Mrs Ward's Matchmaking

Ella arrived home in a fury after witnessing Vincent and Elara exchanging wedding rings. She felt utterly betrayed seeing the man she loved devote symbols of commitment to another. 

Stomping inside, she breezed past her mother in the living room with two unfamiliar men. 

"Young lady!" Mrs. Ward scolded. "What have I told you about properly greeting elders?"

Ella halted and reluctantly doubled back. "Good evening," she muttered.

As she turned to storm off again, her mother added, "Come join us actually. We were just speaking of you."

Ella hesitated, not recognizing her mother's guests. But the commanding tone left little room for refusal. With a resigned huff, Ella pivoted and went to sit stiffly on the edge of the couch, anxious to escape to the privacy of her bedroom. Yet it seemed Mrs. Ward had other plans, piquing Ella's curiosity about what awaited discussion now.