Vincent's Indifference

In another private room located down the corridor, Isabella, Ella, and Ava were having dinner. Among the three girls, Ella's family was the richest, followed by Ava. Isabella excitedly shared her news, "Dad has arranged a meeting with Director Smith. I will be on the big screen soon." Ava responded with enthusiasm, "That is great news, Isabella!" Isabella continued, confident in her aspirations, "I am the next movie queen; you will see." They both laughed, but then they noticed that Ella seemed quieter than usual.

Ava inquired, "What's wrong, Ella?" Ella hesitated before bringing up the topic, "Isabella, I heard your sister got married." Isabella, dismissing the connection, scoffed and retorted, "Stepsister... and why ruin the night by mentioning her." Ella said, "I am just curious." Ava added, "I saw her driving a Tesla once. She must be married to someone very rich." Isabella, weaving a tale, said, "Don't tell anyone, but Elara married an older man." 

Ella, intrigued, asked, "An older man?" Isabella continued with a fabricated story, "Yes, you know she gave Dad a hard time, throwing tantrums, not eating, and threatening to self-harm, so he could allow her to marry that sugar daddy."

Ella, aware that Isabella was weaving a false narrative, decided not to expose anything. Her crush on Vincent was her secret, and even her friends didn't know about it. Ava commented, "That sugar daddy will get tired of her and leave her soon." Ella questioned, "Would your dad take her back home?" Isabella scoffed and replied, "Dad is not stupid. She will be left on the streets for all we care. She chose that path herself and Mom really tried to reason with her. But she kept reminding her that she wasn't her mother, so Mom let her be. She is no longer allowed at home."

Ella smirked; she had gleaned the information she wanted. Her curiosity about Elara's life had been fueled by a secret crush on Vincent, one she kept well hidden. To her, Vincent was no "sugar daddy"; he was a handsome man of 30. Dinner continued, and Ella found herself in a better mood, fueled by the satisfaction of her newfound knowledge.

Later that evening, as Isabella was leaving the restaurant, her eyes quickly caught sight of someone familiar. Without hesitation, she hastened toward the figure, realizing it was Vincent, accompanied by someone unknown to her. She called out, "Mr. Holloway!" Vincent, in his electric wheelchair, turned around to face Isabella. Greeting him with a polite "Good evening, Mr. Holloway," Isabella inquired, "I just wanted to know how Elara is. She hasn't come back home ever since she got married."

Vincent's unyielding silence left Isabella feeling a bit embarrassed. Luke, sensing the tension, decided to intervene, "I have to go, Vincent. See you soon." Vincent acknowledged him with a simple "okay." The driver assisted Vincent into the car, meticulously placing the wheelchair in the boot.

Isabella stood there, annoyance evident on her face. She couldn't comprehend why Vincent, seemingly indifferent to her charms, had chosen Elara over her. Undeterred, Isabella made another attempt, "You should come and have dinner with us. Dad misses her very much." Vincent continued to ignore Isabella's pleas, and with that, his driver smoothly drove away, leaving Isabella standing alone in her unfulfilled endeavors.

Ella, who had observed the encounter from a distance, approached Isabella with a smile, sensing her annoyance. "What's wrong, Isabella? You look annoyed," Ella inquired. Isabella forced a smile and responded, "It's nothing, just saw someone I know." Ella nodded understandingly and said, "I see... anyway, I have to go." The girls then went their separate ways.

Ella contemplated the situation, wondering about Isabella's motives. Could it be that Isabella also harbored feelings for Vincent? The thought was unsettling to Ella, who couldn't fathom another woman vying for Vincent's attention. Closing her eyes, she began devising a plan to deal with the Morgan sisters. The revelation that one was married to Vincent while the other had an apparent interest sparked a wicked idea. Ella chuckled evilly, confident that her plan would be the key to handling the situation. Despite her jealousy, Ella was prepared to tolerate some dalliance as long as she ended up with Vincent in the end.

