Chapter 5 : Return To The Takigawa Family

The mighty door swung open and an elderly with a slight hunchback appeared at the doorway.

He was a head shorter than Midori due to his age, but there was no escaping his sharp and attentive eyes.

The original host's memory regarding this person flowed into Midori's head, filling her heart with endless warmth. This elderly was the oldest servant in the Takigawa family.

As Western influences gradually permeated the Takigawa household, he adopted the title of "butler" to reflect his evolving role within the family.

The original host's childhood was a tapestry of contrasting experiences. She had faced the sting of punishment for her mischievous antics, but also felt the warmth of comforting pats and soothing words whenever tears streamed down her face.

In stark contrast, her own parents had remained aloof, their affections seemingly tethered to other pursuits, leaving her heart yearning for the love and attention she so desperately craved.

Tears welled in Midori's eyes.

"Onizuka-san," she said with a trembling voice. "It has been so long."

The doubt in the old servant's eyes slowly cleared up.

"Midori Ojou-sama*," his old face slowly broke into a smile. "Oh, Gods. I pray every day for your health and happiness. Midori Ojou-sama..."

Onizuka-san said nothing about Midori's tattered appearance. He had always been tactful and polite.

The elderly kept making odd movements like he wanted to hug Midori, but Midori was no longer a child. She had grown up to be an adult. It was no longer proper to treat her that way.

"Come in, come in..."

[Congratulations! ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠'⁠O⁠'⁠*⁠)⁠/ You have done a good job reuniting with Onizuka-san, the butler of the Takigawa family! This little initiative of yours earns you +10 points in Charm Points!]

S-9898's cheerful voice was heard in Midori's head.

Midori arched her brows silently at S-9898.

She could not speak openly, because then Onizuka-san might just think that she had grown insane.

What the hell is Charm Points? Is it not the same as Life Points?

Thankfully, S-9898 heard her just fine.

[No, Midori-san, of course not 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。. Charm points increase when the characters in the novel gain a favorable impression of you.

Life points will increase only if you make the right decisions to promote your life~]

Technically, when I manage to impress the characters, I am also promoting my life. Should you not grant me Life Points at the same time?

[Ah, ah, Midori-san, don't be greedy (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪. If you interact well with the members of the Takigawa family, you will easily gain both points one after another.]

Midori rolled with her eyes as she followed behind Onizuka-san. This stingy system!

Once she was no longer occupied with S-9898, Midori started to pay attention to the interior of the house.

At the heart of the foyer stood a grand circular table, its polished dark wood surface gleaming like a mirror. Upon its ample expanse rested a magnificent vase, its slender neck cradling a riot of vibrant blooms that burst forth in a symphony of color.

The tableau exuded an air of refined elegance, reminiscent of the grand foyers of Western hotels.

A graceful spiral staircase, its sweeping curves adorned with intricate carvings, beckoned upwards towards the second floor.

Yet, Onizuka-san guided Midori towards a doorway discreetly tucked away to the right, its polished brass handle hinting at the mysteries that lay beyond.

"Ojou-sama, kindly wait inside."

The heavy wooden door swung open, revealing a narrow passage that whispered of ancient secrets. Sunlight, filtered through the delicate scrim of rice paper screens, painted the passage in a soft, ethereal glow. Midori's footsteps echoed against the polished wooden floor, each sound a delicate intrusion into the stillness of the passage.

As she approached a sliding door, its surface adorned with a masterful painting of a rural landscape, Midori turned to address Onizuka-san, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. But the butler had vanished, leaving her alone in the hushed passage.

Swallowing hard, Midori gathered her courage and approached the sliding door, her hand trembling slightly as she reached for the sliding door. With a gentle push, the door yielded, revealing a room steeped in tranquility and understated elegance.

The living room floor was covered in tatami mats. A low wooden table sat at the center of the room, surrounded by several soft floor cushions that had been placed strategically.

A wooden shelf stood in a discreet corner of the chamber, holding various traditional tea-making utensils and several caddies to store different tea leaves.

Midori took her seat on one of the cushions and waited.

Before long, the door slid open and Onizuka-san returned with a lady whom Midori-san did not recognize. To be exact, the original host did not have any recollection of this lady.

In stark contrast to Onizuka's austere dark grey work kimono, which he had worn every day for the past three decades, the woman exuded an air of modernity and elegance in her stylish Western dress. The floral pattern adorning the fabric flowed gracefully from her shoulders to her ankles.

Her hair, as dark as a moonless night, was swept high atop her head, meticulously gathered into a graceful Japanese hairstyle that resembled a blooming lotus flower.

Despite her lovely appearance, she wore a cold expression on her face.

One fleeting glance at her glacial features was enough to convey her unwelcoming disposition.

"Midori-san, is it?" She asked with a haughty tone.

"That is correct," Midori replied without losing her ground.

She was Midori Takigawa, she told herself over and over again. She did not have to bow before anyone.

The woman flashed her a polite smile that bordered on a sneer.

"This is our first time meeting in person, but I have heard a lot of stories about you."

Oh? And what kind of flattering stories have you heard? Midori was burning to ask, but she kept her mouth shut.

The woman's lips twisted into a grin when she saw the slight change on Midori's face.

"It has been so long since you ran away from home, Midori-san. I am not sure why you are here."

Before Midori managed to formulate her answer, the door slid open again and another person appeared.


Midori's expression turned slightly sour before she put on a bright fake smile and beamed at the second woman who just stepped into the living room.

"Chie-san, nice to see you again."

The second woman had the look of a traditional Japanese woman from head to toe. Despite the angelic look that adorned her beautiful, motherly face, she was most definitely one of the evil people who bullied Midori into leaving the Takigawa family's residence three years ago.

Chie Takigawa, the first daughter-in-law of the family, the wife of Midori's eldest brother.


Author's note :

*Ojou-sama = Young miss from a renowned family.

**This is just an interjection in Japanese language. It means something like "Oh, my."