Setting Boundaries

In the subdued ambiance of the dining room, Elara took her place in a seat opposite Vincent, the table adorned with an array of delectable dishes. The room, once an arena of anticipation, now held the quiet hum of expectation.

As Elara quietly dished up her plate, Vincent's gaze remained fixed upon her. His contemplative eyes hinted at a curiosity that transcended the boundaries of their newly intertwined lives. Amid the subtle clinking of cutlery and the fragrance of the prepared feast, an unspoken dialogue lingered in the air.

Sensing the weight of Vincent's gaze, Elara, with a calm demeanor, addressed the unspoken question. "Is there something you would like to say?" Her words hung in the air, a gentle prompt for any sentiments he might wish to share.

Vincent, caught off guard by the directness, hesitated for a moment before offering a simple revelation. "My mother and sister will be back in three days," he stated. Elara, unfazed by the revelation, responded with a composed "Okay," acknowledging the impending return of those integral to Vincent's life.

With the revelation hanging in the air, Vincent proceeded to focus on dishing up his own plate. The clatter of cutlery against porcelain became the backdrop to the unspoken understanding that their worlds, though entwined, carried layers yet to be unraveled. As the silent exchange continued, the dining room held within it the potential for a journey into the depths of the unknown, a journey they were now undertaking together.

In the aftermath of the shared meal, Elara delicately selected specific dishes, creating a mental map of her culinary preferences. Isaac, the astute butler, observed her choices, noting the nuances of her palate for future reference.

Once her plate was cleared, Elara, lifting her gaze to meet Vincent's, confronted the lingering question that hovered in the air. "Why?" she inquired, her tone carrying a subtle mix of curiosity and directness.

Vincent, maintaining his characteristic cool demeanor, responded with a succinct, "Why you?" Elara, undeterred, pressed on, seeking clarity in the enigmatic circumstances surrounding their union. "Yes, why me?" she reiterated.

Vincent's reply, delivered with an unyielding chill, revealed a pragmatic motive. "No reason, I just needed a wife to make my mom happy." Elara, sensing the inadequacy of the response, probed further. "Out of all the women, why did you choose me?" she questioned.

"Why shouldn't I choose you?" Vincent retorted, his response veiled in an air of indifference. Recognizing the futility of extracting genuine motives from him, Elara acknowledged the lack of emotional foundation in their union. "We need to set a few boundaries since it's clear to both of us that this is not a marriage made out of love," she asserted, steering the conversation toward establishing the parameters of their unconventional alliance.

Vincent, in response to Elara's terms, subtly maneuvered his wheelchair backward, adopting a posture of detached attentiveness. Folding her arms, Elara asserted her conditions with a calm resolve. "We stay out of each other's lives," she declared firmly, laying the foundation for a boundary-laden coexistence. "You are not allowed to enter my room or get close to me in any kind of way."

Vincent, considering the implications, questioned, "Then how do you plan we convince my mother about our marriage?" Elara, unwavering, retorted, "That is your problem, not mine."

A flicker of coldness entered Vincent's eyes, a rare manifestation of irritation. Undeterred, Elara continued, revealing her plans for the immediate future. "I will be pursuing a career in acting. I would appreciate it if our marriage remained a secret until we get a divorce."

"Divorce?" Vincent echoed, his tone betraying a hint of incredulity. Elara affirmed her stance, stating, "Yes, after one year. I am young, and I can't stay in a loveless marriage for my entire life." Taking a breath, she outlined the terms of their cohabitation. "For the year we are married, I will respect our marriage. No flirting or entertaining men for any reason. I require you to do the same. If you happen to find someone you love within that year, let me know so we can process our divorce faster."

Vincent, his emotions hidden beneath his customary indifferent facade, absorbed Elara's terms. The unspoken tension lingered in the air, marking the beginning of a peculiar agreement between two individuals bound by circumstance rather than choice.

Vincent, seemingly unfazed by Elara's conditions, responded with a curt, "Is that all?" Elara affirmed, stating, "Yes, if I think of something later on, I will inform you." Vincent, with a hint of detachment, presented his own set of conditions. "Never question my actions. Do not enter the study or my bedroom," he declared. Elara, maintaining her composure, asked, "Is that all?" Vincent's concise response was, "Yes, for now." Elara, acknowledging the terms, remarked, "Perfect. Seems like we have reached an understanding."