Isabella arrived home, her anger still simmering from the encounter with Vincent. Cecilia, her mother, noticed her daughter's frustration and inquired, "What's wrong with you?" Isabella grumbled, "It's that bitch Elara." Cecilia pressed further, asking, "What did she do?" Isabella retorted, "Nothing. I'm just annoyed she's married to Vincent Holloway. Mom, you said you had a plan."

Cecilia questioned Isabella's persistence, remarking, "You still want him, your sister's second hand?" Isabella defiantly asserted, "Mom, I don't care. Vincent is unlike any other man." Cecilia, attempting to plant doubts, suggested, "Have you thought about the possibility of him being impotent since he is in the wheelchair?" Isabella brushed off the concern, stating, "I don't care. I'll get someone on the side. Do you know how far the title of Mrs. Holloway could take me?"

Cecilia, understanding Isabella's ambition, nodded and said, "I know, sweetie." Isabella continued to vent, "Then make it happen, Mom. I am the one who deserves to be Mrs. Holloway. And you know, I saw Vincent tonight. He ignored me, Mom. Am I not beautiful?" Cecilia reassured her, "You are the most beautiful girl in Everwood. He's blind for not seeing that."

William returned home, and Isabella eagerly inquired, "Dad, how did your meeting go?" William beamed with good news, "I have good news, honey. I managed to secure the third lead role for you." Isabella, though not entirely thrilled about the role, understood that being new to the industry meant climbing the ranks gradually.

Cecilia chimed in, "This is good news, Isabella. You will slowly make your way to the top." William added a caveat, "But you have to audition for the role." Isabella protested, "What? I have to audition?" William affirmed, "Yes, you have to. I told you, Director Smith is not easy." Isabella tried to negotiate, "But Dad, didn't you give him money?" William explained, "I did, but he insisted you audition. However, you'll have a private audition with him and the scriptwriter. You won't have to wait in those long queues."

Isabella reluctantly accepted her fate, "Well, what choice do I have? Okay, when is the audition?" William reassured her, "Tomorrow. Don't worry; I will be there too." Isabella, feeling the pressure, exclaimed, "So soon! When will I get to read the script and practice?" Cecilia encouraged her, "You are a born star, honey. You can do it."

Later, William handed Isabella the script and suggested, "I suggest you go and practice now." Annoyed at the unexpected audition, Isabella took the script and retreated to her room. Cecilia turned to William and expressed dissatisfaction, "You couldn't do better than that?" William defended, "You know the company is going through financial troubles; I couldn't offer a lot of money." 

Cecilia reminded him of his promises, "When you married me, you promised that you would make sure Isabella got everything she wanted." William sighed, "I know, but there is no money." Cecilia, undeterred, pressed him, "That daughter of yours is married to Vincent Holloway. He promised you a deal. How is that going?" William admitted, "He hasn't contacted me." 

Cecilia, sensing an opportunity, urged, "He made a promise. You fulfilled your end; now it's time for him to do the same. Contact him. That deal could turn everything around." William agreed, "I will contact Elara instead and ask her for a meeting. That Vincent Holloway guy gives me chills even through the phone." Cecilia approved, "Good idea. Invite Elara and Vincent here for dinner. Then you can use that chance to discuss the deal."

As Isabella retreated to her room to practice for the unexpected audition, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The opportunity, though not the coveted lead role, was a stepping stone in her budding career. Still, the lingering bitterness over Vincent's apparent indifference gnawed at her. Cecilia, observing her daughter's frustration, pondered the complexities of the situation. Isabella's obsession with Vincent had become a persistent source of concern, but Cecilia recognized the potential leverage the marriage could offer. It was a delicate balance between ambition and personal vendettas.

Meanwhile, William contemplated the financial challenges of securing a prominent role for Isabella. His plan to secure a deal with Vincent Holloway, tied to Elara's marriage, held promise. As he considered reaching out to Elara for a meeting, he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling Vincent's presence evoked.