
Elara drove to pick up Evie, finding her waiting outside. As Evie hopped into the car, she teased, "I thought your husband would drive you." Elara sighed, saying, "Can you just stop calling him that?" Evie, undeterred, continued with her banter, "Girl, I have to say, your husband is very handsome but scary." Elara shook her head, focusing on the road.

Upon arriving at the venue, they encountered a queue of people already waiting. Evie remarked, "Wow, Director Smith really attracts people." Elara explained, "Everyone wants to be in his movies." Evie, optimistic, added, "If you get this role, you'll be known throughout. You'll get more roles." Elara confidently asserted, "Don't worry; I will get this role." The air was filled with anticipation as Elara prepared to showcase her talent in the audition that held the potential to propel her into the spotlight.

As Elara approached the audition venue, she noticed familiar faces in the crowd—actors and actresses whose performances had graced the big screen. Director Smith, known for his impartiality and commitment to talent, treated everyone on a level playing field. In his movies, there were no back doors, no shortcuts, regardless of an actor's or actress's level of fame.

The air was charged with anticipation and nervous energy as aspiring talents from different backgrounds, each with their unique journey in the entertainment world, gathered to audition. Director Smith's reputation for discovering hidden gems in the industry had attracted a diverse pool of talent, creating an environment where merit and skill would be the ultimate determinants.

Elara took a moment to absorb the atmosphere, recognizing that this audition could be the pivotal moment that propels her into the next phase of her career. The presence of seasoned actors around her only heightened the stakes, but she held onto the belief that talent and determination would be recognized, irrespective of the actors' backgrounds or fame.

As she entered the audition space, Elara felt a mix of excitement and nerves. The opportunity to audition on the same platform as established actors brought a sense of equality and possibility. Director Smith's casting decisions were not swayed by celebrity status; rather, he sought authenticity and skill.

In this moment, amidst the buzz of auditions and the camaraderie of aspiring actors, Elara felt a surge of determination. She was ready to showcase her talent and prove that she deserved a place on the big screen, just like anyone else in the room. The audition was not just a chance to land a role; it was an opportunity to break barriers and establish herself in an industry that recognized talent over fame.

Elara swiftly took her audition number, her mind already buzzing with the lines she had rehearsed. Standing in line, the room filled with the sounds of fellow actors immersed in practicing their lines. However, Elara, with her phone in hand, seemed to be engaged in a different kind of preparation.

Evie, standing beside her, observed the unconventional approach and remarked, "You don't want to practice?" Elara, without looking up from her phone, replied, "No, I've practiced enough."

The girl standing behind them, overhearing Elara's response, couldn't contain her skepticism. She scoffed and boldly declared, "If you think you'll use that face of yours to get a role, I suggest you go back home."

Evie, not one to back down, retorted, "What are you trying to say?" The girl dismissed Evie, stating, "I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to her. So, this has nothing to do with you."

Elara chose to ignore the provocations and continued playing games on her phone, unfazed by the negativity. The girl, irritated by being ignored, huffed and returned her focus to reading her script. In the midst of this silent tension, Elara maintained her calm, mentally preparing for her audition in her own unique way.

As the auditions commenced, the room was filled with a mix of emotions. Actors and actresses took their turns entering and exiting, some with tears on their faces, revealing the challenging nature of Director Smith's casting process. Known for his bluntness, he spared no emotions when delivering his critiques.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a sudden commotion drew everyone's attention. Two women walked in, causing a ripple of surprise among the crowd. To Elara's amazement, one of them was Sophia Davis, a star whose fame had skyrocketed after two highly successful movies. Accompanying her was her manager, Zoey Gray.

Sophia's presence created an air of intimidation in the room. The other aspiring actors and actresses couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear. Sophia's acting prowess and established fame hinted at the possibility of her securing the lead role effortlessly.

As the auditions progressed, the dynamic in the room shifted. Sophia's entry added an unexpected layer of competition, injecting both excitement and trepidation into an already charged atmosphere. The aspiring talents were now not only vying for Director Smith's approval but also contending with the looming shadow of a seasoned actress who had already made her mark in the industry.

As Elara's number was called, she exchanged encouraging words with Evie before entering the audition room. To her surprise, Sophia Davis, a renowned actress, also followed suit. Director Smith glanced at the two women and called out, "Number 25."

Elara, responding to her number, said, "That's me." However, before she could begin her audition, Sophia confidently declared, "I have to rush somewhere. Can I take her place? She will audition after me."

Director Smith, not one to tolerate deviations from his process, stated, "That is not how it works." Sophia, with an air of authority, turned to Elara and commanded, "Get out. You will come in after I am done."

Elara, not easily intimidated, questioned, "Why should I do that?" Sophia, leveraging her fame and experience, asserted, "Because I said so."

Director Smith, growing impatient, urged them to settle the matter quickly. Elara, rather than engaging in a confrontation, scanned Sophia for a moment before deciding to walk out. She recognized Sophia's attempt to use her status to assert dominance but chose not to let it disrupt her focus. As Elara exited the room, the clash between the emerging talent and the established star set the stage for an unexpected rivalry.

Outside the audition room, Evie anxiously approached Elara, asking, "What happened?" Elara, maintaining her composure, assured Evie that it was nothing she couldn't handle.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Sophia Davis attempted to leverage her fame and experience to secure the lead role without auditioning. Confidently, she told Director Smith, "Director, I don't think I have to audition. This role was made for me." Director Smith, known for his no-nonsense approach, questioned her assertion, asking, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Sophia, hoping to bypass the audition process, moved closer and argued, "I have the reputation and experience. My face alone would make sales." Director Smith, unyielding in his commitment to talent over celebrity, countered, "You are wrong. My name will make the sales. Now, are you auditioning or not?"

Sophia, realizing her attempts to avoid the audition were futile, sighed with annoyance. She reluctantly took the stage and announced, "I will audition for the female lead." Director Smith, unimpressed by status and determined to uphold the integrity of the audition process, simply replied, "The stage is yours."

Sophia, with her undeniable talent, impressed Director Smith during her audition, securing the coveted role effortlessly. Director Smith, acknowledging her performance, clapped his hands and praised, "Wonderful... you got the role. I will contact your manager for contract signing."

Sophia, reveling in her triumph, confidently declared, "I told you the role was mine." With a victorious smile, she confidently exited the audition room, leaving an air of anticipation among the remaining hopeful actors.

Outside, Sophia encountered Elara and couldn't resist delivering a taunting message, "If I were you, I would go back home and lick my wounds." Elara, unfazed by Sophia's provocations, chose to ignore her, maintaining her focus on the audition ahead.

Meanwhile, in the audition room, the competition intensified. Some aspiring actors, discouraged by Sophia's success, contemplated leaving. However, Elara remained determined, waiting for her turn to showcase her acting prowess and prove that talent could triumph over fame.