Chapter 14 : Minato And The Snake

The sound of a metallic fork hitting the wooden floor caught everyone's attention. Her shock was so profound that her hand trembled, nearly sending her delectable caramel pudding tumbling to the floor.

"Midori Ojou-sama, did you hurt yourself?" Onizuka hurried to Midori's side with a concerned voice.

"I am fine," Midori said. "Just a little surprised."

Those words made Fumiko bloom like a red camelia flower in Grandpa Takigawa's garden no less.

She pressed a hand against the lower part of her face coquettishly while squeezing Minato's arm like a python would its prey.

"Ohohoho~ I am so sorry to startle you with the news, Midori-san! I did not have the chance to properly inform you during my self-introduction.

Minato-san and I have been dating for several months now. We are looking forward to getting married soon."

Midori's eyes shifted to her second eldest brother, who seemed to harbor more interest in his brandy than his almost-fiancee.

And then, she looked at a specific maid who stood at a corner of the dining hall.

Mai quickly lowered her head when she noticed Midori's eyes.

That was because Midori knew very well that Mai had been in love with Minato since forever.

Poor girl.

She had to watch the guy she liked being snatched away by the girl who bullied her.

"Fumiko-san has been living in this house for a while," Grandpa Takigawa observed, his eyes directed at Minato. "Minato-san, you better fix the wedding date as soon as possible. We don't want to give a bad impression to Fumiko-san's family."

Minato gave his grandfather a polite smile devoid of commitment.

"Of course, Grandpa," he said while raising his glass at the patriarch.

"Shuugo-san, come with me. We need to talk about several issues at hand."

Grandpa Takigawa rose to his feet after emptying the cup of sake. Shuugo downed his brandy and followed his grandfather obediently to the latter's Japanese-style living space.

Fumiko stuck out her tongue at Midori when no one was looking.

Minato looked at his wristwatch and commented, "Oh, it is already this late. I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow. It is not too late to catch the last train back to Hongo."

Fumiko's face crumpled like a ball of wastepaper.

"Must you go?" She tugged at Minato's arm in a spoiled manner. "Minato-san, we have yet to talk about our engagement party!"

Minato flashed Fumiko a sweet smile. He then gently extricated himself from Fumiko's eagle grip.

"Be good," he said. "I will return as soon as possible, and then we will finalize the date."

Minato then walked over to Midori and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Midori couldn't help but smirk at Fumiko, who stood across the room, her face flushed with a mixture of envy and indignation. Fumiko had hoped to receive more than just a polite smile from Minato, but Midori seemed to have captured all his affection that evening.

It was a small, negligible victory, but it was enough to satisfy Midori's ego.

"Don't forget," Minato winked at her before he left, referring to his offer to live together in Hongo. For a split second, Midori wondered if she should flaunt the offer at Fumiko's face, just to bully her further.

But then she recalled the delightful conversation she'd shared with Shuugo not long ago. It was already a struggle to elevate her position in his eyes, and she couldn't risk squandering valuable Charm Points for fleeting gratification.

"Onii-chan, I will drive you to the train station!" Satoru quickly grabbed his coat and trailed after Minato.

"Ah, thank you. Arata, coming or not?"

Arata shot Midori a brief glance before he too followed after his brothers.

"Un. I also need to go to work tomorrow."

As the last of the men departed, leaving behind a hushed dining hall occupied solely by women, Fumiko's cheerful facade evaporated, replaced by a scowl directed at Midori.

"Midori-san, don't just sit there acting like a guest. You can at least help to move the dirty dishes to the kitchen!"

The job was originally Mai's, so she quickly left her spot to take care of it. But before she had even walked three steps, Midori emitted an anguished moan.

"Ohhh my back... My arms! They are so sore. I think I need a massage. I heard that it is good for the baby. Pregnant women have a lot of mysterious ailments. You!"

Midori pointed in Mai's direction. "Come with me to my bedroom and give me a massage now."

Mai was stunned to hear the order, but she had no reason to say no. The two women thus walked away from the dining hall, leaving Chie and Fumiko behind.

Fumiko was stunned by Midori's boldness. It took a few seconds for her to process what had just happened before she exclaimed loudly, "That hateful girl! How dare she leave us with the dirty dishes!!!"

Midori's lips curled into a triumphant smirk as she slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty hallway. Mai followed closely behind, her anxiety growing with each step.

"Mai-chan," Midori called out to her as soon as they were alone in her bedroom.

"Why are you so cold and distant? Have you forgotten all about me?"

Tears welled up in Mai's eyes.

She bit into her trembling lower lip as she looked at Midori through a curtain of tears.


"Oh, cut the Ojou-sama," Midori said impatiently.

"You did not call me Ojou-sama before."


"I don't want you to call me Ojou-sama," Midori insisted. "Call me the way you used to, when we were children."


Midori grinned from ear to ear.

"Now that is my Mai-chan. Now, tell me, what is going on between that vixen and Minato-niichan? How did they end up having a relationship?"

Mai looked at Midori with desperation in her eyes. She tried to speak, but her voice was caught in her throat.

"Mai-chan, I am still your Ojou-sama, you know," Midori reminded the maid. "Fumiko is just a guest. A stranger in the Takigawa family, regardless of her upcoming engagement to my elder brother."

Mai couldn't hold back her tears any longer and blurted out, "Minato-bocchan* is being forced to marry that vile woman!"


Author's note :

*Ojou-sama = Young Lady

Bocchan = Young Master