Newly Weds' Rings

 The jewelry store salesman approached Vincent, Elara and Angela with a polished smile. "Good afternoon! Is there anything particular I can show you all today?"

Angela's eyes lit up as she pointed eagerly to a glimmering necklace under the glass. "I'd like to see that gorgeous necklace please!" 

The salesman nodded. "An excellent choice, miss. That particular piece is valued at one million dollars."

"Oh I don't know if that's in the budget..." Elara started hesitantly but Angela cut her off.

"That's okay! My brother is going to buy it for me. Right, Vincent?" She batted her eyes winningly at him.

Vincent chuckled. "If you fancy it that much Angel, of course."

The salesman continued smoothly, "And perhaps something for your beautiful wife as well, sir? A sparkling bracelet or rings to compliment the lovely lady?" 

"Oh no, that's not nec—" Elara again tried protesting politely before Vincent raised a hand.