Outshined By A Newbie

As Director Smith prepared to shoot the first scenes, which involved only Elara's character Amber, a hushed anticipation filled the set. Despite Elara never having attended acting school or landed major roles before, the director had decided to spotlight her with a series of emotionally intense solo scenes allowing Amber's dark and twisted psyche to emerge.

Crouched behind the cameras, Isabella watched resentfully as Elara took her mark with poised grace. Isabella knew better than anyone that Mr. Morgan had refused his adopted daughter's acting ambitions for years. She suspected Vincent had intervened somehow to secure Elara this coveted break instead of her having to struggle like other aspiring stars. 

Why did everything come so easily to the waifish upstart? Isabella's sharp gaze remained locked on Elara like a hawk as the director prepared to call action, ready to relish the inevitable failure about to unfold.