Investigating Elara Thoroughly

After Luke's abrupt departure, Vincent returned to his study, the dutiful Gabriel trailing behind. Still troubled by the strange encounter with Luke, Vincent wasted no time issuing new orders. 

"Gabriel, I need you to put together another report on Elara - this time I want even more details about her background and family history. Leave no stone unturned. Have the full dossier on my desk by tomorrow evening."

Gabriel raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. He had thoroughly vetted Elara prior to her marriage to Vincent, but knew better than to question. "Of course, sir. I will get started right away."

Vincent nodded in dismissal and Gabriel withdrew from the study, privately puzzled by this sudden renewed interest in Elara's past. What had sparked his employer's urgency? Gabriel had noticed the tense exchange between Vincent and Luke. Perhaps that man had seeded doubts about Elara in Vincent's mind.