Becoming Mrs Holloway

In the car headed to the family court, William turned to look at Elara and said, "I hope you understand that I am not asking you to marry him because I don't want you, it's for the good of the family."

Elara, with a nonchalant tone, replied, "Hmm."

"Imagine the good life you will live as Mrs. Holloway," William continued, his gaze fixed on the road. "You will be respected everywhere you go."

Elara, her skepticism evident, retorted, "Whatever you say, Dad. I know this is only for your selfish reasons. I wonder if you would have done this if Mom was still here."

William, feeling annoyed, snapped back, "Well, she is no longer here. It's my duty to take care of you and make sure you have the best opportunities."

Elara responded with a dismissive "Hmm, okay."

Not knowing what else to say, William chose to stay quiet, and there was a dead silence in the car until they reached the high walls of the family court.

As the car glided through the city, the rhythmic hum of the engine was the only sound until they reached the imposing walls of the family court. The anticipation in the air was palpable as Elara stepped out, her white dress flowing gracefully. William followed, a mix of determination and unease in his demeanor.

Inside, they waited in the hallway for Vincent Holloway to arrive. After what seemed like an eternity in William's mind, Vincent Holloway appeared in his electric wheelchair, with Gabriel walking beside him. Elara scanned Vincent, surprised by how handsome he appeared despite his clearly sickly body. He exceeded the images she had seen in magazines, resembling a god descending from the heavens. Vincent wore a cold, indifferent expression on his face.

When they reached Elara and William, Gabriel greeted, "Good morning, Mr. Morgan, Miss Morgan."

William, with a fawning smile, replied, "Good morning, Mr. Holloway. Sorry about my daughter's behavior last time."

Gabriel, keen on efficiency, intervened, "Let's get things done. Mr. Holloway has a meeting to attend."

William concurred, saying, "Yes, this way, please."

The group proceeded into the courtroom, the air thick with a mix of formality and tension. The judge, seated at the bench, looked up as they entered. The legal proceedings commenced, the words echoing in the sterile space.

Vincent's gaze remained impassive, his features revealing little emotion. Elara couldn't help but wonder what thoughts hid behind those steely eyes. The legalities unfolded, decisions were made, and the binding agreement took its formal shape.

As the court proceedings concluded, Elara found herself legally tethered to Vincent Holloway. The weight of the commitment settled on her shoulders, and the gravity of her decision became all too real.

The trio exited the courtroom, Vincent's electric wheelchair rolling silently across the polished floor. Elara cast a fleeting glance back at the room that had sealed her fate. The hallway outside felt like a corridor of inevitability, and as they left the family court behind, Elara couldn't shake the feeling that the path she had chosen was leading her into uncharted territory.

Outside the courtroom, William attempted to break the awkward tension, saying, "Well, I guess we are now family," accompanied by an awkward chuckle. Vincent Holloway turned to look at him with a cold, piercing gaze.

Gabriel, serving as Vincent's spokesperson, interjected, "Mr. Morgan, I'm afraid you have to keep this marriage a secret." William, disappointed that he couldn't boast about his daughter's union with the wealthy Vincent Holloway, nodded and replied, "Oh, I understand. Mr. Holloway values his privacy."

Gabriel acknowledged, "I'm glad you understand." Finally, Vincent spoke, his voice possessing a captivating quality that held Elara's attention. He looked at her and said, "The driver will pick you up with your things in an hour."

Elara, taken aback by Vincent's commanding presence, stammered, "Moving in already?"

Vincent, with a hint of amusement, responded, "That is what married people do."

Elara lowered her head, acknowledging his words with a subdued, "Okay." The air grew heavier as Gabriel and Vincent entered their car and drove away, leaving Elara and William standing in the aftermath of the life-altering court proceedings.

With a deep sigh, William turned to Elara and said, "Well, I guess you better get ready. It's a new chapter now." Elara, grappling with conflicting emotions, nodded silently, realizing that the secret marriage bound her to a future that remained veiled in uncertainty.

