Chapter 27 : Grandpa Takigawa's Approval

After lunch, Akiyama dutifully sent Midori home to the Takigawa family's residence.

As always, when the men talked among themselves, the women were not allowed to be present.

Midori thus went back to her bedroom to take a nap. Tomorrow was, after all, going to be a long day.

In the afternoon, she asked Mai to prepare her a bath. Today's bath time was special because Mai had a piping hot story to share.

"Ojou-sama, something happened while you were taking a nap," she said with eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Oh, really, what is it?"

"Fumiko-san was sent home early with a harsh message from the academy's headmistress. She wailed for hours, citing injustice and horrible punishment."

Mai broke into a round of giggles.

Midori had to press a hand against her lips to suppress her blooming smile.

"Is that so? Oh my," she retorted, as if she didn't know anything about it and was hearing the news for the first time.

It was said that good friends shared a burden. Fumiko could at least rejoice that her two good friends were also punished in a similar way.

When Midori came downstairs and passed by the living room, Grandpa Takigawa called out to her.

"Midori-san, do join us."

Inside the living room, Grandpa Takigawa was having tea with Shuugo and Satoru -- Shuugo smiled at her, Satoru waving at her to come closer enthusiastically.

"Excuse me," Midori said when she stepped onto the tatami floor and took her seat between her brothers.

"I do not entertain the thought of a Takigawa family's daughter working outside," Grandpa Takigawa said with a concerned furrow between the brows. "On the other side, teaching is a noble profession and you are helping Madam Kinoshita greatly. I fully approve of your decision."

"Thank you, Grandpa," Midori said while bowing her head slightly.

"We are all just rather curious about your English skills. When did you start learning English?" Shuugo asked.

Midori flashed her elder brother a sweet smile.

"The Koishikawa family tends to a wagashi* store. They often had foreign customers who came to make an order or buy the wagashis on the spot. I learned little by little when I forced myself to converse with the customers directly."

The three men oooh-ed in unison.

"Amazing, I must say," Shuugo commented. "I often interact with foreign trade partners, but my English proficiency is limited, barely enough to finalize deals."

In fact, Shuugo had been doing it for five years now.

Satoru put an arm around Midori's shoulders and rubbed her arm affectionately.

"Awesome~ Midori-chan, I never knew that you were so talented!" Satoru squealed. "If only you went to study abroad with me... Ah!"

Satoru quickly clammed up. He sneaked surreptitious glances at his grandfather, worried that the patriarch might flare up.

The stubborn old man acted like he didn't just hear Satoru's words. He cleared his throat and continued talking to Midori instead.

"I understand that you teach in exchange for a re-education in the womanly arts?"

"That is correct, Grandpa," Midori confirmed. "Grandpa's words from last time struck me deeply. I have neglected my responsibility to practice my skills, rendering all the hard work I put into my school years obsolete. Therefore, I wish to make amends for my mistake."

Grandpa Takigawa nodded in assent several times.

"Wonderful. Wonderful. Just what I expected from a daughter of the Takigawa family. To err is human, but not everyone is blessed with the courage and the opportunity to turn their life around. Midori-san, I am very proud of you."

"Thank you, Grandpa. On the other side, I have not even yet begun with my first day of work. Therefore, I want to beg everyone to not share this news with anyone else yet. It will help reduce my nervous bouts."

Shuugo laughed heartily.

"Alright, Midori-chan. We will keep our mouth shut. We won't tell another soul about your new career."

"It is not a career," Grandpa Takigawa interjected. "Midori-san is doing this to get close to the Kinoshita family. Madam Kinoshita favors her greatly, and Akiyama Kinoshita came to meet me today, citing his interest in pursuing Midori-san."

Both Shuugo and Satoru stared at Midori.

"Akiyama-san? What a surprise," Shuugo said.

"Eeeeeeh~? Is Midori-chan getting married soon? But she just came back!" Satoru's expression soured, and his cheeks puffed out into a petulant pout.

"That's not all," Grandpa Takigawa said. "Akiyama-san has declared his willingness to adopt the child in your belly, Midori-san. As you wish, you no longer have to give the child away.

You now have two men who are actively pursuing you.

Are you going to rekindle your marriage with Ryouichi Koishikawa, or are you entering into a new relationship with Akiyama Kinoshita?"

Both Shuugo and Satoru watched Midori closely, as if she could decide on the spot.

Beaming graciously at the men at the table, Midori then stated, "I am honored to have these two men vying for my hand in marriage. I shall carefully consider both of them before I make my decision."

"That is very wise," Grandpa Takigawa concurred. "Please take your time, Midori-san. But do not take too long. It is best to proceed with the marriage before the child is born."

"Yes, Grandpa."

After dinner, Midori received a phone call from Minato.

"Midori-san, I heard that you were in Hongo today," her second eldest brother spoke into the phone. "Why didn't you come to pay me a visit?"

Midori's lips curved into a smile at Minato's words.

"Onii-chan, I did not want to ambush you in the middle of the day. Besides, it was a weekday. You must be busy at work. You surely have no time to entertain your little sister."

A chuckle came from the other end of the phone.

"Stop making excuses. We need to at least have lunch together the next time you come to Hongo. Come to my hospital anytime. You know the address, right?"

"Yes, Onii-chan," Midori smiled to herself.

It seemed that she already secured a meal partner for the following day.


Author's note :

*Wagashi is a traditional Japanese confection that is often served with green tea. It is typically made from plant-based ingredients, such as rice flour, mochi, sugar, nuts, beans, and fruits. Wagashi is known for its delicate appearance and subtle flavors. It is often made with seasonal ingredients and reflects the beauty of nature.