Time Is Ticking

When Vincent and Elara arrived home, the atmosphere was already charged with emotion as the Hartfields awaited their return. Emma's parents stood anxiously, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

As they stepped through the threshold, the Hartfields rushed forward, their faces wrought with worry. Emma's eyes were swollen from tears shed during her ordeal, but now they gleamed with relief as she embraced her parents tightly, seeking solace in their comforting arms.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Holloway," Mrs. Hartfield exclaimed, her voice trembling with gratitude as she held tightly onto her daughter.

Mr. Hartfield echoed her sentiments, his voice thick with emotion. "We are forever indebted to you. We will never forget this. Thank you for bringing our girl back to us," he expressed, his words carrying the weight of profound gratitude.