As William walked to his car, he nonchalantly said, "Take a cab home; I have to rush to the office." Elara simply nodded, watching the car drive away, leaving her standing alone. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she contemplated the path her life had taken.

In that moment of solitude, Elara thought about the uncertain future that awaited her as Mrs. Holloway. The intricacies of her new life were a mystery, and she was acutely aware that challenges and adversities might lay ahead. Despite the uncertainties, one thing was clear in her mind—she was determined to protect herself from any kind of harm.

No one, not even the influential Vincent Holloway, had the right to infringe upon her well-being. Elara vowed silently to stand up against any odds that might threaten her peace and happiness. In the midst of this forced union, she found solace in her own resolve and the strength to carve out a future that she could navigate on her terms. The journey as Mrs. Holloway had begun, and Elara was prepared to face whatever lay ahead with resilience and a steely determination to shape her destiny.

As Elara hailed a cab and settled into its confines, she closed her eyes, allowing a flood of thoughts to wash over her. Amidst the chaos, one thing stood crystal clear — a burning desire for revenge.

In the solitude of the cab, Elara contemplated the emotional abuse she had endured from Cecilia and Isabella. The attempt on her life, the poison-laden vomit sealed in a bag, lingered as a vivid reminder of the danger she faced within her own home. Away from the toxic environment, Elara saw an opportunity to carefully plot her revenge.

She envisioned a strategic and calculated retaliation against Cecilia and Isabella. The pain she had endured would not go unanswered, and she was determined to make them pay for every tear shed and every moment of anguish they had caused her.

On another front, her thoughts shifted to Enchanted Entertainment. Despite the company being a dormant shell, Elara harbored ambitions of transforming it into the preeminent entertainment entity in the country. The challenge excited her, and she saw an opportunity to not only build a thriving business but also to establish herself independently of the toxic dynamics of her family.

As the cab navigated through the city, Elara's mind was a whirlwind of plans and aspirations. The wheels of revenge were set in motion, and the seeds of Enchanted Entertainment's future success were firmly planted in her determined thoughts. The journey ahead was uncertain, but Elara embraced it with a newfound resolve and a burning determination to shape her destiny.

Elara arrived home and immediately headed to her room. The familiar click of the door locking behind her signaled a momentary escape from the disquiet that dwelled within the walls of her family's mansion. The room became a refuge, a sanctuary where she could sift through the fragments of her life and contemplate her next steps.

Carefully packing her belongings, Elara focused on preserving the tangible memories of her mother. Each item held sentimental value, a connection to a woman whose presence lingered in the echoes of the past. The act of packing felt like a silent homage, a gesture to honor the legacy overshadowed by the tumultuous affairs of the Morgan family.

Choosing simplicity over extravagance, Elara deliberately left behind the opulent trinkets that never resonated with her. The grandeur of her family's wealth seemed inconsequential compared to the weight of emotional baggage she carried. Her suitcase filled with the essentials, leaving the excesses behind in the luxurious surroundings she was eager to escape.

In the midst of this solitary endeavor, the familiar ringtone of her phone pierced the room. Elara's face brightened as she answered the call, greeted by Evelyn's enthusiastic voice. The news of an audition injected a dose of optimism into an otherwise challenging day.

**Evelyn:** *Hey bestie, I have great news for you. I've secured an audition for you. It's a small role but noticeable on the screen.*

**Elara:** *Thank you, Evie. You're a star.*

**Evelyn:** *No, I want to turn you into a star.*

Their laughter reverberated through the room, a momentary escape from the gravity of the situation. Yet, as the conversation unfolded, Elara felt compelled to share her recent experience.

**Elara:** *I got married today.*

**Evelyn:** *Oh yeah, so you're now Mrs. Holloway.*

**Elara:** *I prefer keeping the marriage private.*

In the intimate exchange with her best friend, Elara found solace and support. As she embarked on a journey away from the familiar, the prospect of a budding acting career and the unwavering friendship with Evelyn illuminated the path ahead, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty.