty, but doesn't look shot up, or damaged. Marcus goes to hotwire the bike, when he finds that the bike is already hotwired.

'Huh, guess it makes sense, the raiders probably just stole it.'

Marcus takes off the old trench coat and gasmask, hops on the bike, and takes off to the south. It only takes a minute before he sees the group of people. Marcus rides past them, and skids to a halt, blocking the way they were running and making them stop.

Getting a better look at them, there's a women in her mid thirties, two girls in their teens, and two boys around ten years old. They have no visible weapons, and are dressed in dirty rags. The women pulls the others behind her, a determined, cautious look on her face.

Marcus gets off the bike and holsters his gun. He raises his hands, and makes the most non threatening smile he can manage.

"Hey there, it's okay. I'm no raider, not going to hurt you."

The women looks at him with suspicion.

"Oh yeah? Who are you then?"

"I'm Marcus, captain of this group of mercs. We were hired by the nearby settlement of Langton to wipe out the Steel Tooth Gang."

"Okay. So, will you let us go?"

"Well I could, but it wouldn't be a great idea. You have no food, no water, not even a pair of shoes between the five of you. If you go off on your own, I don't believe any of you will make it. Come with us, and you'll get food, water, and we can arrange transport to wherever you need to go."

The women thinks for a while before eventually nodding her head. By the time Marcus makes his way back, the building has been completely cleared. Marcus settles the family in one of the transports, making sure they get food and water. Marcus then makes his way to Porter.

"Find anything?"

"There weren't any raiders left. On there was dozen of sleeping spots littering the floor with various piles of loot scattered about. The door the guy with dynamite came from led to a storage area, with boxes of supplies like food water, and ammo. There was also a large cage were they held prisoners. A hole was in the side of the cage. It was probably opened when the guy blew himself up."

"Sounds good."

Marcus then addresses the crowd of New Bloods.

"Alright everyone, good work. Now time for the fun part. Check all the vehicles around here, and see if you can't get them up and running. Then load everything you can find onto them. I want guns. I want food. I want anything that looks like it can be worth even a single credit!"

"We got one hour to get it done, so move it!"

After one hour, a convoy of 18 vehicles in various states of disrepair sped down an old dirt road at night. Stacked full of boxes, and tired mercenaries.