Chapter 43 : Midori's Artistic Talent

A tense silence filled the room as Arata and Inspector Serizawa locked eyes. The inspector's voice held a grim certainty as he addressed his subordinate.

"Takigawa, you understand the workings of these criminal organizations. They are meticulous in their operations, rarely leaving a trace or a witness alive."

Afterward, he turned to speak to Midori.

"Miss Takigawa, You have been fortunate to escape their notice, but I fear your luck may not hold forever."

Arata, sensing his sister's distress, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Inspector, Midori-chan is pregnant right now. The visit to Kagemachi and the interrogation must be very exhausting for her. Please allow me to take her home where she can rest and recover."

Inspector Serizawa's expression remained grim.

"While I understand your concern, Takigawa, I'm afraid returning home might not be the safest option. Miss Takigawa's testimony is crucial to our investigation, and placing her under police protection is the most prudent course of action."

"With all due respect, Inspector," Midori countered quickly, "I understand your concerns, but I believe remaining at home is the safest course of action.

Nearly three months have passed since the incident, and I've continued living peacefully in the Koishikawa house. If they believed that I posed a threat to them, they would have acted by now.

Placing me under police protection would likely attract unwanted attention and potentially provoke them into silencing me."

"That is why you didn't want to go to the police station," Arata stroked his chin thoughtfully, clearly impressed by Midori's insightful analysis and quick wits.

Midori's smile lit up the room as she playfully quipped, "I only learn from the best, Onii-chan."

Inspector Serizawa exhaled a weary sigh. "Indeed, tact is of the essence. Miss Takigawa's safety is paramount. We shall compile a list of individuals with chest-borne dragon tattoos, focusing on those who were present in Kagemachi around the time of the incident."

Midori, ever resourceful, interjected again, "Perhaps I can be of further assistance. If you allow, I can sketch the dragon tattoo on a piece of paper. It might help narrow down the search significantly."

All Midori needed was a blank piece of paper and a graphite stick.

The two police officers watched in silent fascination as Midori got to work.

With practiced ease, she transformed the blank page into a canvas of memory, wielding the piece of graphite in her hand like an extension of her will.

"Takigawa, you never mentioned to me that your sister could make sketches," Inspector Serizawa leaned closer to his subordinate and spoke through his teeth.

"I... Honestly, it is also news to me," Arata answered nervously.

"I know police officers who have been honing this skill for five years already, and none of them can draw half as well as your sister."


Arata did not know what to say.

"And she made no single mistake too. She drew like she had the exact tattoo in front of her eyes. Amazing."

Inspector Serizawa was usually not generous with compliments, but even he could not keep from praising Midori to the moon and back.

"Could it be that she started making sketches since childhood?"

"... I don't think so, Inspector..."

To his knowledge, young Midori exhibited neither specific talent nor special interest in painting or sketching.

Arata had to admit that Midori's transformation during her three years at the Koishikawa household was astonishing. Not only did she become fluent in English, but she also emerged as a gifted sketcher!

With seemingly effortless strokes, the sketch bloomed into existence. The once barren paper now held a breathtaking dragon tattoo, its every detail meticulously captured in a mesmerizing display of artistic skill.

"Here you go," Midori said once she was done.

The sketch was laid down in front of both men, who gaped at the sketch for a long while. Once he overcame his surprise, Inspector Serizawa cleared his throat and rolled the sketch together.

"Thank you, Miss Takigawa," he said. "You draw very well. Have you ever considered joining the police force as a sketcher?"

Midori grinned.

"Is that a job offer, Inspector?"

"Naturally. We will compensate you handsomely for your service."

"Inspector, it is unbecoming of a young lady to work at the police station," Arata interjected with a frown. Midori's choice to teach at St. Anne's Academy was controversial enough. The mere thought of her taking a position in a police station was mind-boggling.

"Takigawa, don't be too conventional," Inspector Serizawa followed up with a booming laughter. "Japan is changing rapidly. Women these days can do anything. Believe it or not, the unmarried daughter of my neighbor is planning to open a store on her own. Granted, her family is unhappy, but I think that she is remarkable."

He then turned to Midori with a fatherly grin. "Besides, Miss Takigawa is practically a national talent. She should be allowed to develop her skills in a good environment. Don't worry, Takigawa -- we will never put her in harm's way."

"I will consider the offer, Inspector," Midori replied with a smile.

"Please do. Well now, excuse me. I need to go back to the headquarters first."

Inspector Serizawa rose to his feet with a slight groan. "I am going to submit this sketch to our database section. Takigawa, meet me in my office tomorrow. We need to put that list together."


"Onii-chan, it is late. Do you mind if I spend the night here?" Midori asked Arata.

Arata shook his head.

"Not at all. You can stay for as long as you want. I will make a call to the main house to inform everyone."

"It's only for one day, Onii-chan," Midori said with a smile. "Tomorrow is Thursday, I need to be at St. Anne's Academy to teach my English class."