Chapter 79 : The Headline (1)

"Headmistress Kinoshita is kind enough to remind me of the 300 Yen I have yet to return to the three young women who were scammed in my name."

Midori reached into her pocket and pulled out three envelopes, each containing the sum of 100 Yen.

"Are the mothers of Sara Kitashiro-san, Michiko Aozora-san, and Kako Yukishiro-san present?" She asked, her gaze flitting across the women who stood before her.

The three mothers in question drew visibly taut as soon as their daughters' names were mentioned.

The prospect of the other parents learning that their daughters had attempted and failed to cheat on the exam, a double whammy of disappointment and disgrace, was too much to bear.

They would rather forfeit the money than let the news ripple through the community, a sacrifice made to shield their children from the sting of public humiliation.

Unfortunately, these mothers knew each other. Naturally, they also knew the names of each other's daughters.