In Search Of Immortality

The man paced angrily, his fury palpable. "How is it possible my top agents cannot locate one girl?" he thundered. 

His subordinate shrank back under the verbal assault. "Sir...we've searched and swept the entire region. Almost everywhere-"

"Almost!" the man roared, wheeling on his cringing lackey. "That's the problem, isn't it? You blundering fools have searched almost everywhere but still manage to miss her!" 

His chest heaved from the force of his outburst. With visible effort, he wrangled his rage under control once more. "I am running out of time," he bit out through clenched teeth. "And resources. I need that girl found without further delay."

The subordinate trembled, face pale at having borne the brunt of his master's wrath. "Y-yes sir," he stammered. "We will keep searching and find her, I swear it. We won't fail you again!"

The man turned away, a muscle feathering his jaw. "See that you don't. Now get out of my sight."