Chapter 17 : Second Mission : Gain Akiyama Kinoshita's Approval

What was it that made a man a good prospective husband?

Most parents would like a man of agreeable temperament who exuded a sense of calm and understanding, capable of navigating life's challenges with composure and grace.

He should also harbor unwavering devotion to his family and impeccable character to pass on to his offspring.

The third most important quality that a perfect son-in-law must possess was financial stability, due to having a good livelihood on his own or swimming in wealth from the previous generation.

If someone had asked Midori what kind of man she wanted to marry prior to her transmigration, she might have said that she wanted someone who loved and pampered her dearly. Typically, he should also be handsome because Midori liked handsome men.

After she transmigrated, Midori's requirements for a perfect second husband were reduced to two -- he must prove to be a worthy son-in-law in Grandpa Takigawa's eyes, and he must accept the child in her belly as his.

With no other men to consider at the moment, Midori agreed to meet with Akiyama Kinoshita. According to the custom at the time, the initial meeting of two prospective partners must be attended by both sides' parents and a matchmaker to establish a connection between the two families.

The original host's parents already passed away and Grandpa Takigawa was too old to engage in such a formal event, so Shuugo and Chie came to accompany Midori to the tea house.

The trip from Takigawa family's residence to the tea house took almost three hours by car.

S-9898 used the chance to announce a new mission for Midori.

[Ding! Midori-san, good morning! System has finally decided the second mission for you! ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ

Second Mission : Gain Akiyama Kinoshita's Approval

Basic reward upon completion : +10 Life Points.

Basic punishment upon failure : -10 Life Points.]

Midori groaned.

"Do you have to do this?" She complained. "Kindly refrain from turning everything into a mission! As if the pressure on my shoulders is not high enough!"

[Really, Midori-san? You want to pass up chances to get more points?]


"Never mind. I will do it."

She needed to find a man who would agree to her peculiar conditions anyway. She was going to convince Akiyama-san to accept her and her child at all costs!

Despite being located in the bustling center of Tokyo town, the tea house maintained a serene and tranquil ambiance of old, traditional Japanese lodging.

When they pushed the entrance door open, they were greeted collectively by the tea house attendants who stood by the door.

"Welcome, esteemed guests," they said. "Welcome to the Bamboo Breeze Teahouse."

The smell of freshly brewed green tea and incense entered Midori's nasal passage as soon as she stepped a foot into the guest receiving area.

One of the tea attendants bowed before them and told Shuugo in a soft voice, "The Kinoshita family has already arrived. Takigawa-san, please allow me to direct you to the chamber."

Their path to the chamber led them through a charming walkway that was flanked by two rows of verdant bamboo trees. Clusters of purple wisteria blooms hung down the arched roof, enhancing the beauty of the walkway even further.

They stopped before a chamber.

The tea house attendant knelt before the sliding door and spoke in a soft voice, "Excuse me..."

The door was pushed open, exposing the Kinoshita family members who were already waiting inside.

Midori took note of the elderly woman who could only be the matchmaker. She was kneeling on a sitting cushion at the center of the room with two hands pressing against her lap.

A row of tea tables stood in front of her, the left side was empty but the right side had been filled with the prospective groom's party.

Shuugo greeted the elder man from the Kinoshita family as soon as he stepped into the chamber.

"Uncle Kinoshita, it has been a long time. How are you?" He said politely while holding out his hand for a handshake.

The elder man broke into a wide smile. He grabbed Shuugo's hand and laughed heartily.

"Shuugo-san, long time no see! I reckon that you must be busy handling that first shipment to England!"

"Ah... No, it is thanks to Kinoshita-san that everything went well according to the plan."

"Oh, the men," Madam Kinoshita clicked her tongue in reproach. "Are you here to talk about business or about marriage?"

"Right, sorry, sorry. Now, this must be Midori-san."

Midori stood under the scrutiny of Master Kinoshita's discerning gaze, her every detail carefully examined like a priceless artifact.

"A beautiful girl," he then concluded before turning to nudge the young man next to him. "Don't you think so as well, Akiyama-kun? Say something!"

Akiyama, the only young man who sat in the Kinoshita family row, looked rather disinterested. He pinned Midori with a haughty look, and said in a nonchalant tone, "Yes, she is."

Pleasantries were exchanged, where both parties complimented the beauty and the good breeding of both the prospective bride and groom. The prospective couple themselves remained perfectly quiet except for the occasional bows and saying thank yous.

The Japanese culture emphasized heavily on being polite to each other, especially in an official setting. Therefore, no mention was made about Midori's less-than-ideal circumstances.

It was unknown what Master and Madam Kinoshita thought about this matter, but the displeasure that was etched on Akiyama-san's face was difficult to overlook.

Out of fear that Akiyama might suffer from a heart attack if he suppressed his aggravation any longer, Midori opened her mouth and suggested, "Elders, may I please get to know Akiyama-san privately?"

While the elders were talking about the next steps, the youngsters were usually encouraged to get to know each other better.

Midori's request was thus met with a wave of resounding approval.

Before long, she was walking toward the bamboo walkway with an unhappy Akiyama toiling behind her.

"It must be difficult to endure," Midori spoke up. "I am here to listen if you wish to talk."

Akiyama stared at Midori.

"We have some distant relatives in Tsukigata, so we inquired about you before we came here to meet you."

His gaze narrowed into icy slits as he scrutinized Midori from head to toe, his disapproval radiating from his every movement.

As she was being placed under Akiyama Kinoshita's judgmental gaze, Midori wondered if it was too late to cancel the mission.