The Culprit

The tension was palpable as Vincent allowed Marina and Luke to go in first to see Elara, while he stayed behind with his family members. After a few minutes, they emerged, their expressions somber. It was Vincent's turn, and he entered the room with his mother Mrs. Holloway and sister Angela by his side.

The sight of Elara's sleeping form, hooked up to various machines, both angered him and filled him with profound sadness. The anger, he could deal with - he would channel it into finding out who was responsible for this heinous act. But the sadness, the possibility that Elara's dreams of motherhood may have been shattered, that would remain with him for a very long time.

When they exited, Luke fixed Vincent with a hard stare. "Are you going to handle this, or should I?"

Vincent met his gaze steadily. "I will." Turning to Gabriel, he instructed, "I need all the information in my hands before the day ends."

"Yes, sir," Gabriel replied with a nod.