Chapter 47 : The Kinoshita House

Leaning against the car window frame, Midori had to press her sleeve against the lower half of her face to suppress her smile.

Akiyama's newfound charm and eloquence were a stark contrast to the bad temper he displayed back then, when he claimed that asking for Midori's hand in marriage was a humiliating act.

When the car pulled out at a great Japanese estate bearing the elegant carvings of the Kinoshita name, Midori could not help but frown.

"Why are you taking me to your family home?" she asked Akiyama.

"Although I am proud of my own tea preparation skills, I feel that a special woman like you should receive her lessons directly from the master."

An elderly servant opened the door for them. He bowed and greeted both Akiyama and Midori, as if it was not his first time seeing Midori in the Kinoshita family's residence.

"Akiyama-bocchan, Miss Midori Takigawa, Old Master is already awaiting your arrival."

Old Master? Old Master Kinoshita, as in the patriarch of the Kinoshita family?

A knot of nervousness tightened in Midori's chest, prompting her to rub her hands together in a comforting friction. Meeting someone new always brought a flutter of anxiety, but offending an important individual might just cost her precious Charm Points!

Akiyama, sensing the tremor in Midori's hands and the stiffness in her posture, reached out and gently enveloped her hand in his, his touch a silent reassurance.

"Don't worry," he said, his voice a soothing balm. "Grandpa is a close friend of your own grandfather. He would never be unkind to you."

Midori pulled her lips into a stiff smile.

She lost several Charm Points on the spot when she failed to maintain her stand before her own grandfather!

Midori secretly scolded herself in her heart.

Why, oh why, did she let herself be swayed by Akiyama?

She should have insisted on staying in St. Anne's Academy... Screw the balance. She could practice the art after she mastered the techniques...

The remaining color in Midori's face drained away when she entered the vast living room.

Meeting Grandpa Kinoshita alone was intimidating enough.

The room was filled to the brim with the entire Kinoshita clan, a sea of faces ranging from wizened elders to curious young children. As the door slid open, a collective gaze turned towards her, pinning her to the spot with the weight of their scrutiny.

Among them, there was an elderly who radiated an aura of authority akin to Grandpa Takigawa. It was this man who, sensing the stifling awkwardness that threatened to suffocate Midori, intervened like a benevolent force.

"Why are you all still here?" He asked with a gruff voice. "You are scaring my guest."

A round of giggles broke in the room, and the amassed crowd started to scatter.

Takiko emerged from another entrance and sucked in a deep breath when she saw the amount of people pouring out of the living room.

"Akiyama-san! I thought we agreed to meet in the tea room!" She gave her son an evil eye before she pulled at Midori's elbow and led her closer to Grandpa Kinoshita.

"Sorry, Midori-san. Everyone is so excited about Akiyama-san's future wife. After hearing that Akiyama-san plans to bring you here, they just have to take one look at you. I hope you don't mind."

Oh, she didn't mind. She just had to swallow at the sudden weight of expectations.

"Father, this is Midori-san," Takiko introduced her to her father-in-law.


The patriarch of the Kinoshita family eyed her from head to toe with a lot of interest.

"So you are Juzo's granddaughter," he remarked.

Juzo was Grandpa Takigawa's first name.

"I am Midori."

Midori put her hands together in front of her and bowed her head as a sign of respect.

"Nice to meet you, Old Master Kinoshita."

"Takiko-san said that you are currently teaching English at St. Anne's. It is nice to see another accomplished young woman in Japan."

"Thank you very much, I am not worthy of Master's praises."

The older generation in Japan presented a curious conundrum.

They openly reprimanded their younger family members, albeit with a veiled sense of affection, strongly believing that it was a sign of their deep concern and love.

Naturally, lack of familiarity and care prevented them from openly criticizing outsiders. Their silence, however, did not equate to acceptance or a lack of judgment.

Old Master Kinoshita, despite highlighting Midori's merits, held a keen awareness of her shortcomings. His seasoned eyes, honed by years of experience, saw through the facade, meticulously evaluating her character beneath the surface. While he offered praise in public, his internal assessment remained sharp and discerning.

It was a traditional dance in Japanese society. A timeless ritual, passed down through generations, its movements unchanging and unyielding, like the ancient foundations upon which their culture was built.

Beyond his stately demeanor, Old Master Kinoshita was far from being a typical elder of a well-off Japanese family. His life achievements, proudly displayed on the walls as certificates and medals of honor, revealed a man of remarkable versatility and accomplishment.

Born and raised in a samurai lineage, Old Master Kinoshita played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's history. He stood at the forefront of the Boshin War, leading the Emperor's armies against the shogunates in their quest to overthrow the Tokugawa regime.

His passion extended beyond the battlefield, as he became a staunch supporter of Kabuki, guiding the art form through turbulent times in the Meiji Era. His unwavering dedication ensured its continued survival and flourishing in the face of various challenges.

But Old Master Kinoshita's contributions did not end there. He was a driving force behind the establishment of St. Anne's Academy, demonstrating his commitment to education and future generations. Additionally, he nurtured a deep love for the art of tea ceremony, actively promoting its preservation and appreciation.

"I heard that you are here to re-learn the art," he spoke. "Before we start, why don't you show me what you can do?"

Oh, crap.

Midori screamed in her head.

S-9898, I need to access my Character Interface!!!

[Gladly, Midori-san!!!]

Time froze, giving Midori a few seconds to regulate her breathing.

What to do, what to do, what to do?

She threw a glance at her point stand.

Life Points : 230 Points.

Charm Points : 130 Points.

Creativity Points : 46 Points

Pink Love Points : 2700 Points.

Red Love Points : 0 Points.

Wait a minute.

They were in the Kinoshita family residence.

She was dealing with the patriarch of the Kinoshita family.

A glimmer of understanding flickered in Midori's eyes.

Praying with all her might, Midori clicked on her points and the store opened up before her. Among the list of unnecessary rewards she could get, she found the one she needed at that very moment.