Angela Is Kidnapped (2)

Gabriel sprung into action, swiftly coordinating with the security team to gather CCTV footage from the surrounding area. He knew time was of the essence, and every second counted in their efforts to locate Angela and her friend.

Vincent sat in the car, his jaw clenched with tension as he waited anxiously for updates. The minutes felt like an eternity as Gabriel and his team worked tirelessly to access the footage that could provide crucial clues about the abduction.

Finally, Gabriel returned with a laptop in hand, his expression grave as he approached Vincent. "Mr. Holloway, we have the CCTV footage," he said, his voice tinged with urgency.

Vincent nodded, his heart pounding with apprehension as he leaned forward to study the screen. The footage flickered to life, showing Angela and her friend walking along the bustling streets, their laughter echoing through the air.