
As the gravity of the situation unfolded, Zoey realized she had no choice but to accompany Sophia in confronting Elara at the hospital. As Sophia's manager, she was bound to stand by her client's side through this ordeal, no matter how precarious it became.

In the car, an uneasy silence hung in the air, until Zoey finally broke it. "Do you really think Elara is capable of digging up so much private information about you and Mr. Brown?"

Sophia's jaw tightened, her expression resolute. "It has to be her. She's the only one with a motive."

Suddenly, Zoey's phone rang, shattering the tense quiet. She answered with a terse, "Hello."

A stern male voice crackled through the line. "Zoey, I need you and Sophia at the company now."

Zoey's brow furrowed. "Mr. Johnson, we're trying to sort this situation out."