With that, she stood up and announced her intention to rest. Vincent, observing her ascent with an amused detachment, could discern the underlying fear in Elara's eyes, despite her attempt to project strength. He was content with the agreed-upon conditions, appreciating the prospect of maintaining his privacy. The marriage might be an inconvenience, but circumstances left him no choice.

Turning to his butler, Isaac, Vincent issued instructions. "Get her a driver and her personal maid," he commanded. Isaac dutifully responded, "Yes, sir." Vincent, with a final directive, added, "If she does anything out of line, inform me." Isaac acknowledged the order with a respectful, "Yes, sir." The unspoken tension between the newlyweds lingered, each bound by their respective conditions and the uneasy truce forged for the sake of convenience.

Vincent wheeled himself to the elevator, his thoughts consumed by the conditions Elara had laid out. Surprisingly, he found himself content with the arrangement, secretly hoping that during the year of their forced union, she would find the protection she sought. The unknown threat that lurked in the shadows bothered him, and he despised the feeling of uncertainty that had settled within him.

Entering his study, Vincent contemplated the peculiar circumstances that had led to this arrangement. The marriage, born out of necessity, brought with it an unexpected sense of security for both parties, albeit for different reasons. As he navigated the complexities of the situation, Vincent couldn't shake the feeling that this union held more significance than a mere contractual agreement. The mysteries surrounding Elara's predicament and the peculiarities of their arrangement would undoubtedly unfold over time, shaping the course of their unconventional marriage.

Vincent's voice resonated with authority as he received a call, his attention diverted to urgent matters beyond the confines of the mansion.


Gabriel's voice crackled through the phone, bearing news that demanded Vincent's immediate attention.

"We have news about his whereabouts, sir."

Vincent's response was a contemplative hum, indicating the gravity of the situation and the gears turning in his mind.

 "What is your order, sir?"

Vincent's decision was resolute, and he wasted no time in issuing commands.

"Prepare the jet; I will be going there personally."

However, Gabriel, ever the loyal aide, expressed concern about the perilous nature of the mission.

"But, sir, the men can handle him. It's too dangerous for you."

Vincent's response was sharp, reminding Gabriel of the chain of command and the authority vested in him.

"When did you get the authority to question my command?"

Quick to acknowledge his place, Gabriel swiftly apologized.

"My apologies, sir."

Vincent proceeded with his instructions, leaving no room for hesitation.

"Get everything ready and prepare more men to guard the mansion."

Gabriel dutifully complied, seeking further guidance.

"Yes, sir. Do you wish to have someone tail ma'am?"

Vincent, considering the situation, decided against involving Elara in the immediate proceedings.

"Not for now."

With a concise acknowledgment, Gabriel accepted the instructions, and the call concluded with a simple "okay." Vincent, now focused on the impending mission, wheeled himself toward the next course of action, his mind shrouded in the complexities of his responsibilities.

Vincent's actions were deliberate as he opened a drawer, revealing a small, carefully placed pill. The significance of that tiny object was evident in the intensity of his gaze as he examined it. His breath caught sharply, a momentary vulnerability that belied the stoic facade he often presented.

In his hand, he held more than a mere pill; it was a lifeline, a fragile buffer against the encroaching grip of his illness. The fact that he only had one left added an extra layer of urgency to his contemplation.

Vincent's hope rested on finding the elusive miracle doctor, the creator of these precious pills. It was a quest for a remedy, a search for a solution to the ailment that lurked within him, threatening to resurface. The impending uncertainty of his health loomed large, driving him to seek answers and assistance before the last vestiges of his current defense against the illness faded away.

In that quiet moment, Vincent's determination became palpable. He wasn't just a man of wealth and power; he was a man grappling with his mortality, willing to go to great lengths to secure a future free from the constraints of his ailment. The quest for the elusive doctor became a race against time, a pursuit of the miraculous healer who held the key to Vincent's tenuous health.