Serendel Royalty?

The next morning, Elara awoke once again inexplicably in the proper bed instead of on the couch. At this point, she had become accustomed to mysteriously finding herself tucked under the blankets there each day. She noted the calming scent clinging to the linens seemed to help her sleep deeply. 

Elara supposed Vincent must retreat to one of the mansion's numerous extra bedrooms himself after she drifted off. Surely the staff moved her to the more comfortable bed on his whispered instruction without Mrs. Holloway realizing. 

Stretching as sunlight peeked through the curtains, Elara rose refreshed from another restful night. She freshened up before going downstairs to go join the family for morning breakfast.

Mrs. Holloway smiled warmly. "Good morning, Elara. You look quite refreshed today."

Elara returned the smile. "I feel very well - I slept wonderfully."