Chapter 11 : Meeting All Brothers At Once

Satoru's ashen face was gutwrenching.

Midori looked at him with glassy eyes.

"Satoru-kun, are you... angry with me? Are you disappointed to see what I have become?"

Satoru used his fingers to rake into his hair.

"No, I am just... surprised. Although..."

Satoru heaved a sigh. 

"We tried to find you, you know. We heard various stories from different sources, one worse than the other. Do you know that Arata-niichan became a police officer to find you?"

Arata was their third eldest brother.

Of course, Midori knew. In the novel, Arata was the one who found the original host's corpse and brought her back home. The chapter where he cradled his youngest sister's lifeless body and cried his eyes out was one of Midori's favorite scenes. Not that she wished to relive the scene. She would like to retain her life this time around, and would rather see Arata smile than cry.

Midori pressed her lips together.

"Neee, Satoru, tell me the truth. The other Onii-chans, are they angry with me?"

"If you want to know, why don't you ask us yourself?"

A cold voice was heard coming from the doorway.

Midori and Satoru both turned to look at the speaker, who was leaning casually against the doorframe.

It was Arata. Next to him were Midori's two other brothers, Shuugo and Minato.

These three brothers were born much earlier than their younger twin brother and sister.

Shuugo, the eldest, was thirty-two years old. After their parents' untimely demise more than five years ago, he took over the family business and founded a shipping company to expand the business to foreign countries.

Shuugo was the strongest support pillar of the Takigawa family right now.

Minato, the second eldest, was thirty years old. In his time a brilliant student with thousands of academic and non-academic achievements, he was one of the first batch of students who received scholarships from the Meiji Emperor to study abroad.

Having spent five years honing his medical expertise in foreign lands, he triumphantly returned to his homeland, Japan.

With unwavering dedication, he ascended to the helm of a prominent Western-style hospital in Tokyo, where he tirelessly championed the advancement of medical research and care in Japan.

His contributions were an indelible mark on Japan's swift medical modernization.

The author of "Dream Of The Ancient Period" was especially fond of this character. Although she agreed that all Takigawa family's children were attractive, she used to describe Minato with such flowery words every time he entered a scene, such as :

He stood tall and proud, his broad shoulders creating a commanding presence that filled the room. His raven-black hair, meticulously styled, framed his face, which was sculpted with the grace of a finely crafted sculpture.

His piercing almond-shaped eyes, deep pools of obsidian, held a captivating intensity, hinting at a depth of emotion and intellect that lay beneath his composed exterior.

His lips, sculpted into a subtle smile, revealed a hint of mischief and charm, adding to his undeniable allure.

He had defined muscles in his masculine build, hinting at an active lifestyle and dedication to maintaining his physical prowess. His skin, smooth and unblemished, bore the mark of his Japanese heritage, a warm, golden glow that complemented his raven hair and dark eyes.

In Midori's simplified words, Minato was a drop-dead gorgeous bishounen*!!! The kind of elder brother that any girl would want to marry when they grew up.

Among Midori's siblings, Arata stood out as the quietest and most observant, his words few but his heart brimming with unspoken affection for his family. Despite his reticent nature, his dedication to his siblings was unwavering, a flame that burned brightly beneath his stoic exterior.

Despite attaining a medical degree three years prior, Arata made an unconventional decision, setting aside his medical aspirations to embark on a career in law enforcement – one that would lead him to his long-lost sister in the original novel, albeit much later than what he had hoped for.

Midori swallowed hard when she came face-to-face with her three elder brothers.

"O... Onii-chan," she called out hesitantly.

All three of them broke into smiles in unison

"Which Onii-chan are you referring to?" Shuugo asked with raised eyebrows, his eyes were brimming with amusement.

"It has to be me, because I am the most handsome one," Minato remarked with a burst of laughter.

But it was Arata who, quiet as always, crossed the room to take Midori into his arms.

"Oi, oi, Arata! Did you not learn anything about respecting elders when you were young???" Minato shouted behind his back.

Arata did not seem to care. He held his sobbing sister in his arms, and placed a gentle kiss against the side of her head.

"Welcome back, Midori-chan," he said in a low voice.

Seeing that Arata did not plan to let Midori go, Shuugo and Minato decided to peel their youngest sister away from Arata's embrace.

"Uff, Midori, you have become fatter," Shuugo remarked when he tried to lift Midori off her feet out of habit.

"I have not!" Midori exclaimed.

"Shuugo-niisan, stop teasing Midori-chan," Minato said as he pulled Midori into his arms.

"Our baby sister is pregnant with our first nephew or niece. She can eat whatever she wants."

Oh, Minato, Midori sighed in her heart. He was most definitely one of Midori's most favorite characters in the novel.

Satoru's face crumpled at Minato's remark.

"Wait, how does everyone but me know about Midori-chan's pregnancy???"

Minato chuckled in amusement.

"Well, Satoru-kun, if you had been patient enough to listen to Chie-san's story to the end instead of bolting into Midori-chan's bedroom, you too would know."

"I-it's not my fault!" Satoru exclaimed. "I just missed Midori-chan so much. She has been away for way too long. Of course, I wanted to see her right away!"

"Speaking of being away for way too long, Midori-chan..."

Shuugo pinned Midori with a stare.

"You should not stay in the Takigawa house."


Author's note :

*Bishounen = handsome men in mangas, animes, etc.